Monday, January 31, 2011

Senior Citizens That Don’t Carry a Personal Alarm Better Be Herschel Walker or Randy Couture

Are you familiar with Herschel Walker or Randy Couture? I'm assuming everyone is familiar with the genetic freak that is Herschel Walker from his football days, or Olympic bobsledding days or perhaps his Olympic track days. Anyway, both of these guys are professional fighters and both of them are rapidly approaching 50 years of age. Not only are they professional fighters but they are 'elite' professional fighters. Couture is a legitimate contender to be the UFC champion at 205 pounds. Needless to say that these guys will still be in awesome shape and able to whoop a significant amount of butt in 10 years when they are at the cusp of 60 years old. I would say that in their 60's these guys will both still be able to put the lights out on your average 25 year old assailant. Unfortunately these guys are truly 1 in 1,000,000 athletic specimens and the average 65 year old today is going to be in trouble against the average 25 year old assailant. So what should the rest of the senior citizen community do if they want to be protected against a potential attack and can't roundhouse kick through a brick wall at the age of 60? Perhaps carrying a personal alarm may be their best course of action.

The majority of personal alarms work under the same premise. That premise being that a potential mugger does not want everybody and their cousin turning their attention towards them when they are about to commit a crime. How does a personal alarm attract the attention of everyone within shouting distance? By emitting an extremely loud (130db or more in some cases) distress call that is sure to turn heads and make people take notice of the fact that a crime is taking place. Of course 9 out of 10 times I'd say that by the time people do turn their heads all they will see is a low life thug running away in a full sprint from fear of being caught. Criminals share one thing in common and that is the desire to not be caught.

So if you are a senior citizen, or actually an individual of any age who is not a genetically gifted, super-freak cage fighter, you may want to consider protecting yourself through the use of a completely safe and certainly non-lethal device like a personal alarm. It's either that or build a time machine, go back in time a few decades and take up mixed martial arts. The purchasing of a personal alarm seems easier.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more personal alarms for seniors please visit your friendly online personal alarms dealer.

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