Friday, March 30, 2012

The Cell Phone Stun Gun Is a Wonderful Alternative to Lethal Weaponry

There is not a day that goes by where multiple people in the United States are not killed by guns. Gun violence has become so commonplace that what I just said probably does not surprise or shock you in the very least and that in and of itself is truly a tragedy.  I live in the third most populated city in the United States and one that is well known for its crime rate and I will admit that the few times I watch the evening news (I prefer getting my news from a paper and I can pick and choose what sections of the paper to read) I view the gun violence stories and they are instantly forgettable to me. Forgettable because the next day there will be more new stories of people killed by guns that I can forget about until the next day after that when a new wave of fatalities hits the evening news. So every day that we wake up in the morning another parent will lose their child, child will lose their parent, friends will lose friends and hundreds of lives will forever be devastatingly altered because of firearms. Even if a firearm fatality occurs as an act of self-defense rarely does it not cause a great deal of grief for multiple people associated with either the shooter or the deceased. What makes this even more unfortunate is that it doesn’t have to be this way. It is possible to effectively defend yourself without having to resort to the use of a firearm and that is with something as simple as a cell phone stun gun.

The cell phone stun gun, like all stun guns, is an extremely effective non-lethal self-defense weapon designed to incapacitate an attacker using a jolt of high voltage electricity. The high voltage is what completely disrupts the attacker’s neurological pathways and essentially takes away the control they have over their own bodies. However, this disruption is temporary and because the jolt of electricity is also low amperage it does not kill the attacker nor does it leave them with any lasting negative side effects. Contrary to what some people may believe it is not volts that kill a person when they are electrocuted but amps.

Lastly, the cell phone stun gun is something many people can feel comfortable carrying because it is not so obvious that you are carrying a weapon of self-defense. This device looks exactly like a real cell phone upon even the closest of inspection. So please consider this alternative self-defense item if you really must carry something.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more self defense items like the cell phone stun gun please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

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