Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Why Personal Alarms Are Custom Made For Senior Citizen Self-Defense

Seniors have a multitude of choices when it comes to self-defense tools. However, all of these choices come with varying degrees of effectiveness and safety and so careful consideration and diligent research are always very important before making a decision as to which self-defense tool to carry.  In my opinion there is no tool of self-defense more custom made and perfectly suitable for seniors than a simple (yet extremely effective) personal alarm.

Personal alarms are simply a small handheld device, often in the form of a keychain that emits an extremely loud distress signal when a button on the alarm is pressed and when I say loud I mean 130 decibels of ear-splitting, attention directing loud too. That’s certainly loud enough to scare the heck out of some foolish purse snatcher who isn’t expecting much retaliation from a 75 year old lady. Aside from the scare it will put into any attacker, and perhaps more importantly, the alarm will draw the attention of anyone in the area. Attention is exactly the last thing that attacker wants when he or she is attempting to relieve a senior citizen of their wallet, purse, jewelry and potentially their life. Attention gets the cops called and bystanders involved and this will more times than not get the attacker running for the hills as soon as that alarm is pressed.

Personal alarms are also great because they make a wonderful alternative to much more dangerous forms of self-defense for seniors like stun guns, tasers, pepper spray, mace and firearms. All of those weapons I just mentioned are immensely effective in deterring an assault but they are also extremely dangerous and potentially fatal if used improperly. Also, most of those items are illegal in some areas without the proper licensure whereas personal alarms are 100% legal anywhere in the world.

Lastly, personal alarms cost a fraction of most other self-defense items and can be purchased for about the same amount as it costs to eat at a fast food restaurant. In my opinion it makes personal alarms for seniors a great investment and wonderful piece of insurance and peace of mind. So if you are a senior citizen looking for a little added insurance against the bad guys of the world or know a senior citizen that you’d like to help protect against these bad guys please seriously consider arming them with a personal alarm immediately.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more personal alarms for seniors or other forms of self defense for seniors please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

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