Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I Like To Call the Stun Master Stun Baton the ‘Justice Stick’

I love stun devices. I love them for the fact that they help protect innocent, tax-paying, law-abiding, god-fearing Americans and for the fact that they can do so without having to endanger the life of another human being, even if that human being happens to be the type to try and assault another. I think stun devices in general get a bad rap and I’m always a little confused as to why when you consider how many legal firearms there are in this country. Firearms are meant to protect as well but they do so not by safely incapacitating an individual but by putting a hole in them that requires medical attention. Stun devices can be every bit as effective as a firearm in protecting you and your loved ones and it doesn’t have to come at the cost of a human life as is often the case with firearms.

Stun devices all work in basically the same way. There are two contacts between which current of non-lethal, high-voltage, low-amperage electricity runs when the trigger is pressed. Touch your attacker with this current of electricity and that should be the end of the attack in almost all cases. Stun guns come in many shapes and sizes but the general purpose is for a stun gun to be able to fit in your pocket and ultimately your hand if need be. This is where a stun baton differs a bit from your traditional stun device. The Stun Master stun baton is only 13 inches when collapsed but is 21.5 inches when fully extended. It is probably not going to fit in most pockets even when collapsed but here is where the advantage top a stun baton comes in. In order for a stun device to work it must make contact with your attacker. This can be a scary time as that means your assailant is right next to you which means you run the risk of the assailant taking the weapon from you if you don’t get him first. The attacker turning the stun device on the victim is rarely the case but your chances of it happening to you are infinitely smaller when you have 21.5 more inches (almost 2 feet!) of reach to work with.

The Stun Master stun baton also comes equipped with two more measures of protection not found on most stun devices and those are a flashlight and an extremely loud alarm. When I say really loud I mean 120 decibels loud. That’s plenty loud enough to make an attacker turn tail and run before everyone in the neighborhood and nearby vicinity is looking out their windows. Not to mention the fact that if the attacker is dumb enough or deaf enough to ignore the alarm he’ll be taking a seat on the sidewalk as soon as he gets zapped by 800,000 volts of stopping power.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more on the Stun Master Stun Baton or other Stun Master stun guns please visit us online.

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