Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Don’t Waste Your Money on Self Defense Classes for Seniors and Just Buy Pepper Spray

Wrestling, boxing, jiu-jitsu, karate, free-style wrestling, greco roman wrestling, muay thai, judo, tae kwon do and training and knowledge in every other style of physical combat are wonderful assets to have should you find yourself in a physical altercation. However these skills take a considerable amount of time and effort to hone and as such they are not as practical a means of self-defense as some of your other options. This is especially true for senior citizens who may not have the time, energy and physical ability to become as proficient in the martial arts as their younger counterparts. I find that a much more practical and efficient means of self-defense, especially for seniors, is pepper spray. One does not need to possess above average, strength, speed, agility or skill to use pepper spray and it can be every bit as effective, and in most cases more effective, than a black belt in many of the martial arts.

Much like a roundhouse kick to the face, muay thai knee to the ribs or a jiu-jitsu style armbar, a shot of pepper spray causes an immense amount of pain for any attacker. And unlike a roundhouse kick to the face, muay thai knee to the ribs or a jiu-jitsu style arm bar, a shot of pepper spray is far less likely to cause any long term effects, trips to the emergency room, permanent scars or pre-mature death because pepper spray works by causing immense but temporary pain. Another advantage that a defensive spray has over physical combat self-defense is the fact that one needn’t actually touch an attacker. This is immeasurably beneficial to many seniors as the average 75 year old woman is not looking to throw down with the average 25 year old low-life thug. In addition to causing an attacker pain, pepper spray swells the mucous membranes, which makes breathing difficult, and swells the veins in the eyes, causing the eyes to close. These effects can last up to 45 minutes but again cause no permanent damage.

So before you go spend hard earned money trying to perfect one of the many martial arts please consider spending a fraction of what you would probably spend on just one of those classes and invest in a small handheld canister of pepper spray. They are not only extremely affordable but entirely concealable and easy to carry. My own mother (who is a senior citizen thank you) carries her pepper spray on her key ring. My mother may not know Krav Maga or Sambo but she does know how to point and spray and that can be as effective as any martial arts.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more items of self defense for seniors or to buy pepper spray please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Friday, May 20, 2011

Is it Appropriate to Buy Stun Guns as a Measure of Self Defense For Seniors?

The title of this blog post raises an interesting question and one that will no doubt lead to a debate about ethics, safety and the legalities involved. So is it appropriate for a senior citizen to buy a stun gun for protection? I am a firm believer that any law-abiding citizen of sound mind should have the right (if not the responsibility) to carry a non-lethal form of self-defense, especially if the person in question is a senior citizen. As we age we naturally lose a bit of our strength, agility and reflex time and as a result our natural ability to defend ourselves in the event of a violent physical assault. As such, our senior citizens deserve the ability to even the playing field with potential attackers by carrying a self-defense device like a stun gun. Carrying a stun gun is an extremely serious matter and very careful consideration should be taken when deciding whether or not a stun gun is right for a particular senior.

I certainly do not feel that buying a stun gun is appropriate for any senior citizen. Certain questions need to be asked before deciding whether or not a stun device is an appropriate measure for any individual of any age. Here, in my opinion are two of the qualifying questions one should ask…

1. Does this senior citizen have a criminal record of any kind? A criminal record of any kind is usually a good sign that this particular senior doesn’t know how to behave appropriately and uses poor judgment. There could be exceptions to this rule but for the most part I would say if one has a criminal record they should not be allowed to carry a stun device of any kind.

2. Is this senior citizen of sound mind and body? The measuring stick i used to use to determine if a senior was of a sound enough mind and body used to rely on whether or not the senior in question was licensed to operate a motor vehicle. However, after almost being struck by 2 seniors that should not have been driving a car I’ve adjusted my measuring stick. I would say use your good judgment here. If the senior leaves the house in the morning and forgot to put on his pants I would say no, this person should not own a stun gun. Again, use good judgment, if a senior lives alone and is fully capable of taken care of themselves on a day to day basis than that individual should be more than capable of carrying and potentially using a stun device.

So the answer to the question “is it appropriate for a senior citizen to carry a stun gun?” is “maybe” but for those that qualify I am in complete support of carrying such a device. Certainly stun guns can be dangerous but there is going to be an inherent level of danger in just about any self-defense weapon otherwise they wouldn’t be very effective. What is so great about a stun device is that it can be every bit as effective as a firearm without having to result in the death of another human being. So please, if you are a senior citizen concerned for your own safety please consider carrying a stun device.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more items of self defense for seniors or to buy stun guns online please visit us at Puzek Security Systems

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Looking for Gift Ideas for Campers? Guard Alaska Bear Spray for Camping Is Just the Thing

Looking for gift ideas for that special someone on your list? Does that special someone enjoy the great outdoors via hiking or camping? If you answered yes to both of these questions then I think I might just have the perfect gift idea for that person but I will need to ask one last question to be sure. Does that special someone enjoy being dragged out of their tents by their skulls and ripped to shreds by a half-ton grizzly bear? If you answered no to this last question than I am quite certain that I have the perfect gift to give this special someone and that gift is Guard Alaska bear spray.

Guard Alaska is far and away the most effective means of self-defense against a bear attack. Guard Alaska bear spray is the only bear spray so effective that it’s been registered by the EPA as a repellent for any and all types of bears. Considering there are a total of 8 different species of bear in North and South America alone this fact should help give you peace of mind no matter where you decide to set up camp.

Guard Alaska is also environmentally safe and contains no ozone depleting chemicals. This is another reason it makes such a great gift idea for campers considering the fact that most wilderness lovers will not be into destroying the very thing they love. This bear spray is also entirely safe as it does not contain any flammable chemicals (better to enjoy the woods than burn them down).

Guard Alaska bear spray is currently endorsed by the prestigious Alaska Science & Technology Foundation, letting you know that this spray is effective and, very importantly, completely safe for bears. Now I know what you are saying, how can it be effective if it doesn’t harm the bear? What I mean by “safe” is that there will not be any lingering or long lasting side effects associated with this defensive spray. However, when the bear is initially sprayed it will burn like holy hell and this is where it becomes effective. The spray causes such immense temporary pain that the bear will most often turn tail and run (which is also a good time for you to depart the area yourself). This pain eventually subsides however and no permanent damage is done to the bear. I love this fact because we humans share this world with the bear and should be respectful of that fact.

So if you have a birthday, anniversary, Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas, Easter or any other event where you need to give a gift coming up and don’t know what to get, consider Guard Alaska bear spray for camping or hiking.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more gift ideas for campers like Guard Alaska bear spray please visit us online.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Gift Ideas For Seniors: The Personal Keychain Alarm

Are you looking for gift ideas for that special someone on your list? Is that special someone by any chance a senior citizen? Does that senior citizen by any chance hate being mugged and beaten unconscious in a dark alley? Do you not want to spend a lot of money on this particular gift? If you answered yes to all of these questions than i think i may know just the right gift for that senior, a keychain alarm. Keychain alarms allow you to give the gift of safety to any senior citizen who is not fond of being jumped by multiple thugs and beaten over the head with a lead pip while another thug removes their jewelry, wallet and anything else of value. Giving a senior citizen a keychain personal alarm tells that senior “I love you and your safety is important to me”.

Keychain personal alarms work on the premise that your attacker is not immensely stupid and/or deaf and that anyone in the surrounding area is also not immensely stupid and/or deaf. The keychain alarm emits an extremely loud 130 decibel alarm that is sure to put a scare in even the fiercest of would-be attackers. It’s not the actual noise itself that will scare the criminal but the idea of being apprehended and sent to jail that will really scare someone. Criminals won’t last very long as criminals if they don’t mind being caught while committing criminal activities and drawing the attention of everybody in shouting distance is a good way to get yourself caught. So if someone finds themselves cornered by some hoodlums on a dimly lit street in the middle of the night and presses the alarm button there is a very high probability that those hoodlums will be turning tail and running.

Let us say however that by some horrible coincidence your attacker is in fact deaf, stupid, high on drugs or all three and isn’t quite as deterred by the 130 decibel alarm as one would expect. Although this situation is far less than ideal it still very likely that everyone in a quarter mile radius is not deaf and will be inclined to look in the direction the alarm is coming from, at which point others will see what is happening and presumably call the police or possibly even assist you themselves.

So next time you have a 65th birthday coming up for Grandma and can’t think of what to buy for a 65 year old, please remember that the gift of life can be as easy as giving the keychain personal alarm. Also please remember that these make great gift ideas not only for seniors but college students, parents, sons, daughters, and anyone else that you know for a fact hate being mugged.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more gift ideas for seniors like the keychain alarm please visit us online.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ode to Stun Master Stun Guns; the Best Stun Guns In The World

Stun guns are an extremely effective means of self-defense. stun devices are also a much safer and humane alternative to traditional means of self-defense like handguns. Stun Master stun guns have been a leader in the stun device industry for almost thirty years and I can’t think of a better way to honor this company’s dedication to protecting innocent civilians than with this poem that I wrote…

Ode To Stun Master Stun Guns
By Carl Vouer

Stun Master stun guns, leader of the pack,

You keep me from being the victim of an attack.

For over thirty years you’ve been helping to save lives,

Helping protect the innocent is where this company thrives.

A stun device is such a better choice than a gun or a knife,

Because with those instruments one can often take a life.

A stun device is great because it is humane,

And they are so effective it just seems to me insane

To choose a different weapon when looking for self-defense

Will never make to me even the least bit of sense.

They are also much more affordable then is a gun,

And in rough economic times being broke is not fun.

A lot of people are unclear about how these things work,

They think it’s all about just shocking some poor jerk.

But what actually occurs is slightly more complex

They are designed to subdue an attacker and always to protect,

But they do it in a way that leaves no permanent effects.

Another thing to consider is this unique little fact

These things are effective even on those high on crack.

The gun works by disrupting signals to the attacker’s brain

But does so without really causing all that much pain.

Stun Master devices are ideal for so many,

Seniors and women and those trying to save a penny.

They are intended for those that will use it for good

And only in self-defense like everyone should.

So if you are someone that hates being jacked

Or robbed or mugged or beaten and smacked,

Then do the right thing and equip yourself with one.

But don’t settle for less than the best for this gun

And get a Stun Master device upon which you can rely

And know that Stun Master’s loyalty to you will never die.

Are you misty eyed yet? That was a beautiful poem about a wonderful company that’s been helping innocent people defend themselves for almost 30 years now and I wouldn’t trust any other brand for my own personal protection.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more Stun Master stun guns please visit your friendly online stun gun dealer.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Seniorz n the Hood: A screenplay about pepper spray and self defense for seniors

Scene 1 of 1
Setting: Nighttime. Suburban, middle-class, tree lined, park area. Nobody is around except for an elderly gentleman named Steve and a young hooded ruffian named Ice Pick. Steve is shuffling home from a night at his new lady friend’s house and Ice Pick is standing under a dimly lit street light, leaning on the light pole. Ice Pick stands about 6’4″ 240 pounds to Steve’s 5’6 145 pounds.

Ice Pick: Hey old man. Look here old dude, I’m a complete and utter scumbag and so tonight I thought I’d take a stroll down some dimly lit street and beat up someone much smaller and weaker than myself.

Steve: Well, young man, although I admire your honesty and straightforwardness, I can’t say as I’m in the mood to get the holy hell beat out of me.

Ice Pick: Hmmmm. That is unfortunate, isn’t it? Because I fully intend on bum rushing you and taking your wallet. I am going to find out soon enough but do you happen to have a watch or any jewelry of value on you?

Steve: I have my wedding ring and the Rolex I received after 30 years at my old job. Those are worth much more to me, both emotionally and financially than the 70 dollars cash in my wallet.

Ice Pick: Oh really? That is terrific news because aside from being a general loser and all-around scumbag I also have a pretty nasty meth habit. This is great, now I can just chill out at the local motel and melt my brain for a few days until the next time I come around seeking new prey to fuel my wicked drug habit.

Steve: Wow that is really sad, young man. I hope you find the help you need. Unfortunately I’m not going to be able to hand over my watch, ring or wallet. You see I also have in my pocket a small bottle of ultra-hot pepper spray.

Ice Pick: (clearly concerned but ready to call his bluff) Oh yeah? Well I’m not afraid of a little pepper spray. Seeing as I’m a big tough guy.

Steve: You seem like someone that isn’t all that smart but even you should know that me spraying you in the face with ultra-hot pepper spray is not going to be a pleasurable experience for you. We are talking about a spray that is rated at 2 million scoville units.

Ice Pick: Scov who?

Steve: Scoville units. It’s a unit of measurement to determine just how hot a pepper truly is. A habanero pepper for example measures in at about 150,000 Scoville units. Have you ever tried a habanero pepper?

Ice Pick: Oooh. Yeah those are hot. My eyes were burning and my nose was running eating one of those.

Steve: Yeah they are spicy, aren’t they? Well now imagine I was to take a pepper roughly 15 times a s hot as that and rub it in your eyes, nose, throat and lungs. How do you think that would feel, son?

Ice Pick: (with a pained and disgusted look on his face) You know what? I think I’m just going to go home.

Steve: That might be the best decision you made all day.


That was a gripping tale, wasn’t it? In all seriousness though I truly do believe that pepper spray is the very best means of self-defense for senior citizens, women, college students and just about anyone that doesn’t enjoy being mugged.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

To see more pepper spray for seniors or other items of self defense for seniors please visit us online.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Ode To The Electronic Dog Repeller

Ode To The Electronic Dog Repeller
A poem by Carl Vouer

Electronic dog repeller, with you at my side,

I feel safe walking the streets or taking my bike for a ride.

I live in a neighborhood that is a little shady,

And I used to worry about this one pit-bull walked by a bug-eyed lady.

Well now I don’t have to worry because I have you,

You’ll keep these bad dogs at bay, this much I know is true.

I know I’m not alone in this fear of dogs attacking,

They hold dog fights in my hood, where common sense is lacking.

I feel for these poor dogs as it really isn’t their fault,

Its abusive owners that really need to halt.

I have a dog myself whom I love and respect,

But it is what it is and I don’t need one biting my neck.

The thing about the electronic dog repeller,

And the reason I think it is such a hot seller,

Is it treats dogs with respect deservant of Old Yeller.

It does not shock, or hurt or maim,

That’s how these dogs got nasty in the first place and I won’t do the same.

This device merely emits a super loud noise,

So very high pitched that it cannot annoy,

As humans can’t hear it but dogs sure can,

And boy do they hate it, man oh man.

This sound that is audible only to dog,

Can prove very useful when out for a jog.

Its range is superb at about 40 feet,

Should a rabid dog you not want to meet.

But the features don’t end there; this device is really out of sight,

It has a second level of protection with its super bright strobe light.

Both the sound and the light greatly confuse and annoy,

They make the dog run away before it’s able to destroy.

It’s extremely effective at thwarting attack,

Most dogs will run and never look back.

But the repeller can be used for more than stopping bloodletting,

It has an altogether unique and different setting

That can be used while a dog is in training

To ensure that what you are teaching the dog is maintaining.

And please note again that this in no way harms these creatures,

It won’t cause them any pain or mangle their features.

As could be the case if a rabid dog lunged at your face

Which is also why they make a thing called dog mace.

So please for your safety and for those that you love

I hope in the right direction this poem has given you a shove.

Remember any dog can become like Old Yeller

So it’s best to have yourself the electronic dog repeller.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see the electronic dog repeller or other animal repellents please visit us online

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ode to Handheld Metal Detectors

If you are a promoter that is planning on holding an event where there will be any number of people attending you may want to strongly consider implementing the use of one or more (depending on the size of the event) handheld metal detectors. Metal detectors provide an effective, yet cost-effective, means of protecting the people in attendance. My love for these instruments is so great that I have written another poem to express this love and so I present to you…

Ode to Handheld Metal Detectors, A Poem by Carl Vouer

I love a good concert and also a show,

Where there are big crowds I will likely go.

I am a people person and of this there is no doubt,

I love to party, let loose, to scream and to shout.

My only concern when at a concert is this,

That nobody gets in without a stamp on their wrist.

This stamp will confirm that a security check has been run,

And nobody is sneaking in with a knife or a gun.

I love partying all night at a club that is hot,

But would much rather do so without being shot.

I would much rather spend the night engulfed in dance,

Than bleeding profusely in the back of an ambulance.

It’s just so enjoyable when you have the peace of mind,

Knowing nobody in attendance is going to commit a crime.

For a promoter to ignore this most basic of needs,

Would be a critical oversight or one of much greed.

A promoter should consider security the utmost importance,

Especially to stay in most state law accordance.

A great thing about handheld metal detectors is that they come cheap,

Keep your attendees safe from harm and at night you can sleep.

Knowing you did your part to be a good host,

And not a cheap scumbag, but someone we should toast.

Most handheld detectors need no player hating,

As they are so easy to use as they are self-calibrating.

Their ultra-sensitivity makes them impossible to fool,

For attendees that come to straight act a fool.

They can detect a handgun from almost a foot,

So you can weed out a catastrophe at its root.

Whether the concert is for Donny Osmond or Slayer,

Your guest’s safety won’t hinge on a wing and a prayer.

So do the right thing and get this handheld device,

Or something will happen and it won’t be nice.

Someone may be hiding a gun or knife in their shoe,

But they’ll never get in and guests can thank you.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more handheld metal detectors please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Camping Without Guard Alaska Bear Spray! A Cautionary Tale by Carl Vouer

Guard Alaska bear spray is an amazing product in the truest sense if the word ‘amazing’. It doesn’t put a show room shine on your car or provide a ‘low-calorie, great-tasting’ alternative to other beverages, it just saves your life. This product can help you avoid being mauled to death. I love it because it holds real value, so much so that I wrote this poem about it. I call this piece…

Camping Without Guard Alaska Bear Spray!
A cautionary tale by Carl Vouer.

Hark; through the trees I hear the bear approach

He is nimble and swift and beyond reproach.

Yea, though I am fleet of foot

This bear will cease me in his moot,

And crunch upon my head so….damn!

I really should have had a better plan!

I knew I would be in the woods this week

But failed to use my brain so meek.

Now I have only myself to blame

As I sit here getting eaten by the campfire flame,

To not secure bear mace was truly insane

But alas, I’ve already spoken of my very weak brain.

Listen here, Bear, although I really can’t blame you

This really friggin hurts and you swallowed my shoe.

Bear Spray is so cheap and easy to use

If I had just gotten some I’d still have my shoes.

But, alas, it’s too late and I don’t have it now,

So do what you will, you’ll never get to see,

That Guard Alaska was truly the one for me.

It’s the only bear deterrent registered with the EPA

To work as a repellent for all species of bear, hip hip hooray!

Wait, why am I celebrating? I don’t have any,

Now my exposed bone wounds will be many.

Now run along and leave me to be!

Go play in the forest or climb up a tree!

You’ll never understand as you mangle my features

That this spray is humane for you beautiful creatures.

Nor will you see how it keeps your habitat safe and sound

With an environmentally safe formula that won’t hurt the air or the ground.

The next time, if there is one that I hike around bears

I’ll use common sense and be more prepared.

I’ll get me a bottle of Guard Alaska bear spray,

So I can feel protected and enjoy my day.

So do what you will, Bear, but please understand

The next time you see me what I’ll have in a can

Is the most effective bear spray that money can buy

And this won’t happen again and I won’t have to die.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more on Guard Alaska bear spray or other animal repellents please visit us online.