Friday, July 29, 2011

Smartphones Can’t Stop an Attacker but a Cell Phone Stun Gun Will

I love my smartphone. It can tell me what time my beloved White Sox are playing, where they are in the standings and who is on the mound for tonight’s game. I can check my smartphone and know when my next train is leaving Union Station or see what the weather is going to be like this weekend (note: it’s going to be hot and humid). Yep, I can do just about anything and access any information imaginable with the touch of a few buttons of my smartphone but one thing I can’t do is stop a potentially life threatening attack. That’s why I carry another “cell phone” with me at all times and this one comes equipped with something that my smartphone does not, 4.5 million volts of rootin’ tootin’ stopping power.

The Pretender Cell Phone Stun Gun is a marvelous gadget to own because it truly is completely undetectable and looks exactly like a real cell phone even at close inspection. I am not one to justify carrying a concealed weapon but at the same time I don’t feel that letting every stranger on the street know you are carrying such a device is a very good idea either. Fear not though as you don’t have to worry about someone you know accidentally trying to make a call with this device and shocking them senseless as this phone comes equipped with two built-in safety measures. First, the safety must be in the ‘on’ position for the stun gun to fire and second the trigger must be pressed. Just to be absolutely safe though I would not leave the cell phone stun gun sitting out where just anyone could grab it. I don’t think this even needs to be said though as one would not leave a weapon of any kind just lying about and if they would it’s not the kind of individual who is responsible enough to have one of these guns anyway.

As with any stun gun the Pretender cell phone stun gun is a much more humane and safe alternative to other weapons of self-defense, like firearms. Stun guns work by subduing an attacker, just as effectively as a pistol in most cases, but without leaving someone with severe and long-term injuries (or dead). The high voltage current disrupts an assailant’s neurological system while the low amperage makes the current “safe” by not making the current lethal.

Now that is what I call a really smart phone.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see the cell phone stun gun or other non-lethal devices please visit your friendly online stun gun dealer.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How to Stop a Dog Attack: The Electronic Dog Repeller

One of the most frightening situations we can find ourselves in is to be face to face with a wild animal that means us harm. Unlike a human we cannot often talk our ways out of a situation before it escalates and also, unlike with humans, an animal attack is not restricted by the attacking animal’s fear of being caught and punished by law enforcement. On the contrary an animal usually attacks because it is afraid of you and feels you are a threat to its own wellbeing and as such will attack vigorously and without reservation. The wild animal that we Americans need to be most concerned with is a canine as there are about 1 million dog bite incidents reported every year in the United States.

So how can the average citizen help defend themselves in the event of a dog attack? Well I guess the best way to survive an attack would be to avoid the attack in the first place. In the case of canine attacks the best way to avoid attack is to lock yourself in your house and never ever venture outside. If this measure seems a little drastic i suggest you try the next best thing and secure yourself a small, very affordable and very easy to carry electronic dog repeller. The electronic dog repeller is a completely safe and humane device used to both deter aggressive dogs from approaching and also as a training tool for canines.

The device works in two ways, the first is by emitting an ultra-high pitched sound that is so high pitched that it can only be detected by dogs and the second is by using a super-bright strobe light that further confuses and deters the animal. The high pitched sound that emanates from this device is about 135 decibels which gives the user a large range from which to use the device and successfully deter any approaching dogs before they can even get close enough to attack.

The device only weighs 3.5 ounces and is 3 3/4″ x 2 3/16″ x 7/8″ which makes these devices small enough to easily and effortlessly carry with you while running, biking or just taking a stroll through the neighborhood. The super bright strobe can be set so that it does not work as a strobe light but as a regular flashlight. There is also a training setting on this device which can be used to train dogs. The device works on a simple 9 volt battery and a quality battery will rarely need replacing as the device is hopefully not being used all that often. If you are using the device constantly I hope that it is as a flashlight or training instrument and not because you are constantly under attack by angry dogs. If that is the case you may want to move to a new area.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see the electronic dog repeller or other animal repellents please visit us online.

