Wednesday, December 1, 2010

One Can Not Discuss Self Defense For Seniors Without Discussing Personal Alarms

We live in a crazy mixed up world. We always have and we always will. I truly believe that the vast majority of people today are more good than bad and only a select few can really be considered ‘evil’ people. With that said there are still a fair amount of people out there that will do harm to another and not think much of it. Usually because that person is one of those truly ‘evil’ folk or because he or she is whacked out on some drug or another and is no longer fully in control of their own thoughts or actions.

Nobody should be without a means of self-defense against these select few bad apples but more so than anyone a senior citizen should certainly have at their disposal some means of defending themselves should a situation arise that calls for such measures. I don’t think there is another item on the planet that is better suited for senior citizens than a personal alarm. Personal alarms are extremely easy to carry and more importantly even easier to use. The fact of the matter is that as we get older we lose some of our natural ability to defend ourselves and even if we didn’t who wants to get into a physical altercation if we don’t have to. If you are the type that can’t wait to find themselves in a physical altercation than you are probably the type I’m trying to save people from.

Most personal alarms work by emitting an extremely high decibel sound that will do one or both of two things…

A. It will scare the bejeezus out of your assailant, hopefully before they have the time to inflict any damage and …

B. Alert anyone that isn’t deaf and within earshot that something is happening.

So even if your assailant is, by some sheer coincidence, deaf as a post the chances are that everyone else with in screaming distance is not. And when those people hear something like the Mace brand Screecher alarm howling its extremely high decibel distress alarm they are going to pay notice and look in that direction. This is good for you and not so much for Mr. Assailant. The truth of the matter is that in the off chance you ever have to use a personal alarm that you won’t need to rely on others help. Mr. Assailant doesn’t want an audience when he is doing bad things and he or she is probably coherent enough to understand that the really loud noise coming from the alarm spells doom for them and they will most likely turn and run and wait for some other poor sap that wasn’t as well prepared as you.

So if you are a senior yourself or have a parent or grandparent whose safety you want to ensure as much as possible please consider them and buy a personal alarm.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

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