Monday, December 20, 2010

Personal Alarms for Seniors Make Wonderful Items of Self Defense

The world’s senior citizen population is growing every day and with that the potential victims list for would-be criminals. It is human nature for a criminal to prey upon those that he or she considers less capable of resisting an attack. Unfortunately Father Time slows us all down just a bit. Time makes us all a little less capable of resisting an attack and a little bit more susceptible to one.

So what is a senior citizen to do to prevent one of these attacks from happening to them? They could hole themselves up in their homes, bar the door and never go outside or they could arm themselves with a non-lethal form of self-defense. The former seems like no way to live and the latter is so easy and affordable it’s almost a no-brainer. What tool of self-defense works best for a senior citizen? Well, the answer to that question is certainly open for debate. There are a few choices but the three that make the most sense to me would be pepper spray, stun devices or personal alarms.

Pepper spray is extremely effective but there are some things to keep in mind when choosing to go with a defensive spray. For one you must be relatively close to your attacker in order for it to be effective. The average defensive spray has a range of about 6-8 feet but one must consider wind (if outside) and presumably the person using the spray will probably be a little stressed out at that particular moment as they are in the middle of stopping an attack and potentially trying to save their own life so their aim could be off.

Stun devices work splendidly and are immensely effective but again one needs to be touching an attacker in order for the weapon to work. Also, depending on the physical strength and speed of both the senior and the attacker, both of these weapons could potentially be turned on the victim. I am in no way trying to discourage anyone from carrying these devices as they are immensely effective I am simply saying that we should consider all angles.

I truly believe that personal alarms, at least for the less physically able seniors, might just be the perfect form of self-defense. They are completely safe, can be effective from any distance and cannot be turned on the user. Personal alarms work by emitting an extremely high decibel alarm that does two things. One, it scares the bejeezus out of the scumbag getting ready to commit a crime, and two it alerts everyone in the vicinity that this scumbag is about to commit a crime. So if you or somebody you love is a senior citizen (or anyone for that matter) that would rather not be the victim of a violent assault I would strongly suggest obtaining personal alarms for seniors.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

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