Friday, April 15, 2011

Security Guard Essentials: The Stun Master Telescopic Stun Baton

As a security guard you get to enjoy all of the potential risk of a police officer with all of the monetary rewards of job that pays very little. Don’t these security guards deserve, at the very least, an item of self-defense that can help protect not only themselves but any and all patrons visiting their place of employment? I cannot think of an item that fits this bill better than the Telescopic Stun Baton by Stun Master.

The Stun Master Telescopic Stun Bat0n is a perfect weapon of self-defense and more effective than the average stun gun because it offers its user an advantage that regular stun guns cannot and that is their reach. Most stun devices, unlike a taser or pepper spray, require the device to actually be touching an attacker in order for the product to do what it is intended to do and that is subdue the assailant. Regular stun devices do not shoot a projectile at the attacker and hence the device can only be used in close quarters combat. Although stun devices are immensely effective this necessity to be close to the attacker can leave some with an uneasy feeling and rightfully so. The Stun Baton is no different in that it must be touching an assailant but the advantage the baton has over its regular counterparts is that it is almost 2 feet long when fully extended (21.5 inches to be exact). Another nice feature about the Stun Baton is that it cannot be taken from you by an intruder as the entire top 6 inches of the device will shock anyone that tries to grab it. It’s rechargeable as well so one would not have to be concerned with purchasing expensive batteries on a security guard’s pay and at 800,000 volts it packs enough stopping power for even the most viscous and relentless of attackers. Lastly, these batons offer additional security by coming equipped with a super bright flashlight, flashing strobe and 120 decibel alarm. What security guard doesn’t need a flashlight? And the 120 decibel alarm can be used to summon additional security if the situation and need for that additional security arises.

As with all stun devices, the Stun Master Stun Baton offers an extremely effective means of subduing an individual in a humane and non-lethal way. The effects of a stun device are completely dissipated after about 20 to 30 minutes in almost all cases; the same can certainly not be said for firearms. So if you are a security guard or have security guards in your employ please do yourself and the civilians you are there to protect a favor and arm yourself with a Stun Master Stun Baton.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see more on the Stun Master Stun Baton or other items of non lethal self defense please visit us online.

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