Friday, April 27, 2012

Apartment Alarms And Personal Alarms Are Absolute Musts For Seniors Living Alone

Senior Citizens that live alone and unassisted are one of the biggest, if not the biggest, target for criminals and home invaders. They should take simple and cost effective steps to ensure they are protected. In my opinion the simplest, safest and least expensive way for seniors to protect themselves is by installing an apartment alarm and carrying a personal alarm at all times.

Apartment alarms are extremely effective home security devices that I like to call apartment alarms because that is what they are most often used to protect, apartments (or condos). Many of these devices would work in a single family home as well but are really best equipped to monitor and protect a smaller living space with less points of entry than the traditional single family residence. Many seniors living unassisted these days live in an apartment or condo for the simple fact that they may not need the same amount of space as a full family and also due to the fact that it is easier to maintain a smaller living space. Also it may be more cost effective for many seniors to live in an apartment or condominium. Apartment alarms are often devices like the simple yet effective door guard alarm that can be hung on any doors at night and should it sense the slightest vibration an alarm is activated doing two things, alerting the senior that someone is attempting to enter their residence and at the same time scaring the holy heck out of the intruder and probably sending him running away in fear of being caught. Apartment alarms take seconds to install and cost a fraction of what it would cost to install a similar alarm system in a single family home.

Personal alarms are small alarms usually in the form of keychains that can be carried in a purse or pocket and should be on your person at all times. After all what good is having an item of self-defense if you don’t have it on you if and when you really need it? Personal alarms work much like apartment alarms in that their main weapon is an extremely loud noise. Burglars and pickpockets alike do not want to get caught so when a 130 decibel alarm starts wailing, as is the case with many of these alarms, the criminal’s first reaction is usually to make a hasty retreat. The fact that these devices do not cause any actual physical harm is great for senior citizens especially because the device cannot be turned against them as could be the case with other self-defense options like mace, pepper spray or stun guns.

So please strongly consider the use of either, or preferably both, of these devices if you are a senior citizen living unassisted and alone.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see more apartment alarms or other personal alarms for seniors please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Some Things To Consider Before You Buy Stun Guns Online

A stun gun is a wonderfully effective piece of non-lethal self-defense hardware and I think a device that any law abiding citizen should have the right to carry. If you are a senior citizen or female living alone and want to feel an extra sense of security without having to carry a firearm then a stun gun could certainly be exactly what you are looking for. However, before you decide to jump online and buy a stun gun there are some things to consider first.

First and foremost you have to make sure that owning and carrying a stun device is in fact legal in your area. Most states have no restrictions whatsoever on stun devices but 11 states do have some restrictions. Stun guns are completely illegal to buy, sell or own in the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island. In Wisconsin and Illinois stun guns are legal but with certain restrictions. In those two states one needs to basically have a legal firearms license in order to purchase and carry a stun device. I don’t want to get away from the point of this article but it always fascinates me when I see a state that makes a non-lethal self-defense device, like a stun gun, illegal but owning a firearm that kills thousands of people a year completely legal with the proper identification and licensure.

Secondly, it is extremely important to remember that although stun devices were designed as a non-lethal and more humane alternative to firearms they still possess the ability to injure or even kill (although fatalities due to stun devices is extremely rare). Any self-defense device that is going to be effective is certainly going to come with an inherent safety risk or it wouldn’t be effective now would it? With that in mind you need to treat a stun gun with the utmost care. Certainly never let anyone else handle it and if I need to tell you to keep a stun device away from children than I pray that you will never own one in the first place. These devices are not nearly as dangerous as a firearm but they are certainly still dangerous and should be treated as such. At home, especially if there are others living with you, you should keep your stun device in a lock box but close enough to retrieve the device should an intruder enter your residence.

