Friday, February 4, 2011

Guard Alaska Bear Spray For People Who are Camping or Hiking and Not Bear Grylls

Bear Grylls is a man's man. He jumps out of helicopters into the barren wilderness, surrounded by wild animals, food-less and alone and he does it, more or less, for the fun of it. I vividly remember one episode where he stranded himself in the middle of a desert somewhere in Africa and resorted to eating a freshly deceased zebra carcass. Although I was initially disgusted by it I can remember thinking 'now here is a guy who knows how to survive in any condition'. He would no doubt to be a good person to have with you should you find yourself camping in any place populated by bears. He could no doubt fashion a weapon of self-defense out of a stick, some pine cones and dirt. The rest of us however should consider carrying a canister of Guard Alaska bear spray if we plan on camping or hiking in bear country.
Bear attacks are very rare and your chances of being attacked by a bear in your lifetime, even if you are an avid camper in bear populated areas, is relatively slim. This fact should be no reason to not arm yourself with such a spray should you intend on venturing into the wilderness yourself. Just because the probability of something is rare does not mean we shouldn't take necessary steps to protect ourselves in the event that it does happen. I drive my car several times a day and hundreds of times a year and have never been in a serious car accident but you better believe I wear my seat belt just in case. The odds of a serious automobile accident is slim but it doesn't stop me from taking necessary precautions.
Bear spray works the same way that pepper spray works on human attackers. It is an ultra-concentrated defensive spray intended to cause the bear such intense discomfort that it gives up and high tails it from the area. Guard Alaska bear spray has an effective range (depending on wind conditions) of approximately 15-20 feet.
Another nice thing about this product is that it does not permanently harm the bear in any way. One of the reasons bear attack are so rare is that most bears are not roaming the forest looking for humans to eat. Usually when a bear attack does occur it is because the bear feels threatened or feels that it's cubs are in danger. They are a gentle species for the most part and I think we've done enough as a species to eliminate them already. No need to eliminate more.
Stay Safe,
Puzek Security Systems
To see more on Guard Alaska bear spray or other animal repellents please visit us online at Puzek Security.

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