Monday, January 31, 2011

Senior Citizens That Don’t Carry a Personal Alarm Better Be Herschel Walker or Randy Couture

Are you familiar with Herschel Walker or Randy Couture? I'm assuming everyone is familiar with the genetic freak that is Herschel Walker from his football days, or Olympic bobsledding days or perhaps his Olympic track days. Anyway, both of these guys are professional fighters and both of them are rapidly approaching 50 years of age. Not only are they professional fighters but they are 'elite' professional fighters. Couture is a legitimate contender to be the UFC champion at 205 pounds. Needless to say that these guys will still be in awesome shape and able to whoop a significant amount of butt in 10 years when they are at the cusp of 60 years old. I would say that in their 60's these guys will both still be able to put the lights out on your average 25 year old assailant. Unfortunately these guys are truly 1 in 1,000,000 athletic specimens and the average 65 year old today is going to be in trouble against the average 25 year old assailant. So what should the rest of the senior citizen community do if they want to be protected against a potential attack and can't roundhouse kick through a brick wall at the age of 60? Perhaps carrying a personal alarm may be their best course of action.

The majority of personal alarms work under the same premise. That premise being that a potential mugger does not want everybody and their cousin turning their attention towards them when they are about to commit a crime. How does a personal alarm attract the attention of everyone within shouting distance? By emitting an extremely loud (130db or more in some cases) distress call that is sure to turn heads and make people take notice of the fact that a crime is taking place. Of course 9 out of 10 times I'd say that by the time people do turn their heads all they will see is a low life thug running away in a full sprint from fear of being caught. Criminals share one thing in common and that is the desire to not be caught.

So if you are a senior citizen, or actually an individual of any age who is not a genetically gifted, super-freak cage fighter, you may want to consider protecting yourself through the use of a completely safe and certainly non-lethal device like a personal alarm. It's either that or build a time machine, go back in time a few decades and take up mixed martial arts. The purchasing of a personal alarm seems easier.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more personal alarms for seniors please visit your friendly online personal alarms dealer.

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Stun Gun Flashlight Seems Like Something Batman Would Have In His Utility Belt

I can vividly remember watching the old Batman television show as a child. The one from the sixties with Adam West as a somewhat out of shape Batman and Burt Ward as the boy wonder, Robin. Together these two heroes would fight crime in the fictional city of Gotham. They were a couple of bad dudes and let's face it, they had to be running around dressed like they were.

I can remember being thoroughly enamored by all of Batman's toys like the Batmobile but what impressed me most of all was that utility belt of his. What didn't that thing have on it. You need to create a diversion in order to make a speedy getaway? Why not use a smoke bomb. Need to contact Robin for help or last second fashion advice? Use the utility belt's walkie talkie. It had a boomerang (or batarang as he called it), bat lasso, bat cuffs, repelling device, first aid kit, bat goggles, an apparatus for breathing underwater. Whatever the situation this man was just prepared as long as he had with him that wonderful utility belt. One thing that I never saw him take from his belt though was a stun gun flashlight. I'm quite sure he probably had a stun device on his belt and I know he had a bat light and I think I remember him activating an alarm from his belt at one point but he could have saved room and gotten so much more has he consolidated those three items into one highly effective stun device/flashlight.

The stun gun flashlight first and foremost is a flashlight with attachable red cone that can be used in emergency roadside situations. The second way one can use this device is as an alarm to scare away potential bad guys. I don't know that it would be enough to scare off The Riddler or Mr. Freeze but a 130db alarm would certainly help ward off the majority of real life bad guys. The last way to use this device, and one I truly hope would never be needed, is as a stun device. I think it's more effective than regular stun devices as it really is more of a stun baton than anything. At 16.5 inches this device gives its user better range in defending themselves and at 200,000 volts it's more than enough to get the job done.

So if you're looking for a non-lethal item of self-defense and all-purpose tool to add to your own utility belt please consider the stun gun flashlight.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more on the stun gun flashlight please visit your friendly online stun gun dealer.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Handheld Metal Detectors and Event Security Go Together Like Peanut Butter and Jelly

If one attempts to discuss planning an event and the security for that event without bringing up the topic of handheld metal detectors than that person is what is commonly referred to as ‘soft in the head’. Something is wrong with that person mentally is what I mean to say. How could one possibly consider the event they have planned to be safe for their guests if they do not know for sure whether one or more of those guests might be carrying a concealed weapon. And I certainly think that we are well past the day in age where we can say “well that would never happen at one of my events”. Horrible tragedies as a result of firearms happen each and every day and they can happen to anyone at any time in any place.

That is why anyone planning an event that will have even one person they do not know in attendance better seriously consider having on hand at least one handheld metal detector to ensure the safety of their guests. I don’t even play games anymore with my parties. My son will be 3 in February and my wife and I have decided to have his next party at the Rainforest Cafe. He loves it there and so I will go ahead and spend way too much time and money making sure my son has an enjoyable, and more importantly safe, birthday experience. There will be a bunch of kids I do know and others I know only vaguely. Guess what? They are getting a once over with the metal detector. I don’t care what they think. You’re good enough to come eat the food I bought for you and drink the drinks I’m paying for you’re going to get a once over with the metal detector believe you me. 3 year old? metal detector. 30 years old? Bet your free-loading behind you’re getting the metal detector. 90 years old? Don’t start no ruckus won’t be no ruckus, grandma. Now shuffle over here and let me wave the detector over that big old hand purse of yours.

I know I make jokes a lot and I don’t honestly intend on bringing a metal detector to a birthday party but in all honesty if I saw someone else do it I would oblige and not judge that person. The point is that the world has been and always will be a crazy place and you can never be too careful. So if you are planning an event of any kind of size please do yourself and your guests a favor by acquiring and using a handheld metal detector.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more cheap metal detectors please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Friday, January 21, 2011

Guard Alaska Bear Spray Is The Perfect Gift For Campers

I think the gifts that I most remember receiving are the ones that are just a little out of the ordinary but still have been very meaningful and purposeful. So if you have anyone on your gift shopping list that happens to be a camper I have the perfect gift for them. One that might be just a little out of the ordinary but could very well save their life one day and it doesn't get any more purposeful than that, does it? You should buy that camper on your list a canister of Guard Alaska bear spray.

I'm an avid camper myself and often times that camping is done in areas where bears are present and I love not being bitten in the head, throat and chest area by these bears. Heck, I love it when no part of my body is bitten by half-ton grizzly bears. Because of this fact I always carry Guard Alaska bear spray on my person when travelling in bear country. Nothing will ruin an enjoyable family camping trip like an old-school bear mauling. sure camping is a great deal of fun but 500 pounds of black bear will put an end to all of that real quick if you aren't prepared. And being prepared while camping in bear country means making sure you have Guard Alaska bear spray on you at all times.

Guard Alaska bear spray works in the same way that pepper spray works on humans. Bears, much like humans, do not like being sprayed in the face with insanely hot pepper spray. It is extremely painful and I urge you to check out videos on the web of bear spray being used on actual bears. I know that might sound a bit cruel but the bear suffers no permanent damage from bear spray just as a human suffers no lasting effects from pepper spray in the vast majority of cases.

Guard Alaska bear spray has an effective range of about 15-20 feet depending on wind conditions. this spray also boasts no ozone-depleting chemicals so you can do your part to preserve nature while not being mauled to death in it. And as I just stated the bear will suffer no long term ill effects just enough temporary pain to leave you and the area alone long enough for you to high tail it out of there to safety.

So when shopping for that camper on your list, or even for yourself if you are an avid camper in bear country, please consider this bear spray.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To purchase your own Guard Alaska bear spray or to check out other animal repellents please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Buy Pepper Spray Online and You Can Avoid All That Violent Physical Assault Nonsense

I don't know about you but I really enjoy feeling safe and secure when walking the street at night. Not that I really spend a lot of time walking the streets at night but on the rare occasions that I do I like knowing that I have something on my person that can help me avoid being the recipient of a violent physical altercation. Pepper spray is about as safe a weapon of self-defense as one can find without getting into the realm of lethal weapons like firearms or Mel Gibson.

One of the wonderful benefits of pepper spray is that it is a form of self-defense that is non-lethal. On very rare occasions there have been fatalities as a result of being sprayed with pepper spray but I assure you they are extremely rare and an immensely higher number of individuals have lost their life as a result of firearms. In the vast majority of cases someone that is sprayed with pepper spray is left with no permanent side effects other than the memory of how badly the defensive spray burnt and the wish to never again experience anything like it.

Pepper spray is legal in all 50 states, although there are some restrictions as to where and from whom one can purchase pepper spray. It is lightweight and canisters of pepper spray vary in size but can be found in sizes small enough to easily fit in the front pocket of your favorite jeans. Which is exactly where you should have it at all times if you intend for it to be of any use to you.

You also don't need any real special training to use a defensive spray. Point and spray is more or less the gist of it and if you can do that than you can probably avoid what would surely be one of the worst events of your life.

Pepper spray works by spraying the assailant with a liquid that is approximately 1,200 times hotter than Tabasco sauce. Did you ever eat something with tabasco sauce and then inadvertently rub your eye. It's like putting a match out in your eye isn't it? Now imagine something 1,200 times as hot and sprayed directly into your eyes sinuses and eventually your lungs. That's going to put an end to the vast majority of assaults pretty darn quick. So if you want protection that is going to be effective and at the same time non-lethal please consider buying pepper spray.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

If you'd like to know where to buy pepper spray onlineor other defensive sprays you can visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Movie Cujo Would Have Been 20 Minutes Long If Donna Would Have Had An Electronic Dog Repeller

Remember the movie Cujo? That big, adorable, 200 pound Saint Bernard gets bit by a bat and the poor thing gets rabies and starts foaming at the mouth, barking wildly and biting people in their throats. Then Donna, played by Dee Wallace and her son Tad drive that old beat up Ford Pinto to be repaired in some backwoods town and wouldn't you know it the car breaks down and Cujo shows up ready to bite himself some neck. Donna's only defense at the time was to roll the windows up and hope for the best. Eventually Donna gets out of the car to save her son who is having a rough go of things being trapped in the Pinto in the baking sun. Cujo comes at her in full attack mode but Donna manages to put him down with the old baseball bat to the skull trick. In true horror movie fashion the dog makes one last valiant attempt to get some throat biting in but is shot dead by Donna. The movie's running time is 91 minutes and much of that is the struggle between Donna, Tad and Cujo because Donna had nothing at her disposal to ward off Cujo at first. Had Donna had an electronic dog repeller the movie would have been about 20 minutes long.

Electronic dog repellers work in 2 ways. One is by emitting a harmless but extremely effective high frequency sound (20,000Hz-25,000Hz), audible to dogs but not to humans. This sound is audible to dogs within a range of about 40 feet. The second is an extremely bright LED flashing strobe light that temporarily blinds and confuses the dog. There is even a training setting that allows for the device to be used to assist in the training of dogs so you can use one of these to teach your dog to sit, rollover, speak and not rip anyone’s throat out. Unfortunately, Cujo was in the end stages of rabies-induced delirium so it may have been a bit late for him in the training department.

These electronic dog repellers are great for anyone that often finds themselves walking alone or for joggers as they are light, small and very easy to carry. So if you live in a neighborhood that has a few dogs of questionable intentions living in it please consider picking up one of these devices to help ensure your own safety.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see your own electronic dog repeller or other animal repellents please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Self Defense For Senior Citizens Is As Easy As Locating Stun Guns Dealers Online

Self-defense for senior citizens is something I take very seriously as my mother, who lives alone, is now a senior citizen and I am always worried about her safety. She lives in an upper-middle class neighborhood and has never been the victim of a violent crime. And to my knowledge no houses on or around her block have been the victim of a break in in recent history but just the same it makes no sense for her not to be prepared. Not being prepared because you live in a good 'neighborhood' is much like driving around without a seatbelt because you're a safe driver and have never been in an accident. Bad things happen and they can happen anywhere at any time to anyone. It is foolish to assume that you or anyone else is immune from becoming the victim of an assault, especially senior citizens.

The simple fact of the matter is that senior citizens cannot as easily defend themselves as they might have been able to in their younger days. So why would a senior (or anyone for that matter) not take a very simple and affordable step toward ensuring their own safety and the safety of their loved ones by acquiring a small, easily-carried stun device?

Stun guns are a non-lethal means of self-defense that are legal in all but 8 backwards-thinking states. They work by emitting a high-voltage, low-amp current of electricity to the attacker and disrupting the attacker's natural neuromuscular functions. In short they make the attacker cease and desist all attacking as they will have no control over their own body. Shocking someone until the lose control over their own motor functions may sound inhumane but let us remember two things, A. We are talking about an individual who has taken it upon himself to attack a seemingly defenseless senior citizen and B. In almost all cases the recipient of a shock from a stun gun is left with no permanent damage whatsoever. To me that sounds about as humane as a weapon of self-defense can be. In very rare cases a stun device has proven fatal but any device that is going to be effective in stopping a violent crime is going to come with an inherent risk of danger for the person cowardly and stupid enough to attack an innocent senior citizen.

So if you are concerned about a loved one’s safety or a senior citizen yourself (especially those living alone) please consider contacting a stun gun dealer online about protecting yourself with a stun device.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

If you would like to see more items of self defense for seniors or would like to contact a stun gun dealer please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Monday, January 3, 2011

Stun Master Stun Batons Are Great For Security Guards and People Who Don’t Enjoy Being Mugged

Just look at the Stun Master stun baton and you can tell that it is a device that can get the job done. The job in this case is protecting innocent people from the bad people that would do them harm. I really see this item being ideal for security guards, bouncers and the like but truly it is a device that can be carried in most states by any civilian of age.

The reason I mention this stun device being ideal for security guards is because although the weapon is retractable to a short and easily concealed 13 inches, it is still a device that lends itself perfectly to the motto ‘walk softly and carry a big stick’. My hope is that any stun device that anybody carries would never have to be used and this particular device is aesthetically designed to do just that, work without having to be activated. What I mean is that the Stun Master stun baton looks so mean that the vast majority of perpetrators won’t want to find out if its bite can back up its bark.

Its bark is more than just its appearance too. First of all even when it is retracted it is still fairly menacing looking but it also is equipped with a 120 decibel alarm. Extremely loud sirens usually distract (and hopefully detract) potential criminals and if the alarm doesn’t do the trick than this telescopic stun baton extending to 21 inches of crime-stopping power just might. And if that still isn’t enough to scare the bad guy than just go ahead and let 800,000 volts send blue waves of electricity up the rod and fill the air with a menacing crackling noise. That is sure to get the attacker’s attention. If after all of this the criminal is still ready to proceed with his criminal activities then let him figure out for himself why he should have stopped and evacuated the area in a calm and orderly fashion when he first saw the stun baton.

Some other nice benefits to the Stun Master stun baton are the built in flashlight, the fact that the device is rechargeable and the fact that it comes with a lifetime warranty as do all Stun Master products. So if you are a security guard, bouncer or anyone looking to protect themselves and their loved ones in a humane and non-lethal fashion I hope you would consider the Stun Master stun baton.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more on the Stun Master stun baton or to view other Stun Master stun guns please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems