Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Product Review: 1/2 ounce Pepper Pen

The 1/2 oz. Pepper Pen is a wonderfully effective self defense device. The ease with which this weapon can be concealed is inherent in it’s small, pen like size and shape.

Please don’t let it’s small size fool you though. This little guy can pack a punch for any would be attacker. Each pen is loaded with pepper shot pepper spray rated at 2 million scoville heat units and made with a very fine grain that is more effective than the coarser grains of most other pepper sprays. One spray of this powerful spray will put any attacker in a world of hurt. Pepper Shot swells the mucous membranes, which makes breathing difficult, and swells the veins in the eyes, causing the eyes to close. So unless your attacker is Luke Skywalker, and able to use the force and not have to rely on his vision, you should be able to make a safe departure from the area.

Stay safe,

Puzek Security Systems

Friday, August 20, 2010

Product Review: Double Trouble 1.2 Million Volt Stun Gun

What can be said about the Double Trouble 1.2 million volt stun gun that hasn’t already been said about everything in the history of awesomeness. First of all just look at it. It looks like something that could put an attacker at a distinct disadvantage. Namely the inability to do anything but lay down.

And it isn’t just show boating. The space between the contacts is what makes it so much more effective than so many of the stun guns out there. Most stun guns have a 1.5 inch space between contacts. The double trouble boasts an impressive 5 inches between stun guns.

I’ll tell you what, most attackers would stop dead in their tracks without even being shocked by the gun. Just the noise the gun makes and the blue flash of impending doom it emits when fired will make the most desperate of attackers think twice about their actions. And if an attacker was still stupid enough to proceed he would quickly be rendered a blubbering mess as soon as 1.2 million volts of electric chill pill effectively ended his evening.

If you don’t make contact with most stun guns in the first couple of seconds in an attack it’s usually a sign things have gone awry and the stun gun has been potentially knocked from your grasp. This stun gun offers a much more effective grip that is extremely difficult to knock from your grasp.

Hopefully you would never have to use a stun gun but if that unfortunate day were to come about I guarantee the Double Trouble is one of the first stun guns I’d choose to have at my disposal.

Stay safe.

For more inormation on the Double Trouble Stun Gun please visit http://www.puzeksecurity.com/

Friday, August 6, 2010

Stun gun laws and why they make no sense

I am in the business of selling stun guns (along with a list of other items). It is how I feed my family and I’m proud of what I do. I enjoy helping people defend themselves and their own families by providing non-lethal self defense products like stun guns, tasers, pepper spray, home alarms and the like. So when I sit here and talk about my problems with the stun gun laws in some states I can’t lie and say my profit margin isn’t at least somewhat responsible for the way I feel.

I can, however, with all honesty say that the stun gun laws in the following states (Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Wisconsin) baffle me. With the proper documentation you can purchase (and in many cases carry) a firearm.

Michigan is one of my favorites. In this state you can buy a shotgun without a permit. You just have to be 18 years of age and not fresh out of prison. How is it that a shotgun is okay but if someone wants to protect themselves and their loved ones with a non-lethal defense weapon like a stun gun it is considered a no-no.

I understand that there have been fatalities as a result of stun guns and that they are not always used as intended. That is an unfortunate fact but the same could be said for baseball bats. The number of stun gun fatalities pales in comparison to that of firearms, which again are all legal in the states listed above. And if I had the choice between being shocked with a taser or shot with a shotgun I think I’m going to go with choice A.

Anyway, thats my rant for the day and I am sorry that I can’t be of more assistance to the people in these states.

For more on stun gun and taser laws please visit http://www.puzeksecurity.com/

The difference between pepper spray and mace

Many people have asked me if there is a difference between pepper spray and mace. The answer is yes. Mace is very much like tear gas and will vaporize whereas pepper spray is in fact a liquid.

Mace is a man made chemical and pepper spray derives from exactly that, peppers. Both illicit a burning sensation of the membranes (eyes, throat, nose and lungs). Mace’s effects take longer to dissipate then pepper spray.

Pepper spray’s effects can be felt more rapidly. Usually within 3-5 seconds whereas Mace can take up to 30 seconds to begin illiciting a response.

Mace is often used as a general term to describe all self defense sprays but it is also a brand name of Mace Security International. This company now makes a wide array of pepper sprays however.

Hopefully this will clear some things up.

For more on pepper spray and mace please visit http://www.puzeksecurity.com/

Stun guns can be effective from a distance

I think the stun gun’s versatility is vastly underrated. Many people assume, as did I until I heard enough stories to the contrary, that you need to be near someone in order or a stun gun to be effective. I assure you that is not true. And no I’m not mistaking a stun gun for a taser. I understand that a stun gun can only pass a current of electricity through an assailant if it is touching them and a stun gun does not shoot barbs as does a taser.

Anyway, if anyone believes you really need to touch the assalant in order for it to do it’s job you’re sadly mistaken. Have you ever heard a high voltage stun gun fired into the air? You can hear that thing crackle from over a hundred yards away and it is a very intimidating crackle.

Let’s say you’re walking home from a friends one evening and suddenly you realize that you’re being followed. You cross the street, they cross the street, you cross back over and once gain they follow suit. And let’s say those footsteps behind you speed up and when you turn to look he’s coming at you with a knife in hand. I know that might sound a little overboard but have you read a newspaper? It happens anywhere and it’s not just in bad neighborhoods. Anyway, I don’t care if the guy is the baddest dude on the planet. If you fire a million volts of rompin’ stompin’ stun gun in the air I assure you there is a very good chance that guy is heading in the other direction. I’d say the vast majority of the time. It is a scary, loud device that isn’t just bark. And the assailant will know that.

Of course, on the off chance that the assailant wants to see just how much bite a 4.5 million volt stun gun can deliver, the device will not disappoint. So yes, a stun gun can be effective from a distance.

For more on stun guns and tasers visit http://www.puzeksecurity.com/