Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Any Bear Spray for Camping Should Be Safe for the Bear as Well

I hate being mauled to death by bears. Actually, in fairness, I have never actually been mauled to death by bears but I can’t think of a more unpleasant way to spend a weekend than to be attacked by a frightened bear. When you are camping, hiking or just spending some quality time outdoors it is always a good idea to have some form of protecting yourself should you be spending those good times in an area where bears may be present. Let us not only look out for ourselves though as bears deserve our compassion and respect as well.

I think bears are one of the most misunderstood animals in the world and I think much of that has to do with the fact that they are one of the few animals in North America that could potentially pose a real threat to the life of a human being. Because of this fact I think we see some very bogus stories circulate about bear attacks and oftentimes exactly what transpired in an actual bear attack is blurred from what actually occurred. Let us have some compassion and understanding for these beautiful creatures. Here are some facts about bear attacks that you may not know…

• You are 120 times more likely to die of a bee sting than die of a black bear attack.
• You are 45 times more likely to die from a dog attack than a black bear attack
• 1 out of 1,000,000 (that’s 1 million) will ever kill someone. (Humans have a much higher rate of murderers than do bears).
• There are about 750,000 black bears in North America, on average there is less than one black bear killing per year.
• You are 60,000 times more likely to be killed by a human than you are by a black bear.
Grizzly bears are vastly outnumbered by black bears and do cause a bit more of a threat than do black bears as they tend to be more aggressive. The vast majority (and I’m talking about almost all) of black bear encounters end with the black bear leaving the premises or the human killing the bear (if it is during hunting season).

That is why I am such a huge advocate of Guard Alaska bear spray, because it helps protect not only yourself but the bear as well. Bear spray works exactly like pepper spray does for humans. The spray causes an intense burning sensation in the bears eyes, nose, throat and lungs but leaves the creature with no ill side effects after 30 minutes or so. It is also completely safe for the environment as it contains no harmful, ozone-depleting chemicals, safe for you, the bear and the environment? What more could you ask for?

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more bear spray for camping or other animal repellents please visit us at Puzek Security systems

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