Monday, July 25, 2011

How Can Seniors Defend Themselves? Try Personal Alarms.

I have been asked by many of my older customers whether or not a personal alarm might be of use to them. Although no two people are alike, and hence any two situations will vary, I have put together this brief checklist to help ascertain whether or not a personal alarm would be beneficial to you personally.

1. Are you professional MMA fighter and former multi-sport hall-of-fame athlete Herschel Walker?

2. Are you under the constant surveillance and protection of a personal security team?

3. Do you enjoy having your wallet and other valuables taken from you with violent force?

If you answered ‘no’ to all three of these questions than I would be extremely confident in saying that a personal alarm could be an immensely useful and possibly life-saving device for you to own. If you said yes to any of these questions than I would still be confident in saying that a personal alarm might just be worth picking up in the event one is needed.

Personal alarms truly are a device that I feel every man, woman and child should own as they are the only non-lethal self-defense tool I can think of that is 100% safe and carries zero risk of injury. The same can certainly not be said for firearms, stun guns, mace, pepper spray, knives, chains, bats, etc…, all of those weapons can be wildly effective but they also can be wildly dangerous and can often cause severe injuries and death. Personal alarms emit no deadly projectile, electric charge or dangerous spray, they work solely by emitting an extremely loud siren that works to distract, confuse and frighten a potential assailant.

Now let’s say that your assailant is deaf, stupid or high on drugs or maybe all three, then what? What if the 130 decibel alarm does nothing to deter the assailant? Well as long as everybody living in a quarter mile radius is not deaf, stupid or high on drugs then you are going to have a great deal of attention directed towards you and Mr. assailant, the kind of attention that gets police called. And to be honest I think the vast majority of criminals are smart enough to understand that getting caught is not a good idea if one wants to have any success in their criminal lifestyle and as such I think many (if not all) will run as soon as that alarm goes off. 130 decibels is extremely loud and if one considers that the average rock concert is about 120-125 decibels than you really get a sense of how loud these things can get. So when one is contemplating the ways in which senior citizens (or anyone for that matter) can defend themselves please consider these personal alarms.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more personal alarms for seniors like the keychain alarm please visit us online.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Must Have Animal Repellents: Guard Alaska Bear Spray

Let’s face it; there are not too many wild animals that we need to be concerned with in North America these days. Most of us live in areas where the wild animals we encounter consist of squirrels, raccoons, birds, chipmunks and maybe the occasional Garter snake. Not only are these animals going to run from you in skittish terror the second you approach them but even if one was to attack I think it is safe to say that an able bodied human could probably survive a squirrel attack relatively unharmed (unless of course the fury little assailant has rabies). There is one animal however that I see sometimes when I go camping up north and it is a truly beautiful yet terrifying creature. It is an animal that I make sure I am prepared for and that animal is a bear. I have seen black bears on a handful of occasions when camping in northern Wisconsin and although I’ve never been in real imminent danger of one charging I am wise enough to understand that it can be just a matter of time before I find myself in a life-threatening situation with one of these beautiful beasts. This understanding is what has led me to always make sure I pack (and more importantly carry) a can of Guard Alaska bear spray whenever I go camping or hiking in bear populated areas. For me personally, it just makes sense to take the extra 2 minutes to pack the bear spray when the risk of not taking it could mean me being mauled to death by a 400 pound black bear.

Guard Alaska bear spray is great because not only is it the most effective bear spray available but is also the safest for the environment. There are absolutely no ozone depleting chemicals in Guard Alaska spray and this should be of great importance to anyone that enjoys camping, hiking or just enjoying nature. If we love nature so much let us not destroy it by using chemicals that are harmful to the very thing we hold so dear. Another nice thing about this particular bear spray is that it is safe for the bear. Bears do not attack because they are blood thirsty man eaters. They usually attack because they feel they are being threatened or that their cubs are being threatened in some way, that is why one of the worst situations to be in is to find yourself between a mother bear and her cubs. They are usually gentle creatures that we must find a way to coexist with and that is exactly why I choose Guard Alaska. It is effective enough to thwart off even the biggest bears but won’t leave that bear with any permanent damage after the initial burning sensation wears off.

