Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Don’t Waste Your Money on Self Defense Classes for Seniors and Just Buy Pepper Spray

Wrestling, boxing, jiu-jitsu, karate, free-style wrestling, greco roman wrestling, muay thai, judo, tae kwon do and training and knowledge in every other style of physical combat are wonderful assets to have should you find yourself in a physical altercation. However these skills take a considerable amount of time and effort to hone and as such they are not as practical a means of self-defense as some of your other options. This is especially true for senior citizens who may not have the time, energy and physical ability to become as proficient in the martial arts as their younger counterparts. I find that a much more practical and efficient means of self-defense, especially for seniors, is pepper spray. One does not need to possess above average, strength, speed, agility or skill to use pepper spray and it can be every bit as effective, and in most cases more effective, than a black belt in many of the martial arts.

Much like a roundhouse kick to the face, muay thai knee to the ribs or a jiu-jitsu style armbar, a shot of pepper spray causes an immense amount of pain for any attacker. And unlike a roundhouse kick to the face, muay thai knee to the ribs or a jiu-jitsu style arm bar, a shot of pepper spray is far less likely to cause any long term effects, trips to the emergency room, permanent scars or pre-mature death because pepper spray works by causing immense but temporary pain. Another advantage that a defensive spray has over physical combat self-defense is the fact that one needn’t actually touch an attacker. This is immeasurably beneficial to many seniors as the average 75 year old woman is not looking to throw down with the average 25 year old low-life thug. In addition to causing an attacker pain, pepper spray swells the mucous membranes, which makes breathing difficult, and swells the veins in the eyes, causing the eyes to close. These effects can last up to 45 minutes but again cause no permanent damage.

So before you go spend hard earned money trying to perfect one of the many martial arts please consider spending a fraction of what you would probably spend on just one of those classes and invest in a small handheld canister of pepper spray. They are not only extremely affordable but entirely concealable and easy to carry. My own mother (who is a senior citizen thank you) carries her pepper spray on her key ring. My mother may not know Krav Maga or Sambo but she does know how to point and spray and that can be as effective as any martial arts.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more items of self defense for seniors or to buy pepper spray please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

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