Thursday, January 26, 2012

Handheld Metal Detectors And Stun Batons Are Security Guard Essentials

Security guards are often trusted with securing not only a person or business’s property but often they are in charge of securing people’s well-being and ultimately their lives. Security guard is a profession that is sometimes looked at as being “cushy” and I think it is a bit unfair when you consider exactly what is being asked of these security professionals and oftentimes the responsibility that is bestowed upon them, especially when you consider what many of them are earning. Any wise business owner that is employing security guards should definitely consider arming these brave men and women with 2 things, and those are stun batons and handheld metal detectors.
Let’s first discuss the importance of handheld metal detectors and why they are an absolute must for some security personnel. Obviously these metal detectors are not going to be useful for all security professionals but any that are in charge of screening people when they enter an establishment should have one without question. Handheld metal detectors are reasonably inexpensive, especially when one considers that we are talking about a device that can literally save lives, require no special training to use and are extremely effective in detecting even the tracest amounts of metal. They are also self-calibrating which means they don’t have to have their sensitivity settings messed with on a constant basis. The alternative to these security scanners is of course to have security professionals do the old fashioned pat down at the door which is more time consuming, ineffective and potentially uncomfortable for both security guard and patron alike.
Stun batons are something I think a much larger group of security guards should possess. After all, security guards are often the first, last and only line of defense and this could potentially mean involving themselves in a physical altercation. For the salary most of these professionals are making the least their employers could do would be to arm these professionals with a means of defending themselves in an effective, non-lethal, humane and legal way. This can all be accomplished with a stun baton. Stun batons, like all stun devices work by incapacitating the attacker using a very powerful, yet non-lethal current of electricity that interrupts and disables the attacker’s neurological pathways. Stun batons are another device which take no special training to operate and are a much better alternative to firearms or fists in the event of an attack.
If you are a security guard or have security professionals in the employ of your company please make sure these brave men and women are armed with one or both of these devices as it could very well mean the difference between life and death.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see handheld metal detectors or stun batons please visit us online.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Dear Valentine, I got you this stun gun flashlight because I care

Dear Valentine,
While other men are out buying cards, candy, and flowers for their wives and/or girlfriends (hopefully not both) like a bunch of unoriginal, mindless drones I have decided to go an altogether different route. This Valentine’s Day I have decided to show you that I truly care by getting you something you can really use, is totally original and unique, and unequivocally says I love you.
Sweetheart, I couldn’t help but notice that you are not a bat and as such cannot maneuver around in the dark so well. Fortunately for you this stun gun flashlight is exactly what the first half of its name implies, a flashlight. Not just any flashlight either but a sturdy, ultra-bright one.
Darling, do you remember when you called me in the middle of the night whilst you were stranded on the side of the highway having to change a tire all by your lonesome? I’m sure you do as I remember hearing the panic in your voice as you explained to me the danger you were in with the cars whizzing by, enveloped in pitch darkness. I worried so much for you that it was almost unbearable. Now we can both put our minds at ease because this stun gun flashlight comes with a detachable red cone that can be used to increase your visibility during roadside emergencies.
My Love, although this device, amongst other things, is a stun device that can be used to disable an attacker at close range it absolutely makes me quiver to think of you so close to a potentially dangerous individual. That is why this stun gun flashlight also comes equipped with an ultra-loud, 130 decibel alarm. If a bad guy should approach and you know his intentions are to harm you, simply press the alarm button and anyone in a quarter mile radius is going to know something is amiss. More importantly the bad man will know that everyone in the area knows something is amiss and will most likely turn tail and flee for fear of being seen and ultimately apprehended.
Schmoopie Bear, now if that man should continue to approach, even after you’ve sounded the alarm I want you to remember one very important thing and that is that this device, above all other things, is a 200,000 volt stun baton. If he doesn’t want to treat his fellow humans with the respect they are due then you need to help teach him a lesson with these 200,000 volts. And remember, voltage does not kill which is what makes these stun devices so humane, they simply incapacitate and almost never leave the attacker with any long term negative side effects. So that’s it, I hope you enjoy your gift.

Your Valentine

To send your valentine a stun gun flashlight or see where to buy stun guns please visit us at Puzek Security Systems.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dear Outdoorsmen, Please Use Guard Alaska Bear Spray Instead Of Firearms. Thanks, Bears of America