So if you are planning on spending time in bear populated areas please do yourself a favor and carry an animal repellent that could very well save your life, Guard Alaska bear spray.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more animal repellents or to buy your own Guard Alaska bear spray please visit us online.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Your Double Trouble Stun Gun Dealer Has Something for Those Would-Be Assailants

The world is not a peaceful place and it never will be. There will always be crime, corruption, greed and murder. Humans much like any animal, if not more so than most animals, are capable of unspeakable evil and that is just the way of the world. I do not mean to come off as jaded or pessimistic but rather realistic and aware of the fact that it is an unsafe world out there and we need to be prepared. We need to be prepared in the event that one of these days we could very well find ourselves in a situation where our lives or the lives of our loved ones could be threatened by another. In a situation like this we do not want to think to ourselves ‘Gee, I wish I had taken some very simple steps to prevent this’. I am always deeply saddened when I hear news of an assault because I know just how ridiculously easy and cost effective it is to stop an attack from happening. It really is as simple as going online and purchasing a Double Trouble stun gun.

There is some confusion as to just how a stun gun works and what prevents a fatality or even an injury when using a stun device. A stun device is effective because it disrupts assailant’s neurological pathways and basically makes the assailant lose control over their own body. It also makes the muscles contract and relax so fast and furiously that the assailant is totally physically exhausted in just a matter of seconds. However, this highly effective jolt of electricity is almost never fatal or even enough to leave the assailant with long term ill effects and that is because this non-lethal self-defense device uses a high voltage low amperage current of electricity. The high voltage makes it an extremely effective stun gun, the low amperage makes it a device that won’t leave anyone critically injured or worse.

What really sets the Double Trouble stun gun apart from other similar devices is the space between its contacts. Most stun devices have only 1.5 inches between contacts but the Double Trouble has a whopping 5 inches, giving the gun greater power and more contact area to hit a potential target with. I always tell people to choose a stun gun with at least 150,000 volts at bare minimum, well this gun boasts a show stopping, lifesaving 1,5000,000 volts! I assure you that any assailant that gets hit with 1.5 million volts is going to stop assaulting and hit the ground in a hurry. This should give you just enough time to exit the area and call the police to come get the disoriented scumbag.

So if you are looking for non-lethal and humane protection but you still want it to be every bit as effective as a firearm please consider the Double Trouble.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more on the Double Trouble stun gun please visit your friendly online stun gun dealer.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Your Online Stun Gun Dealer Has Self Defense for Seniors all Figured Out

They say there are only two certainties in this life and those certainties are death and taxes. Aside from these two things the future is uncertain for any and every human being on the planet today. If we could accurately predict the future then we would all be rich I suppose, although knowing exactly what, when, how and why everything is going to happen sounds a trifle boring. The world can be a scary place, especially if were not prepared for what awaits us or what situations we may find ourselves in. I think this holds tru for one group of people in particular and that is senior citizens.

As we age into our elder years we naturally lose our ability to defend ourselves in a physical altercation. Muscle mass lessens, flexibility decreases, bones become more fragile and our reflexes become slower. I am not saying that there are not some bad 80 year old guys(and gals) walking the streets today but that on average we are not as apt to be able to best a younger attacker as we would be in our own youth. And even if we could why would anyone in their right mind want to involve themselves in a physical altercation that doesn’t have to? So to ensure these peoples safety in an uncertain world I would strongly suggest visiting an online stun gun dealer.

