Monday, February 27, 2012

Handheld Metal Detectors Should Be Used In All Schools Nationwide

There was yet another fatal school shooting in America today, this one in Chardon, Ohio. Once again another school shooting story hits the headlines but will more or less be ignored by most media outlets and completely forgotten about by tomorrow morning. The reason for this is because school shootings have become so commonplace that they aren’t even deemed newsworthy anymore. That says an awful lot about sun violence today and just how easy it is for anyone to secure a gun. It also says a lot about how secure our nation’s schools really are and what steps should be taken to improve our security at our schools. What makes this latest shooting that much more alarming is that once again the shooting has taken place in a school that isn’t in a crime ridden area and in a school and town that isn’t accustomed to this type of violence. In areas where crime is rampant you will be sure to find metal detectors installed in every school yet I defy you to find the same metal detectors used in upper class suburban schools and that to me makes absolutely no sense. How many students need to be injured or killed before we realize the importance of metal detectors in all schools nationwide? It should be entirely evident at this point that no school in America is immune to the possibility of gun violence and as such every school in America should implement the use of handheld metal detectors.
Opponents to such a notion would oppose this idea for two reasons, one would not want to create a prison-like feeling to their child’s school and the other would be the cost of implementing handheld metal detectors. To opponents claiming they don’t want their children’s school feeling like a prison I would say I think that the term ‘prison-like’ would be a bit of an over exaggeration. I have 2 children in public schools and one on the way and I would have absolutely no problem with them being scanned with a metal detector before entering school. To be honest I have a problem with the fact that they are currently not scanned before entering school. I’d much rather they are temporarily ‘hassled’ then shot or stabbed.
To people that would oppose this idea on the grounds of cost, especially in todays weakened economy, I would ask what price they put on human life. The reason I mention handheld metal detectors and not the larger, vastly more expensive, walk-through models is because, well, those walk-through models are vastly more expensive. A Garrett handheld model, the only brand used by professional law enforcement, only costs a couple of hundred dollars. I understand that the public school system has an extremely tight budget but again, what cost do we put on human life?

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see where to buy handheld metal detectors or other self defense items please visit us online at Puzek Security.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Do Not Send Your Child Off To College Without A Keychain Alarm

The day your child heads off to college, especially when they will be travelling a fair distance and living on campus, can be an extremely emotional time for parents. It’s the first time that many kids really strike out on their own for the first time and empty nest syndrome can hit hard for mothers, fathers and siblings alike. You worry about their grades, their finances, who they will befriend and of course you worry about their general well-being. With all of this stress and worry during a time that should be celebrated and joyous it would be nice to have a simple and effective way of alleviating some of this stress. Well, there is one and it’s called a keychain alarm.
A keychain alarm is a device that shouldn’t cost more than 20 dollars and can offer protection for your college student that may prove to be absolutely invaluable. Unlike a stun gun, taser, pepper spray or mace a keychain alarm does now work by physically harming an attacker or incapacitating an individual in any physical sense. This makes these alarms entirely safe to carry for any man, woman, child and most importantly your college student. Keychain alarms work by simply emitting an extremely loud alarm that works to both frighten away an attacker and alert everyone within shouting distance that a crime is occurring.
If your curious as to how a sound alone is going to scare an attacker I should make it very clear that we are talking about an alarm so loud it is equivalent to sitting in the 10th row of your average rock concert (most of these keychain alarms register at least 130 decibels!). Even some scumbag looking to attack a student walking alone on a campus at night is smart enough to understand that the loud alarm means people’s attention will be drawn and the chances of him being caught shoot through the roof. Chances are very good that he will turn tail and run immediately for fear of being apprehended.
Another thing about the keychain alarm is that it makes it possible for someone to still call out for help even if an attacker moves quickly and covers a victim’s mouth. While a scumbag attacker is concerned with covering a victim’s mouth so that he or she cannot scream for help, the victim can simply set off the alarm and the attacker’s plans are immediately spoiled.
So please, if you have a child heading off to college in the fall or already have one enrolled please do yourself, your family and your child a huge favor and make sure they have a keychain alarm with them at all times.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer
To see more personal alarms for college students like the keychain alarm please visit us at Puzek Security Systems

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Stun Baton Flashlight Is The Ultimate Non-Lethal Self Defense Tool

Having been in the non-lethal self-defense business for many years I have seen a great deal of self-defense weapons come and go. Some were great and others not so great but the one that has always stood out as the very best and most effective in my opinion is the stun gun flashlight.

First and foremost the stun gun flashlight is a flashlight, and who couldn’t use a flashlight from time to time? The fact that the stun gun flashlight is a device you can use on a daily basis is what really sets it apart from its peers and what makes the device so extraordinary. Stun devices, especially stun batons are wonderful non-lethal self-defense tools but how often will they really be used? Hopefully never.

