Friday, August 6, 2010

Stun gun laws and why they make no sense

I am in the business of selling stun guns (along with a list of other items). It is how I feed my family and I’m proud of what I do. I enjoy helping people defend themselves and their own families by providing non-lethal self defense products like stun guns, tasers, pepper spray, home alarms and the like. So when I sit here and talk about my problems with the stun gun laws in some states I can’t lie and say my profit margin isn’t at least somewhat responsible for the way I feel.

I can, however, with all honesty say that the stun gun laws in the following states (Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Wisconsin) baffle me. With the proper documentation you can purchase (and in many cases carry) a firearm.

Michigan is one of my favorites. In this state you can buy a shotgun without a permit. You just have to be 18 years of age and not fresh out of prison. How is it that a shotgun is okay but if someone wants to protect themselves and their loved ones with a non-lethal defense weapon like a stun gun it is considered a no-no.

I understand that there have been fatalities as a result of stun guns and that they are not always used as intended. That is an unfortunate fact but the same could be said for baseball bats. The number of stun gun fatalities pales in comparison to that of firearms, which again are all legal in the states listed above. And if I had the choice between being shocked with a taser or shot with a shotgun I think I’m going to go with choice A.

Anyway, thats my rant for the day and I am sorry that I can’t be of more assistance to the people in these states.

For more on stun gun and taser laws please visit

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