Friday, October 28, 2011

Do Electronic Dog Repellers Really Work And If So How?

I have been asked many times by many customers whether or not a particular item really works and the one product that seems to illicit that question the most is the electronic dog repeller. For whatever reason people are leery of accepting the fact that a dog could be deterred with nothing more than noise and light, especially when that noise isn’t even audible to humans. So to answer this question and put to bed any doubts about electronic dog repellers the answer is indubitably yes, they do work. With that said these repellers have limitations and should by no means be the be all and end all in protecting yourself from a canine attack. Nor should one go looking to test these things in a real life situation as once again, they do have their limitations and are not guaranteed to save your hide should you find yourself being attacked by a rabid dog. Of course having such a device is immensely helpful as they can be very effective and certainly much better than having no defense at all.

Electronic dog repellers have some pros and cons in comparison to pepper spray, which is another other popular self-defense weapon against dogs. First and foremost, the electronic dog repeller has a better range from which to be effective in deterring dogs. The ultra-high frequency squeal and flashing strobe that most of these repellers have can be effective from quite a distance whereas a pepper spray really only has an effective range of 6-8 feet in most cases. The con is that if a dog has decided it is going to attack you and is in a full charge I think the pepper spray will prove to be a much more effective deterrent as spray will literally blind the dog temporarily and cause it intense yet temporary pain whereas the electronic repeller will cause no actual pain or blindness. The electronic dog repellers high frequency squeal and flashing strobe are meant only to confuse the dog, which makes it very effective if the dog is at a distance of say 50-100 feet. The dog repeller in fact is so humane an alternative that it can also be used to help train dogs in a humane yet effective manner. That is, once again, because the repeller does not harm the dog nor causes it pain in any way (other than maybe hurting its ears at a close distance).

So if you live in a neighborhood where dogs are present, especially if you are a runner or just liek to take walks in the area, please do yourself a favor and consider a dog repellent of some kind. An electronic dog repeller can and will be effective so it would not hurt to consider obtaining one.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more on the electronic dog repeller or other animal repellents please visit us online.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Stun Batons Share The Same Advantage Over Traditional Stun Devices As a Boxer Over His Opponent

I have always been a fan of boxing and if you are too you will notice there are always certain physical attributes that are compared for each fighter before the fight. First of all there are weight classes so weight is certainly one attribute that could be considered an advantage in a fight. Height is another and you will almost always see that comparison listed in a brief screenshot right before the fight. So height to a lesser degree than weight could certainly be an advantage for a boxer but it’s not height as much as it is another physical attribute that usually gives a taller boxer an advantage over a shorter boxer and that is reach. The reason is simple, if Boxer A doesn’t have to be standing as close to Boxer B as Boxer B does to Boxer A in order to land a punch than Boxer A is going to have a clear advantage.

This same principle applies to stun devices and stun batons share the exact same advantage over traditional stun guns. That advantage being that an individual does not need to be standing as close to an attacker as they would with a traditional stun device in order for a baton to be effective. With any stun device, including a stun baton, the contacts (the area of the device that actually emits the electrical charge) needs to be touching an attacker in order for the device to do it’s job, which is shock and subdue the attacker. This can be a stressful situation for even the strongest and fastest of civilians but even more so for someone that may not be as strong and fast as their attacker as there is a possibility that the device could be wrestled away and even used on the person carrying the stun gun in the first place. With a stun baton that stress can be relieved to some degree because you’ve now got not only arms reach on your attacker but two arms reach. The Stun Master telescopic baton, for example, is almost 2 feet long when fully extended and unless your attacker is the Jolly Green Giant he or she is going to have an immense amount of difficulty getting to you before the baton touches them and renders them completely incapacitated.

Reach is not the only advantage that a stun baton has over a traditional device either. Contact space (again the area of the device that does the actual shocking) is much greater on a baton than on a traditional stun device. Most stun guns have about 2.5 inches of contact and that 2.5 inches needs to be touching an attacker in order to work, whereas a stun baton gives its user an average of 18 inches to touch an attacker and be effective.