So please consider buying a stun gun online if you are looking for a humane yet effective non-lethal self-defense weapon but as with any weapon use caution and careful consideration before doing so.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To buy stun guns online or see other self defense items please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Senior Citizen Self Defense Course Should Include The Proper Use Of Pepper Spray

I think self defense classes are great for just about anybody. Not only can they help teach you how to protect yourself in the event of an attack but they can also help build confidence, lose weight, and increase your overall mental and physical well-being. Seniors can absolutely benefit from self defense classes in the same way that people of any age can but I think it best that any course on self defense for seniors also include training seniors on the proper use of pepper spray. I don’t think pepper spray training is unique to senior citizens either and any law abiding citizen of any age could benefit from carrying and knowing how to use pepper spray. I just believe that seniors, more than any age group, could perhaps benefit the most from this training.

Seniors can certainly learn to defend themselves using only what they were born with, meaning their hands and feet, but a defensive spray like pepper spray can really be of great help especially if they are attacked by someone much bigger, stronger and faster than they are. Also, pepper spray training is something that can be taught in one class, as opposed to the weeks, months and years it can take to become proficient in any martial arts discipline. Some seniors may also be lacking the strength, speed and agility it takes to effectively execute many of the moves involved in martial arts. A 95 pound, 80-year old female is going to have problems fighting off a 200 pound, 25 year old attacker no matter how long she has been studying martial arts but the size and age difference can be immediately made up for if that 80-year old lady sprays her attacker in the face with pepper spray.

Like I stated earlier, the proper use of pepper spray is something that can be taught in just one class but I think the actual motion of drawing the pepper spray from a pocket or purse, aiming and spraying is something that can be (and should be) practiced in much the same way that one constantly practices a punch, kick or choke hold. When someone actually finds themself in a physical altercation with an attacker the person’s nerves can be rattled greatly and with the adrenaline flowing it is always best if the motions have been practiced to the point where it is second nature even under the most stressful moments.

So if you are a senior citizen, especially one living alone and unassisted, please consider a self defense course but also remember that training with a defensive spray should be part of the curriculum of that course.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see more items of self defense for seniors or to see where to buy pepper spray please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Monday, April 23, 2012

Those In Charge Of Neighborhood Watch Might Want To Consider The Stun Gun Flashlight

There has been a lot of attention given to the position of neighborhood watchman due to recent events in Florida and this attention has been brought because a young man unfortunately lost his life. I won’t bother rehashing the whole story except to say that there was a man involved who claims to have been doing his duty as neighborhood watch and apparently shot and killed another young man in what he claims to have been self-defense. Whether or not it was truly self-defense really has no bearing on the point of this blog as the point of this blog is to make people aware of the fact that there is a much better choice than a firearm for anyone working neighborhood watch. A whistle or personal alarm would be a much safer and humane alternative for someone patrolling their neighborhood than would a firearm. However if someone truly feels the need ,and perhaps this need is justified depending on which neighborhood we are talking about to carry a device that can effectively stop an attacker than how about a stun gun flashlight?

I don’t have enough time to write all of the many reasons why some neighborhood watchman should not be running around his or her neighborhood with a loaded gun, suffice to say it just isn’t a good idea and scares the heck out of me just thinking about it. Guns are designed to take lives and I don’t feel there is anyone, certainly not a neighborhood watchman, which is in a position to make a decision as to whether or not another human being should live or die. I think anyone that volunteers their time to patrol their neighborhood and make it a safer place to live is extremely noble and I commend those people and I certainly understand that those people should be protected themselves and have a means of effectively defending themselves against an attacker. The point is that there is a way for people to protect themselves without having to kill another person or even seriously injure themselves and that is with the stun gun flashlight.