Stun guns are extremely effective self-defense weapons. Some studies have shown stun guns to be as effective, if not more effective, than some handguns as a measure of self-defense. Unlike firearms though, the stun gun is considered non-lethal as in almost all cases it proves to be just that, non-lethal. I want to provide self-defense for seniors, not arm the elderly with weapons meant to maim or kill as is the case with a firearm. Stun devices are still dangerous but some danger must be inherent in this effectiveness, otherwise they wouldn’t be very effective would they? Stun guns are by no means a product to be taken lightly and I certainly wouldn’t recommend them for everyone but for a relatively able bodied senior citizen with a spotless criminal record I would definitely feel comfortable recommending a stun device for protection.

Many stun guns are small and compact enough to carry anywhere and at all times, be it in a purse, pocket or handbag. Just please remember to have it on you or it isn’t going to do you much good if such a device is needed. Please be sure to check your states individual laws regarding stun devices as there are restrictions on the carrying and use of stun guns in some areas.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more items of self defense for seniorsplease visit your friendly online stun gun dealer.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Must Have Animal Repellents: The Electronic Dog Repeller

Animals will be animals, whether they be lions, tigers, bears or dogs. Point being that any animal has the potential to be dangerous under specific circumstances and there is nothing one can do to change it. A person may not be able to change this fact but they can certainly be prepared by securing themselves a small handheld device which helps to deter an unwanted animal from approaching. In today’s modern and civilized world we don’t have to worry about too many wild animals bu the threat still exists and no wild animal, actually capable of inflicting great bodily harm, is in greater abundance than dogs. I have a dog, my neighbor to the south has 3 and my neighbor to the north has 2. None of these dogs are remotely close to anything I’d consider “dangerous” but the point is that there are a great many dogs in this world and just by the simple law of averages tells us that some of these dogs are not the friendliest. It seems to me that the rougher the neighborhood is, the more of these unfriendly dogs you’ll find. So if you are someone living in a lower income neighborhood you may know what I am talking about and I would suggest you do yourself a favor and consider an electronic dog repeller. Although my recommendations to secure such an item go for anyone that ever leaves his or her own house regardless of the neighborhood they live in. I see dogs everywhere I go and as I enjoy running and biking outdoors I feel somewhat vulnerable to a possible dog attack. An electronic dog repeller is one of those items that you may never need but will direly miss if a situation arises that calls for one and one is not available to you. They are so compact and easy to carry on your person that you won’t even be conscious of the fact that you are carrying it. They are wonderful items to take with you when you are out running, biking or just taking a nice summertime stroll through your neighborhood.

Electronic dog repellers work by emitting a super high frequency alarm that is so high frequency the human ear cannot detect it. A dog can hear a much wider pitch range of sounds than can a human and I assure you the squeal it will hear from one of these is going to be anything but pleasant. So much so that an approaching dog is almost assuredly going to change directions upon hearing said alarm. And if the sound is not enough of a deterrent the electronic dog repeller also comes equipped with a super bright strobe light that further confuses the canine. And what is best is that the repeller causes no physical damage to the dog whatsoever, making it a truly effective yet humane device. There is also a training setting that can be used to humanely and effectively train dogs.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see the electronic dog repeller or other animal repellents please visit us online

Friday, July 15, 2011

Buy Pepper Spray Online and You May Have the Ultimate Self Defense for Seniors

Two months ago the U.S. Census Bureau released a brief regarding the data they had accumulated through the massive 2010 Census. As was to be expected the nation’s median age got a bit older as our post World War II baby-boomers aged into senior citizens. In 2000 the median age was 35.3 and last year it was up almost 2 full years to 37.2. So what does all of this have to do with pepper spray and self-defense for seniors? Well, everything actually. What we have is a lot more senior citizens living in America, walking its streets, living alone and being independent. What does this mean for scumbag criminals who like to prey on people they consider weaker than themselves? Simple, it means more potential targets.

So what is a senior citizen to do to help ensure his or her own safety? There are a few options but the one I’d like to discuss today happens to be one of my favorite and I feel most effective options when discussing self-defense for senior citizens and that is pepper spray. Pepper spray is a non-lethal weapon of self-defense that is ideal for any responsible, law-abiding citizen but I really feel like it is the ideal tool for seniors. For one it takes almost no strength to carry and operate a small handheld bottle of pepper spray. Secondly, defensive sprays take almost no training to operate safely and effectively. You simply release the safety with the flick of your thumb, point and spray.