Dear Outdoorsmen,
Hello, we are the free-roaming, wild bears of America and we are writing to you in hopes of avoiding a major disaster. The major disaster being one or both of us winding up severely injured or potentially even dead if our paths should accidentally cross.
For many years now there has been a wonderfully effective alternative to shooting us with a firearm should we happen to come face to face. This alternative is Guard Alaska bear spray and we would all much prefer being sprayed with this bear repellent spray than be sprayed with bullets. You see, bullets have a nasty habit of killing us bears and many of us would rather not die as we ourselves have families to help raise. It would certainly behoove you humans to carry such a product If you are out camping or hiking in areas populated by us bears and would otherwise have no protection whatsoever. See, we don’t attack out of anger; we usually attack because you’ve startled us and we are just acting out of instinct, so please don’t take the inevitable mauling personally.
Guard Alaska bear spray works in much the same way as pepper spray does on you humans. It causes us great pain and swelling in our eyes, nose, mouth and throat, causing us to turn tail and run. However, much like with humans and their pepper spray, we will fully recover after about 20 minutes and the spray will leave no permanent effects. Guard Alaska is also the only bear spray registered with the EPA as proven effective on all species of bears, and that’s good news as there are fortunately still a few types of us in this country. Guard Alaska is also environmentally safe and contains no ozone depleting chemicals which is great for both of us as we both need to live on this planet and we’ve already done quite a bit to destroy it, no? We don’t want to come off as rude here but technically we bears were here first and you’ve already chased us and/or completely destroyed about 98% of our original habitat. We are just trying to find a humane, environmentally safe, and non-lethal alternative to you shooting us or us mauling you.
So please do all of us bears a favor and never even think about shooting my friends and I with a firearm when you have this wonderful product at your disposal and that can be every bit as effective as that firearm would be without having to kill any of us. And please do yourself a favor and never head out to any area you know to be populated by my buddies and I without bringing along Guard Alaska bear spray so that we don’t have to get all violent with you.

Bears of America

To buy bear spray or other animal repellents please visit us online.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Apartment Alarms Help Replace the One Thing That Renters Insurance Cannot, Your Peace of Mind

I am in the business of home security devices, specifically apartment security devices, and time after time I receive orders from customers that have already been the victim of a burglary to their apartment and hence I feel as though I’m assisting them just a bit too late. Don’t get me wrong, it is never too late to install an apartment alarm system it is just that one of the wonderful benefits of installing such a system is never having to feel that horrible feeling of insecurity after a break-in has already occurred, and unfortunately when most people decide to install a security system.

The reason so many people fail to install apartment alarms is because oftentimes people don’t even realize such devices exist. People are obviously aware, and understand the importance of alarm systems for single family homes but few, for whatever reason, are aware or understand the importance of apartment alarms. The fact of the matter is that an apartment is far more likely to be broken into than is a single family home and installing an apartment alarms is far more easy and far less costly than the average security system for a single family home.

Another reason I think apartment alarms may take a back seat in peoples mind is because many renters will secure a renters policy and leave it at that in regards to securing the apartment. Renters insurance is wonderful and should absolutely be purchased before moving into any new residence but that alone isn’t going to protect perhaps the most valuable item of all, your peace of mind. A renter’s insurance policy can replace the new 50-inch flat screen, the appliances, jewelry, and furniture but it won’t replace that awful feeling of being violated that one will naturally feel after a burglary has occurred. I have never had to experience that horrible feeling that one must surely feel the night after a break-in has occurred. Trying to go to sleep and not knowing who was in your residence last night and more importantly whether or not they intend on coming back. What really pains me though is that this feeling of insecurity could have been so easily avoided had the victim simply installed a 20 dollar door guard alarm.

Most apartment alarm systems cost about the same as a decent toaster and take less time to install than that toaster takes making toast. Often, especially if one is not in a garden apartment, a simple door guard alarm on one or more doors (depending on the layout of the apartment) will suffice.

So please, if you or someone you love is renting, don’t just stop at purchasing a renter’s insurance policy and take the time and small amount of effort to secure and install a simple apartment alarm system.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more apartment alarms please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dear Seniors, Please Don’t Buy Personal Alarms. Signed, The Criminals Of The World

Dear Seniors,
We are writing to you in hopes of reaching some kind of agreement in regards to the personal self-defense craze that has been sweeping the nation, I’m speaking of course about personal alarms. These trusty little alarms have greatly impeded our ability to attack you and rob you of your cash and valuables and we have mouths to feed, namely our own as we care little for others well-being. With their ultra-high decibel alarms they attack a great deal of unwanted attention to the scene and seeing as we are trying to commit a crime we would much rather not have that unwanted attention. Unwanted attention usually brings the police or at the very least other people looking to help and that just doesn’t sit well with us as we are sure you can understand.
You see, we criminals like to take the path of least resistance when finding someone to mug and we just assume that Father time has slowed you all down enough to make it much easier to take your belongings than say a 30 year-olds’.
These little personal alarms, that usually come in the form of a keychain (making them nearly impossible to forget at home), can register decibel levels that are roughly as loud as a rock concert (125-135 dB’s). That’s great for you as it makes the device extremely effective but that noise really gives us criminals a scare and that just doesn’t seem right to us. More often than not, when we hear a noise that loud while we are about to attack you we will probably just turn our cowardly little tails and run in the opposite direction for fear of being seen and ultimately apprehended. If that happens how are we going to take your watch and pawn it?
Also, these trusty little devices are completely safe to carry as they do not operate by incapacitating us like a stun device, Taser or handgun might, so I guess for that we can be somewhat grateful but the end result is still us either getting arrested or at least leaving the scene empty-handed and that makes it very difficult for us to buy the drugs we are probably addicted to.
I hate to even throw this out there but these personal alarms almost always come with a little flashlight as well and that makes them a very handy tool when trying to unlock a door at night. So even if we never get around to trying to take your wallet or purse there is still great use for these alarms even if you never have to be in the unfortunate situation of using the alarm against us.
So in closing I would just like to say please do not purchase one of these alarms as it makes it extremely difficult to mug you.