So if you are considering a stun device for your own protection I hope that you will consider these facts before making a purchase.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more on stun batons please visit your friendly online stun gun dealer.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Please Don’t Use Metal Detectors If You Want People To Get Shot At Your Next Event

I don’t want to tell you how to organize your party or event but I can offer one very valuable tip to any event organizer that would like to be sued for everything he or she owns with a wrongful death lawsuit and that is to make sure they do not implement the use of handheld metal detectors at each and every entrance. Not having a reliable handheld metal detector at the door is a great way to ensure that someone sneaks in with a weapon of some kind. After all nobody can be shot or stabbed at your next event if nobody smuggles in a gun or knife with which to do so. And it’s going to make it impossible for someone to smuggle in a knife or gun if you’ve got pesky security guards protecting the well-being of attendees by scanning everyone at the door. The best way to make sure somebody receives a mortal injury while at your event is to simply let a multitude of strangers in and just hope that nobody has brought a weapon.

Certainly you should not use a trusted name in the industry like Garrett as that brand is so reliable it is used by security details, law enforcement and military personnel worldwide. A Garret handheld metal detector is so highly sensitive it can pick up even the most trace amounts of metal and would easily detect even the smallest of weapons and then nobody would be getting shot or stabbed. They are self-calibrating which means that unlike less reliable models they do not need to have their sensitivity settings constantly adjusted, great if you want to keep your guests safe and sound and not be sued, horrible if you want utter chaos, multiple gun shots and a monster law suit.

Okay, obviously this article is ridiculous and I am clearly being sarcastic but what I find truly ridiculous is that anyone would organize a major event in this day and age and not use simple, affordable and reliable technology to ensure the safety of their guests. Having a major event and then neglecting to keep the guests that attend safe in a simple and cost effective manner is both ignorant and wholly irresponsible. If you are a promoter you should make sure than any security detail you hire has one of these if for no other reason that the legal ramifications of someone being hurt or killed at your event because such security measures were ignored.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more on handheld metal detectors please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Stun Gun Flashlights Are Perfect For Security Guards

Security guards are often portrayed as lazy, overweight, bumbling, and altogether inept when it comes to actually securing the place they are being paid to do so. I have worked as a security guard and still have some friends that are security personnel and I can say that I find that stereotype to be quite misleading and not a very realistic description of myself or the guys I know that are security guards. I think that stereotype derives from the fact that many security guards will never see any real “action” and will never have to use force to secure and protect an area but any security guard could potentially be called to do so at any time and many other professions will never understand the stress that goes along with that knowledge. Not to mention that some security personnel, depending on where they work, may see “action” quite a bit and have had to , or will have to, use force on multiple occasions to secure and protect. In cases like this we should give them every advantage to do so in the safest, most effective and humane way possible. This is why I feel the stun gun flashlight might just be the perfect tool for any security guard and I believe that for multiple reasons.

First and foremost the device is exactly what it says it is and that is a flashlight. What security personnel working at night couldn’t use a flashlight? A flashlight might very well be the most oft used tool in security guard history. Second, the device comes with a 130 decibel alarm that can be used to both deter unwanted trespassers and at the very least alert other security personnel that trespassers are on the grounds and that help may be needed. This alarm is also of great benefit to security guards and their employers as any altercation is best ended without getting physical and an alarm like this can certainly increase the chances that an altercation does end without it getting physical or anyone being injured.

Last but by no means least the device is a 200,000 volt stun baton, a far superior device to a traditional stun gun due to its reach. Again, it is obviously best for all parties involved if any and all altercations end without things getting physical as it assures that nobody is injured but what should a security guard do if things do need to get physical? The best bet is to have a weapon that is every bit as effective as possible but also humane enough to not leave a trespasser or assailant with any serious or lingering injuries. Stun devices do that by incapacitating an attacker with a high voltage blast of electricity but remains non-lethal by keeping that current of electricity low amperage. This can also avoid the security guard’s employer from being sued in a wrongful death or injury lawsuit.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see where to buy stun guns like the stun gun flashlight please visit us online.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What Should I Bring Camping If I Hate Being Mauled By Bears?

