Friday, August 6, 2010

Stun guns can be effective from a distance

I think the stun gun’s versatility is vastly underrated. Many people assume, as did I until I heard enough stories to the contrary, that you need to be near someone in order or a stun gun to be effective. I assure you that is not true. And no I’m not mistaking a stun gun for a taser. I understand that a stun gun can only pass a current of electricity through an assailant if it is touching them and a stun gun does not shoot barbs as does a taser.

Anyway, if anyone believes you really need to touch the assalant in order for it to do it’s job you’re sadly mistaken. Have you ever heard a high voltage stun gun fired into the air? You can hear that thing crackle from over a hundred yards away and it is a very intimidating crackle.

Let’s say you’re walking home from a friends one evening and suddenly you realize that you’re being followed. You cross the street, they cross the street, you cross back over and once gain they follow suit. And let’s say those footsteps behind you speed up and when you turn to look he’s coming at you with a knife in hand. I know that might sound a little overboard but have you read a newspaper? It happens anywhere and it’s not just in bad neighborhoods. Anyway, I don’t care if the guy is the baddest dude on the planet. If you fire a million volts of rompin’ stompin’ stun gun in the air I assure you there is a very good chance that guy is heading in the other direction. I’d say the vast majority of the time. It is a scary, loud device that isn’t just bark. And the assailant will know that.

Of course, on the off chance that the assailant wants to see just how much bite a 4.5 million volt stun gun can deliver, the device will not disappoint. So yes, a stun gun can be effective from a distance.

For more on stun guns and tasers visit

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