Criminals Of The World

To buy personal alarms or see more items of self defense for seniors please visit us online.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Looking For A Unique Valentines Gift? Try The Cell Phone Stun Gun

Valentine’s Day is rapidly approaching and that means millions of Americans will once again dash out to the local Hallmark store or order flowers online or perhaps buy a box of chocolates with a little teddy bear with a little heart on its chest. Their way of saying ‘I love you’ to their significant other or at the very least “I like you enough to buy what every other jerk is buying their significant other today’. So if you like your significant other just enough to get them something that lacks any imagination whatsoever please feel free to get them a box of chocolates, or roses or just some mass produced Hallmark card that is exactly like the one that thousands of others are getting their boyfriend or girlfriend, that way they will know you care just enough.

However, if you really want to get your significant something completely and utterly unique and thoughtful, a gift that says ‘I care about you and your well-being and I would hate for anything to happen to you’ you may want to consider getting that significant other of yours a cell phone stun gun. I know what you are probably saying to yourself and that is ‘how in the heck am I supposed to give a stun gun to my girlfriend or boyfriend on the most romantic of all holidays?’. Well let’s think about it shall we? What is really romantic about a card or box of candy? What is getting a box of candy saying to your significant other, I hope you get fat so here’s some candy? What can possibly be more romantic than protecting your significant other from potential attack? Nothing in my opinion. When you give the gift of a cell phone stun gun you give an entirely unique gift which automatically shows you’re not just some mindless drone that gets their valentine the same dang thing that every other mindless drone has been classically conditioned to give like one of Pavlov’s dogs.

Your valentine might at first assume you have given him or her a cell phone as even on the closest of inspection this device appears to be just that, a cell phone. Once he or she realizes that it is in fact a 4.5 million volt weapon of thoughtful, humane, non-lethal, and extremely effective self-defense they will no doubt know that they have the greatest, most thoughtful valentine around, they will also most likely wish they had gotten you something besides a crummy card. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To send your sweetie a cell phone stun gun please visit your friendly online stun gun dealer.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Is Pepper Spray Right For You?

Being in the non-lethal self-defense business my responsibility has always been to help protect innocent people defend themselves against potential attackers through non-lethal means. When discussing non-lethal self-defense the talk often turns to the 2 most popular and most effective self-defense weapons, stun devices and defensive sprays. Stun devices are extremely effective but I’d like to, at least in this article, discuss defensive sprays (often referred to as pepper spray or mace) and more importantly whether or not pepper spray is right for you personally.

When answering this question it is obvious that one needs to fully understand just what pepper spray really is, and perhaps just as importantly what it is not. Pepper spray is really just what the name implies, a defensive spray that utilizes an active ingredient called OC (Oleoresin Capsicum) and is exactly the same ingredient that makes your mouth burn, eyes water and nose run when eating something with hot peppers in it. Of course the ‘hotness’ of most defensive sprays (certainly any that will prove effective) are much ‘hotter’ than any pepper known to man and that is exactly why they are so effective. A pepper’s hotness is rated on something called the Scoville Scale which is simply a unit of measurement to measure the ‘hotness’ of a pepper. So for comparison a raw habanero rates about 250,000 Scoville units and if you’ve ever had a habanero you’ll no doubt understand how blazing hot a pepper that measures a quarter million units is. There is a pepper called the Naga Viper pepper that the Guinness Book of World Records recognized as ‘the hottest pepper in the world’ and that pepper measures about 1.3 million Scoville units. Most of the defensive sprays sold in the U.S. measure about 3-5 million Scoville units, or about 1,000 times hotter than a Jalapeno pepper. Now imagine this kind of heat in liquid form and sprayed into the eyes, nose and mouth of an attacker and you can understand why pepper spray is so popular and so effective.

The question remains though, is pepper spray right for you? First and foremost I think that anyone carrying a defensive spray needs to be a mature, law-abiding citizen with zero criminal history. Also keep in mind that with pepper spray’s effectiveness comes an inherent level of danger for both the assailant and the user and as such careful consideration should be used before purchasing a defensive spray. One of the biggest concerns is that pepper spray could be taken away by an assailant and used against the original user and if the user is nervous, which would be completely understandable in the case of an attack, it could further hamper the user’s ability to remove the safety, point and spray before the attacker grabs a hold of them and ultimately the defensive spray. More often than not though I think the likelihood of a defensive spray being taken from a user is much higher with people who have been slowed by advanced age. I always use this simple test when deciding if a senior citizen should carry a defensive spray, if you can drive an automobile then you should by all means be able to handle a small canister of pepper spray in self-defense.

So in short if you are an able-bodied, responsible member of society that is looking to ensure your own safety then i feel that pepper spray is not only right for you but highly recommended.

Stay Safe,
Puzek Security Systems

To see where to buy pepper spray or where to buy mace please visit us online.