Friday, August 20, 2010

Product Review: Double Trouble 1.2 Million Volt Stun Gun

What can be said about the Double Trouble 1.2 million volt stun gun that hasn’t already been said about everything in the history of awesomeness. First of all just look at it. It looks like something that could put an attacker at a distinct disadvantage. Namely the inability to do anything but lay down.

And it isn’t just show boating. The space between the contacts is what makes it so much more effective than so many of the stun guns out there. Most stun guns have a 1.5 inch space between contacts. The double trouble boasts an impressive 5 inches between stun guns.

I’ll tell you what, most attackers would stop dead in their tracks without even being shocked by the gun. Just the noise the gun makes and the blue flash of impending doom it emits when fired will make the most desperate of attackers think twice about their actions. And if an attacker was still stupid enough to proceed he would quickly be rendered a blubbering mess as soon as 1.2 million volts of electric chill pill effectively ended his evening.

If you don’t make contact with most stun guns in the first couple of seconds in an attack it’s usually a sign things have gone awry and the stun gun has been potentially knocked from your grasp. This stun gun offers a much more effective grip that is extremely difficult to knock from your grasp.

Hopefully you would never have to use a stun gun but if that unfortunate day were to come about I guarantee the Double Trouble is one of the first stun guns I’d choose to have at my disposal.

Stay safe.

For more inormation on the Double Trouble Stun Gun please visit

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