I don’t know how many times I have been asked “What should I bring camping if I hate being mauled to death by half ton grizzly bears?”. Okay, in fairness I have never actually been asked that question and it is pretty ludicrous to assume I ever will but in my opinion it would be no more ludicrous than actually going camping in bear populated areas without bear spray.

Every now and then I will stumble upon a tragic story of some unfortunate soul who was severely and permanently scarred, both physically and mentally, by a black or grizzly bear while camping in bear populated areas without proper protection from said bears. What makes these stories even more tragic is that avoiding such catastrophic events is so very simple. Anyone that wants to camp, hike, or spend any time in bear populated areas needs to purchase and carry at all times a bear spray that is proven effective. I can only attest to the proven effectiveness of two such sprays and those two are Guard Alaska brand and a bear repellent spray from Mace. I have seen videos of both of these sprays in action and after viewing both videos I would personally be confident in either. There may very well be other brands out there that are just as effective but as I have not seen proof of any others I can not in good conscience recommend other brands at this time.

Bear spray works in very much the same way as does pepper sprays meant to thwart the attack of human assailants, in fact the active ingredient in both bear spray and human pepper spray are exactly the same, Oleoresin Capsicum. More or less Oleoresin Capsicum is the thin that gives hot peppers their “hotness”. Of course we are also talking about this ingredient in a much more concentrated form than you will find in even the hottest of peppers. When concentrated Oleoresin Capsicum hits the mucus membranes (eyes, nose, throat, etc…) of just about any of God’s creatures it will not only swell those membranes and cause temporary blindness but also an immense burning sensation that causes such temporary pain that the animal will almost always retreat. This will give you enough time to exit the area safely and hopefully in a hurry.

The last thing I’ll say about bringing along a bear spray when camping is that it absolutely must be on your person at all times. If it is not then having it in the first place is of little use as a bear attack is not usually something that we get advanced notice of and I don’t know many wild bears that will wait patiently while you search your tent. So please secure said bear spray and for the love of all that is holy have that bear spray in an easily accessible location (like a holster) at all times.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To buy bear spray or see other such useful animal repellents please visit us online

Friday, October 7, 2011

Renting For Dummies: Install Apartment Alarms

In previous blogs I’ve tried to make it abundantly clear that the average apartment or condo renter is much more likely to be the victim of a breaking and entering crime than is the average individual living in a single family home. Although this is contrary to popular belief it is a misconception that remains to be overlooked and as such many apartment renters wind up suffering a fate that could have easily been avoided had a simple, cost-effective and easy-to-install alarm been put in place.

One thing I always tell customers is that the items that are often taken from an apartment during a burglary is really secondary compared to the lost sense of security we should all enjoy in the comfort of our own homes. Renters insurance will often replace monetary losses but nothing will repair the feeling of insecurity one naturally feels after he or she has been the victim of a burglary. So to avoid these feelings of dangerous insecurity all renters should take the simple step of installing some form of apartment alarm.

Aside from how inexpensive these alarms are they are also extremely easy to install yourself and take almost no time to do so. This also is an advantage renters that wish to install a security system have over those that live in a single family home. If a home dweller wishes to install a security system it is most likely something that is going to cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars to do. The main reason for this is because the average apartment or condo has less square footage to secure and more importantly have fewer points of entry than the average single family home, especially those apartments or condos that are not on the ground level. Apartment dwellers have devices like the door guard alarm for example, this device is an alarm you simply hang over the door knob of any door and when the slightest bit of vibration or movement is detected an extremely loud 130 decibel alarm will sound and no doubt scare even the most foolish of intruders away.

So if you are renting please be sure to take the small amount of time, effort, and money to not only purchase a renters insurance policy but to install some apartment alarms to ensure that you will never have to know the sinking feeling that occurs when you try to go to sleep the night after a break in has occurred at your residence.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see some apartment alarms please visit us at Puzek Security Systems.