It’s perfect for neighborhood watch programs because first and foremost it has a flashlight which is great for patrolling at night. Secondly, it has an alarm so if someone patrolling the neighborhood feels they are in danger they can always sound the alarm and have the attention of others drawn to their location. Lastly, if a neighborhood watchman is in serious trouble an attacker must be subdued the stun gun flashlight is also a 200,000 volt stun gun that will stop an attacker of any size. Unlike a handgun it will simply subdue the attacker and not kill them or even leave that attacker with any long lasting injuries.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see more on stun batons like the stun gun flashlight please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Friday, April 20, 2012

Earth Day Is A Wonderful Day To Enjoy Camping With Ozone Safe Guard Alaska Bear Spray

Earth Day is April 22nd and I for one cannot think of a better way to celebrate the beautiful planet we live upon that to get out and enjoy nature through the timeless tradition of camping. Camping is a great way for family and friends to enjoy the great outdoors, get exercise and breathe in the cool spring air that nature provides us with. Depending on where you go camping you must never forget to bring one particular item and that is Guard Alaska Bear Spray. If you do not have bear spray and ever find yourself in the unfortunate situation of coming face to face with a frightened bear, well it might just be the last camping trip you ever take. Without Guard Alaska bear spray it might just be the last trip you take anywhere.

Earth Day is also a day to celebrate not just and preserve flora but fauna as well. We humans have done much to drastically reduce the amount of land that many animals called home. Bears in particular used to roam freely over a vast portion of North America until we humans wiped out a fair percentage of them and forced them into smaller and smaller areas to live. Fortunately there are still areas in North America where bears roam freely and many of those areas are beautiful places to go camping, like Yosemite National Park for one. When we go camping in places like Yosemite, or anywhere there is even the slightest possibility of seeing a bear we have to remember to bring along bear spray to protect ourselves but we must also think about these poor bears. You see bear attacks don’t occur because the bears involved are blood-thirsty beats just waiting to prey upon unsuspecting humans, they happen because the bear is concerned for its own safety and does not understand the human’s intentions. Bear spray, like pepper spray, although immensely effective causes no permanent damage to the man or creature being sprayed. The immensely painful burning sensation and swelling of the eyes is enough to stop any attacker, man or beast, but the effects wear off in a relatively short amount of time.

What is so wonderful about Guard Alaska bear spray is that its ingredients are 100% natural, as is almost any brand of pepper spray, and contains absolutely no harmful, ozone-depleting chemicals. So not only does this bear spray keep you and your loved ones safe but it keeps the bear safe and perhaps most importantly on Earth Day is the fact that it keeps Mother Nature safe.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see more on Guard Alaska bear spray or other animal repellents please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Why Colleges Should Hand Out Keychain Alarms To All Students

A college campus should be a lively environment where young students, eager to learn, are prepared for life after college and for their role in plying their trade to make the world a better place to live and more often than not college campuses are just that. However, the reality is that there is no place on Earth that is completely immune to criminal activity and a college campus is certainly no exception. There is certainly no shortage of stories about students being accosted while walking back to their dorms at night. Almost every university I can think of has at least taken the precautionary measure of installing emergency phones about their campus and kudos to them for that. Those emergency phones do have their limitations though and are not always practical. For one, those phones are staggered many yards apart and a helpless female student walking home at night might not be able to reach the closest phone if she is suddenly attacked. There is a very easy solution to this problem however and one that can be easily and affordably remedied by simply distributing keychain alarms to each and every student (female or male). My oldest child just turned 7 and so I don’t yet have to worry about her going off to college and being away from the family but when she does I can assure you she will at the very least have in her possession one of these personal alarms.
Personal alarms like the keychain alarm are great because they are completely safe and can cause absolutely no physical harm whatsoever. That is not to say, however, that they are not effective. On the contrary, keychain alarms can prove to be wildly effective and that is because they are extremely loud, which will draw the attention of anybody up to a quarter mile away, and extremely accessible as they are right in your purse or pocket.
They are the least cost prohibitive of any form of non-lethal self-defense and a simple keychain alarm can be purchased for about the same cost as eating at a fast food restaurant. So there can be no viable argument as to why any college or university would not be able to provide their students with such an alarm due to financial limitations.
I do not know if some colleges have already implemented a similar protocol to the one I am suggesting here but hopefully all of them will in the very near future. Student safety should be the highest priority at any institution of higher learning.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see more items like the keychain alarm or other self defense items please visit us at Puzek Security Systems