Stun devices, in my opinion, have an advantage over other non-lethal self-defense weapons like mace and pepper spray in that they don’t allow your opponent to “fight through the pain”. Defensive sprays are extremely effective but there is the small chance, especially if an attacker is under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, that the spray will not immediately and effectively stop the attack from proceeding. A stun device on the other hand leaves this attacker with no choice but to stop attacking. That is because a stun device like the stun gun flashlight does not work on the premise of causing an attacker pain but by completely disrupting the attacker’s neurological pathways. In other words it takes away the attackers ability to control their own body so it doesn’t matter how tough the attacker is or how high their pain threshold.

Stun batons like this one have an advantage over other more traditional stun devices in that they give the user more reach. With traditional handheld stun devices one must actually be touching an attacker in order for the device to work and subsequently subdue the attacker whereas with a stun baton one does not need to be nearly as close to an attacker in order for the baton to do the same job. The best analogy for this is to think about a boxer. One trait they always list before a fight is a boxer’s reach and with good reason as reach is a major advantage in a fight. If you don’t have to be as close to your opponent as your opponent does to you in order to deliver an effective strike then you have a major advantage over that opponent now don’t you?

So if you feel the need to carry a non-lethal self-defense tool I would hope that a device like the stun gun flashlight would be strongly considered.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more stun batons like the stun gun flashlight please visit us at Puzek Security Systems

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Finding The Proper Self Defense For Seniors Could Be As Easy As Knowing Where To Buy Stun Guns

The senior citizen population is one that is growing with each new day as the last of the baby boomers hit retirement age. What this often means for these newly retired baby boomers is more free time spent outdoors, alone and relatively unprotected. What this means for the scumbag criminal purse snatchers of the world is more targets to rob of their jewelry, money and in some unfortunate cases, life. However, there is a humane, legal, effective and safe way for these senior citizens to protect themselves and that is with a stun gun.
The word stun gun immediately brings to many peoples mind an illegal torturous device of an almost medieval quality meant to punish, maim and destroy anything in its path when the truth is quite the opposite. Stun devices were built as a non-lethal alternative to firearms, one that was meant to effectively stop an attacker without robbing that attacker’s parents of their child or children of their father. Stun guns were built on the principal of live and let live and that is why I feel they deserve our praise and not our disdain. They are also quite safe and that is why I feel they can make a wonderful tool of self defense for anyone but especially some senior citizens.
The fact of the matter is that senior citizens are at a higher risk of being attacked then their younger counterparts and the reason for that is quite simple. Criminals with intent to rob someone are going to rob those that they feel will offer them the least resistance. If you could put yourself in the shoes of such a criminal for just a moment I would ask you just one question and that is this, ‘all things being equal, would you be more likely to try and physically take something from a 70 year old or a 35 year old?’. Obviously it would depend on some things but on average the 70 year old is much more likely to appeal to a criminal than is a 35 year old. The simple fact of the matter is that age does eventually slow us down a bit and in the process makes us less capable of fending off a physical assault. So why not give these seniors a way to legally and effectively defend themselves against these criminals? That is exactly what stun guns do; level the playing field against these bad people. There are of course exceptions and stun guns, like any other self-defense device, are not suitable for everybody. Here is the rule of thumb I use for recommending stun devices to seniors, if you can legally operate an automobile you should by all means be capable of operating a stun device. A half ton of steel cruising at 65 miles per hour is certainly a bigger responsibility and far more dangerous than any stun device ever made.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see more items of self defense for seniors or to see where to buy stun guns please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Occupy Wall Street Has Led To Yet Another Incident That Has Given Tasers A Bad Name

Poor Tasers. Once again another incident has occurred that has caused great harm to a wonderful product and once again Tasers have been unjustly vilified. Yet again tasers are being looked at as an evil torturous weapon, yielded by crooked, blood-thirsty cops against meek and innocent do-gooders who did not deserve such harsh and foul treatment. What a crock of (expletive deleted). It’s a shame really because Tasers, manufactured by Taser International, were designed to be a non-lethal alternative to firearms. Let’s think about that for a second. It seems anytime a Taser is used we hear cries about how it was used unfairly but the simple fact of the matter is that I’d rather be tased than shot (or stabbed, beaten, clubbed, etc…) any day of the week. Tasers don’t leave people dead or even with any lasting injuries, Tasers simply incapacitate. They have given law enforcement and private citizens a way to protect themselves and others without having to kill another human being. Instead of vilifying Tasers we should be praising them.
Okay, the Occupy Wallstreet incident I am referring to is the latest one from Washington D.C. where a gentleman in his pajamas is tased. The video can be found on YouTube and after viewing the video I was astonished at reading some of the posts by the ignoramuses of the world trying to suggest that this was somehow an abuse of power buy the police who tased this pajama clad idiot. Listen, you can clearly hear the guy saying “I’ve done nothing wrong” and perhaps that is true but you know what you should do when multiple officers of the law are telling you to stop and cooperate even if you haven’t done anything? You stop and cooperate. If you are being unfairly punished then talk to a lawyer and go after those crooked cops in a legal and sane fashion. This protestor is screaming about how he’s done nothing wrong as he’s trying to run from cops and flailing his arms and legs to avoid them restraining him. That’s called resisting arrest and the lady officer trying to subdue him is half his size. If a 120 pound female officer is trying to get a 200 pound man to stop struggling and play nice and he won’t listen that officer has every right, if not the obligation to those around her to tase that moron. Saying anything to the contrary is just nonsense in my opinion. Should she use a gun next time, how about her fists or maybe a night stick? Think about it logically. If the guy is really innocent and hadn’t done anything he has just hurt his chances at a countersuit against the officer by resisting arrest like the moron that he is.
Tasers have absolutely, emphatically, unquestionably saved many lives since their introduction but they always receive a bad rap and it is something that just really irks me. If a law enforcement officer or private citizen abuses the power Tasers yield and wrongfully tases someone then they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law but this was yet another case where that was not the case.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To buy a taser online please visit us at Puzek Security Systems.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Show Your Valentine How Much You Care This Year With An Apartment Alarm

Valentine’s Day is here again and with it the giving of the obligatory boxes of chocolates, flowers, teddy bears and mass produced greeting cards. How very romantic it all is to give your sweetheart the exact same thing millions of others are giving their valentines.  The truth of the matter is that most women will be perfectly happy to receive such items from their significant others but why not be different this year and give your valentines something they can actually use like an apartment alarm? Yes, I’ll agree that the words ‘apartment alarm’ doesn’t have the most romantic ring to it but let’s explore exactly what your sweetheart is receiving with such a gift.

First of all apartment alarms are nothing more than exactly what the name implies, alarm systems for your apartment. The great thing about alarm systems for apartments is that they are much less expensive that alarm systems for single family homes and much easier to install. In fact, I think it’s safe to say that alarm systems for a single family home should, and usually are, installed by trained professionals that will end up costing you that much more. The reason for both the cost and ease of installation with apartment alarms is easy to understand as there is simply less ways for a burglar to enter the average apartment residence than there are to enter a single family home, this is especially true if the apartment is on an upper floor that would be inaccessible by any other means than the front door (unless the burglar is Spiderman I suppose). So if your significant other lives on the 3rd floor of an apartment the chances are the only access point is the front door and that front door will be the only point of entrance that will need securing, you can do that with a sensor alarm that costs less than a box of chocolate and a greeting card.

So what is so romantic about an apartment alarm and what is it that makes it such a perfect gift for Valentine’s Day? Well I can tell you now that one thing almost any woman (or man for that matter) wants to feel is protected. Giving her a gift like this will let her know that her safety is of the utmost concern to you and that she just has to love, doesn’t she? Just to be on the safe side you might want to get her a box of chocolates with that.

Happy Valentine’s Day,

Carl Vouer

To see more information on an apartment alarms please visit us at Puzek Security Systems.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Ladies, Want To Know What To Get Him For Valentine’s Day? A Cell Phone Stun Gun

Valentine’s Day has traditionally been a holiday where gifts are exchanged but the emphasis of this gift exchange has primarily been on the female. What her boyfriend or husband (hopefully she does not have both) should get her for Valentine’s Day has been a question as old as the holiday itself. Flowers, candy and flowers are the traditional gifts involved and that is all well and good but what about the guys? Don’t they deserve a little something from the ladies this year? Something that lets these men know the women really care about them? I have an idea for a gift the ladies can get their men this year for Valentine’s Day, a cell phone stun gun. It’s uniquely original, which will show how thoughtful you are, and it’s relatively high tech and as we all know men love gadgets. Also it is a device that could very well save his life one day and it doesn’t get much more romantic than saving someone’s life, does it? You should explain to your boyfriend or husband that a non-lethal self-defense item like the cell phone stun gun is not your way of saying that he cannot handle himself in the event of a physical altercation but that he needn’t worry about such things when he’s got the 4.5 million volts of stopping power with him that the stun gun provides.
When he first sees the cell phone stun gun he will assume that what you have given him for a gift is in fact a real cell phone as the cell phone stun gun and a really cell phone are completely and utterly indistinguishable from one another, even upon the closest of inspections. This may confuse him at first but rest assured that once you explain that it is in fact an extremely powerful concealed stun device he will think it is one of the coolest things he has ever received.
Stun devices like this work not by injuring or causing great pain to an assailant but by delivering a high voltage, low amperage (contrary to common belief it is amps that kill, not volts) current of electricity that completely disrupts and incapacitates the attackers central nervous system. The good news for your boyfriend is that he gets to come home safe to you, the good news for the attacker is that he gets to take a ride in a police car with no lasting physical ailments.
So please think outside the box this Valentine’s Day and get your man something he’ll really love and more importantly, can really use.

Happy Valentine’s Day,
Carl Vouer

To see more on the cell phone stun gun or to see where to buy stun guns please visit us at Puzek Security Systems.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Think Outside The Box (Of Chocolates) This Valentine’s Day And Get Her Pepper Spray

There are two ways you can play Valentine’s Day this year. You can get your significant other what every other man is getting his sweetheart or you can be thoughtful and original. If you want to get what every other man is getting his sweetheart you’ll want to go the candy, flowers or jewelry route. This is all fine and well and you will find plenty of women who enjoy candy, flowers and jewelry (my wife included) but why be like everyone else and get another forgettable gift on another forgettable holiday? If you ask me getting your significant other candy, flowers or jewelry simply says ‘I only care enough to get what society tells me I should be getting you on this day and not enough to have an original thought and get you something unique’. Go ahead and write that in the card you give your girlfriend along with her red roses and see what her reaction is.
Now, the other alternative is to get your sweetie something completely original and something she can really use and that is pepper spray. I know that doesn’t sound very romantic but if you think about it what is the message you are sending when giving your Valentine a canister of pepper spray? Ito me personally it says that you care very much for her and want her to be protected at all times. Feeling protected and wanting to be protected is something that is very basic for all human beings and your significant other is certainly no exception. A box of chocolate or half dozen long stemmed roses is fine and dandy but it isn’t going to do her any good when she’s walking alone without you and is attacked by a mugger. Pepper spray on the other hand will put that mugger in his place and make sure your sweetheart gets home safe. And defensive sprays like pepper spray and mace are non-lethal and leave no lasting side effects so giving her pepper spray for Valentine’s day will show her that you are not only interested in protecting her but that you also care deeply for your fellow man. Protective and caring are two wonderful character traits that any woman adores. So do yourself and your loved one a favor this Valentine’s Day and get her something she can really use, pepper spray. Just so you know, defensive sprays come in all colors including pink.

Happy Valentine’s Day,
Carl Vouer

To see where to buy pepper spray online or to see where to buy mace please visit us at Puzek Security Systems.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Electronic Dog Repeller Is A Very Misunderstood Tool

Spending the vast majority of my professional life in the non-lethal self-defense industry I have witnessed a great deal of confusion as to the products I work with and have read a great deal of misinformation about those same products. The items I am referring to include tasers, stun devices, pepper spray, mace, personal alarms, steel batons, animal repellent spray and a host of other highly effective, non-lethal, life-saving devices. But amongst all of these devices there may be none more misunderstood than the electronic dog repeller.

When people hear the words ‘electronic dog repeller’, for whatever reason, Michael Vick-like images appear in most people’s minds, as if this device is one that is used to torture misbehaving canines when in fact nothing could be farther from the truth. First of all I am a huge dog lover; just ask my 70 pound yellow lab Kody.  I would never in a million years sell or recommend a device meant to hurt these gentle creatures. The sad and unfortunate fact though is that not all canines are as gentle and loving as my Kody. Some dogs are vicious and dangerous by way of being neglected and mistreated by scumbag dog owners who have no right owning a dog. For these rare cases we need to be able to effectively protect ourselves but at the same time be able to do so with a device that is humane and cannot possibly hurt a dog and that is what the electronic dog repeller is all about.

This device uses the latest ultrasonic technology to repel and prevent the approach of unwanted dogs or dogs whose intent is questionable at best. It uses a frequency that is too high to be heard by human beings and is audible only to the dog. Again this high frequency sound causes the dog enough discomfort to simply make the dog steer clear of you but does not cause that dog any pain or inflict any harm in any way whatsoever and it is effective up to about 40 feet. It also comes with a super bright flashing strobe that can be used to further confuse and temporarily blind an unwanted dog that may be headed your way. This strobe can also be used as a flashlight which can always come in handy. These devices are ideal for those that take jogs or walks (I am more the walking variety) at night and may have dogs in the area they know to be a tad unfriendly.

There is also a training setting on these devices and I can tell you from experience that using these as a training tool can be a very effective way of humanely training any dog. I hope this has helped clear up any misconceptions people may have about this wonderful device.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more on the electronic dog repeller or other animal repellents please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems.