Monday, June 6, 2011

Buy Personal Alarms for Seniors Citizens You Dont Hate

Do you know anyone above the age of 55 that you don’t hate? Would you rather any of these senior citizens that you know not be dragged down a dimly lit alley to be beaten and robbed of any cash and valuables? Would you not like to see any of these seniors that you know be taken advantage of or become the victim of a violent physical assault? Would you like to give these seniors an easy and affordable way to protect themselves? Would you like to make sure that the means by which you are helping them protect themselves be entirely, 100 percent safe and legal? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions than I strongly suggest you consider buying that senior citizen a personal alarm.

Personal alarms are ideal for just about anyone that wants to not be mugged but I really think they are useful for seniors as personal alarms are devices that are 100% safe and legal to carry at all times. Many come in the form of a keychain alarm that makes them much harder to forget at home when leaving the house. Personal alarms are wonderful because they offer an alternative, yet still highly effective, alternative to some more potentially dangerous forms of self-defense like handguns, tasers, stun guns, pepper sprays and steel batons. All of the aforementioned products are extremely efficient in stopping an assailant but could potentially lead to serious injuries or possibly even death. Personal alarms carry no such risk as they are not considered a weapon in any way shape or form (unless, I suppose, you throw the personal alarm at somebody). Personal alarms simply work by emitting a frightfully loud alarm which in most cases will do 2 things…

1) Scare the holy hell out of the assailant.

2) Alert everyone within bloody-murder-screaming distance that something bad is happening.

How loud does an alarm have to be to do this? Try 130 decibels (or even louder in some cases!). A very loud rock and roll concert is generally rated at about 120 decibels so imagine if you will a senior citizen walking down the street and some thug asking for their wallet and then a U2 concert starts blaring. Chances are pretty good that the thug is going to exit the area as fast as possible and if by chance the thug is deaf it won’t matter because anyone in the area is going to turn their attention to the scene of the crime in progress.

So please consider buying such an alarm for any seniors you care about.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To buy personal alarms like the keychain alarm for seniors please visit us online.

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