Friday, April 13, 2012

How To Train Your Dog Using The Electronic Dog Repeller

The electronic dog repeller is a wonderfully effective tool for deterring a dog with questionable intentions. Few people, however, understand that it can be a wonderfully effective training tool as well. Most people hear the name “repeller” and assume that the device’s sole purpose is to repel a dog that may intend on doing you harm. While the electronic dog repeller is great at doing that it is also a very humane instrument and causes the dog absolutely no harm and even comes equipped with a training setting that can be used to train your dog.
Having a dog myself, Kody our yellow lab, I understand the importance of properly training a dog. Kody is almost like one of my own children though and as such any training we did with him and any training I recommend anyone else do with their dog is going to be, above all else, humane. Although effective in deterring dogs the electronic dog repeller is still very humane and to such a degree that I would recommend it to anyone looking for a dog training device.
Here are some tips on training your dog with the electronic dog repeller…

1. Make sure the device is working properly by seeing how your dog initially reacts to the dog repeller. Remember that the device uses such a high frequency that it is not even detectable by the human ear, only the dogs. Most dogs will just try to leave the room immediately to get away from the noise; this will tell you that the device is in fact working.

2. Let me tell you right here and now that no command is more important for a puppy to master as soon as possible than the ‘sit’ command. Try and reinforce that one early and often in the training. If the dog does not sit when given the ‘sit’ command then press the button on the repeller and a very loud, high frequency sound will emit from the device and reinforce your command by letting the dog know it needs to listen next time or receive the uncomfortable noise.

3. The next most important command is coming when called. Follow the same rules as outlined in step 2 if the dog does not come when called. Again, this is a command to practice early and often.

4. Offer your dog a small reward (i.e. a piece of milk bone) when it does follow your command. Positive reinforcement is as important as negative reinforcement in the early stages of training.

5. Have patience. I don’t think I need to further explain the importance of having patience when training your dog.

With a little patience, love and reinforcement you will have yourself a best friend that is outgoing, friendly and obedient.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see more on the electronic dog repeller or other animal repellents please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Why Personal Alarms Are Custom Made For Senior Citizen Self-Defense

Seniors have a multitude of choices when it comes to self-defense tools. However, all of these choices come with varying degrees of effectiveness and safety and so careful consideration and diligent research are always very important before making a decision as to which self-defense tool to carry.  In my opinion there is no tool of self-defense more custom made and perfectly suitable for seniors than a simple (yet extremely effective) personal alarm.

Personal alarms are simply a small handheld device, often in the form of a keychain that emits an extremely loud distress signal when a button on the alarm is pressed and when I say loud I mean 130 decibels of ear-splitting, attention directing loud too. That’s certainly loud enough to scare the heck out of some foolish purse snatcher who isn’t expecting much retaliation from a 75 year old lady. Aside from the scare it will put into any attacker, and perhaps more importantly, the alarm will draw the attention of anyone in the area. Attention is exactly the last thing that attacker wants when he or she is attempting to relieve a senior citizen of their wallet, purse, jewelry and potentially their life. Attention gets the cops called and bystanders involved and this will more times than not get the attacker running for the hills as soon as that alarm is pressed.

Personal alarms are also great because they make a wonderful alternative to much more dangerous forms of self-defense for seniors like stun guns, tasers, pepper spray, mace and firearms. All of those weapons I just mentioned are immensely effective in deterring an assault but they are also extremely dangerous and potentially fatal if used improperly. Also, most of those items are illegal in some areas without the proper licensure whereas personal alarms are 100% legal anywhere in the world.

Lastly, personal alarms cost a fraction of most other self-defense items and can be purchased for about the same amount as it costs to eat at a fast food restaurant. In my opinion it makes personal alarms for seniors a great investment and wonderful piece of insurance and peace of mind. So if you are a senior citizen looking for a little added insurance against the bad guys of the world or know a senior citizen that you’d like to help protect against these bad guys please seriously consider arming them with a personal alarm immediately.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more personal alarms for seniors or other forms of self defense for seniors please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

If You Are Not Going To Install Apartment Alarms You May As Well Just Leave Your Door Wide Open

If you are one of the millions of Americans who reside in an apartment or condominium and have not taken the time or effort required to install an apartment alarm I would like for you to do me a favor. Next time you leave the apartments just leave the door wide open. That’s right, just leave it wide open for any Tom, Dick or Harry to walk right in and make themselves at home in your apartment. Actually, when you get outside your building just shout out loud to no one in particular “Hey, I left my apartment door wide open and I’m not going to be home for quite some time!”. Of course you will want to leave your apartment number so that any strange drifters you’ve just notified of your absence will know where to look and won’t waste time trying to break into your neighbor’s apartment.
I understand that this is an absolutely ludicrous request and one that makes absolutely no sense but in my opinion it is ludicrous that so many people are still leaving their apartment every morning to go to work, or at night to go out on the town, and leaving their residence completely unsecured other than the lock on the door. The fact of the matter is that apartment dwellers are almost 3 times as likely to experience a break in as is someone living in a single family home. Things really get ludicrous when you consider that home alarm systems are installed in a much higher percentage of homes than are installed in apartments. Although perhaps that is one of the reasons burglars more often choose to rob an apartment than a single family home, they might feel they have a lesser chance of triggering a burglar alarm in an apartment. This is precisely why apartment dwellers need to install some kind of alarm system immediately.
Also, home alarms are way more costly than the typical apartment alarm and much more complex and harder to install, so much so that a professional installation service is almost always required (which costs even more money!). The average apartment alarm takes about 10 seconds to install and costs about as much as lunch for two at a fast food restaurant. So when you consider the fact that these alarms are extremely affordable, extremely simple to install and you’re three times as likely to need one as you would living in a single family home it just doesn’t make a shred of sense not to install one today in your apartment or condo.

Stay Safe,
Car Vouer

To see more info on an apartment alarm or other self defense items please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems.

Monday, April 2, 2012

If You Are Serious About Self Defense You May Want To Find Out Where To Buy Stun Guns

I am of the opinion that every law-abiding citizen should have the right to defend themselves using something other than their own body. This is especially true for people who may not be as adept at handling themselves in a physical altercation with an attacker, like senior citizens and females. I am not implying that senior citizens and women cannot handle themselves in a physical altercation but that I think most of us would like to know that are grandparents, mothers, sisters and daughters would have some extra help and insurance should the unfortunate event arise where they find themselves potentially fighting for their lives. The help I am talking about is a non-lethal self-defense weapon; more specifically I am referring to stun guns.
Stun devices are extremely effective self-defense weapon that can be every bit as effective, if not more effective in some cases, than a firearm. The difference is that the person upon whom the stun device was used gets to live to see the next day and in almost all cases gets to do so without any negative, long lasting side effects. The same can certainly not be said for an individual who has been shot with a firearm. If a person who has been shot with a firearm is lucky he or she will have merely a trip to the emergency room to deal with. If they are less lucky they will suffer the same fate that thousands of others suffer every year from gunshots, death. I believe that even scumbag criminal purse snatchers should have, at the very least, a chance to redeem themselves and they can’t very well do that if they are dead, can they?
Stun guns do not work by injuring an attacker, nor do they work on the principle of causing an attacker great pain, as is the case with defensive sprays like mace and pepper spray. Stun guns work by incapacitating an attacker by disrupting his or her neurological pathways via an electrical current. Because the electric shock given off by the device actually disrupts their neurological pathways it makes it impossible for the attacker to “fight through the pain” as could be the case with something like pepper spray or even a firearm and is exactly what makes a stun device so effective. The electrical current is high voltage but low amperage and that is what makes the device such a humane alternative to other weapons as amps is actually what kills and not voltage as many wrongfully assumed.
There are literally hundreds of online stores that sell stun devices but it is important to check with your state and local laws to ensure that carrying such a device is in fact legal in your state. So please consider a stun device if you are interested in ensuring your own safety via a non-lethal self-defense tool.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see where to buy stun guns online or other self defense items please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems