Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Stun Gun Flashlights Are Perfect For Security Guards

Security guards are often portrayed as lazy, overweight, bumbling, and altogether inept when it comes to actually securing the place they are being paid to do so. I have worked as a security guard and still have some friends that are security personnel and I can say that I find that stereotype to be quite misleading and not a very realistic description of myself or the guys I know that are security guards. I think that stereotype derives from the fact that many security guards will never see any real “action” and will never have to use force to secure and protect an area but any security guard could potentially be called to do so at any time and many other professions will never understand the stress that goes along with that knowledge. Not to mention that some security personnel, depending on where they work, may see “action” quite a bit and have had to , or will have to, use force on multiple occasions to secure and protect. In cases like this we should give them every advantage to do so in the safest, most effective and humane way possible. This is why I feel the stun gun flashlight might just be the perfect tool for any security guard and I believe that for multiple reasons.

First and foremost the device is exactly what it says it is and that is a flashlight. What security personnel working at night couldn’t use a flashlight? A flashlight might very well be the most oft used tool in security guard history. Second, the device comes with a 130 decibel alarm that can be used to both deter unwanted trespassers and at the very least alert other security personnel that trespassers are on the grounds and that help may be needed. This alarm is also of great benefit to security guards and their employers as any altercation is best ended without getting physical and an alarm like this can certainly increase the chances that an altercation does end without it getting physical or anyone being injured.

Last but by no means least the device is a 200,000 volt stun baton, a far superior device to a traditional stun gun due to its reach. Again, it is obviously best for all parties involved if any and all altercations end without things getting physical as it assures that nobody is injured but what should a security guard do if things do need to get physical? The best bet is to have a weapon that is every bit as effective as possible but also humane enough to not leave a trespasser or assailant with any serious or lingering injuries. Stun devices do that by incapacitating an attacker with a high voltage blast of electricity but remains non-lethal by keeping that current of electricity low amperage. This can also avoid the security guard’s employer from being sued in a wrongful death or injury lawsuit.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see where to buy stun guns like the stun gun flashlight please visit us online.

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