Pepper spray works by shooting a highly concentrated blast of capsaicin, which is a chemical that is derived from chili peppers. Think about how hot a dab of Tabasco sauce from your refrigerator might be and then multiply that spiciness a few thousand times over and then imagine that rubbed into your eyes, nose, throat and lungs. Chances are very good that you would stop whatever activity you were involved in, say mugging an old lady, and keel over in immense pain and anguish. Fortunately, pepper spray is a non-lethal weapon and almost never results in death or even any lingering effects. I want the senior citizens of America to be able to stop an attacker without killing them. Let’s just subdue these scumbags and let the long arm of the law deal with their punishment.

So if you are a senior citizen or really a person of any age that just wants the security of knowing that they have the ability to stop even the fiercest of attackers please strongly consider buying pepper spray.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more items of self defense for seniors or to buy pepper spray online please visit us at Puzek Security Systems

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

If You Plan On Camping In Yellowstone National Park Please Buy Bear Spray Online

I was quite saddened to hear about the fatal bear attack at Yellowstone National Park this past week. I’m saddened because once again a life has been lost that a little planning and prevention could have very easily spared. A 57 year old man and his wife were out hiking in the park and stumbled upon a mother grizzly and her cubs. One of the main reasons that bear attacks occur is because a mother grizzly feels her cubs are threatened. This bear did not take the man’s life because she was a blood-thirsty man killer. She attacked the man because she thought that her cubs were in some sort of danger. Unfortunately neither this man nor his wife was carrying bear spray on them and as a result they had no means of stopping the bear from charging. The Yellowstone Park rangers even said that bear spray would have very likely stopped the bear attack. If there is any positive note from this story it is that the wife was able to escape a similar fate by playing dead and survived physically unharmed. I say “physically” because she is obviously emotionally destroyed and will never be the same. When I think about the fact that a very inexpensive bottle of bear spray could have prevented this I truly get a sinking feeling in my stomach. Had this man and/or his wife had taken a few minutes to go online and purchase a can of bear spray and kept it in their pack he may very well still be here to take his wife on future hiking trips. Please do not make the same mistake, if you are planning on camping or hiking in any area that has even the slightest chance of seeing a bear, go online and buy bear spray. And for the love of god keep it on your person at all times.

Bear spray works in much the same way that pepper spray works on a human attacker. In fact, bear spray shares the same ingredients as does pepper spray but is often more concentrated and many times will have a bit more range than the average canister of human pepper spray. It is much safer than carrying a handgun and in many studies has actually proven more effective at deterring bear attack than is a firearm.

It’s careless not to take such an easy precaution and if you care at all about yourself and your loved ones you will take such precautions before venturing into bear populated areas.

Please take care,

Puzek Security Systems

To buy bear spray online or view other animal repellents please visit us online.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Life Saving Gadget Review: The Stun Gun Flashlight

The stun gun flashlight is truly a marvel of modern gadgetry. It can help you see in the dark, avoid roadside accidents and avoid being robbed and beaten to death. It’s basically like carrying Batman around with you everywhere you go. Let’s take a gander at what this gem comes equipped with, shall we?

Flashlight -

Okay, it’s a flashlight. You know, for seeing in the dark? Who doesn’t need an ultra-bright and reliable flashlight? I suppose if you had built in night vision due to some genetic mutation you may not need one but otherwise it’s a pretty useful tool to have and one that you should be able to find in just about any household in the world. It’s fiberglass reinforced body makes it light but very durable.

Attachable red cone (for roadside emergencies) -

Anyone that has ever blown a tire, run out of gas or had an engine breakdown on a busy street at night knows how nerve racking the experience can be. They would also know how dangerous it can be if you have to get out and change a tire or wait for assistance on the side of the road. When visibility is nil it just isn’t safe to be standing anywhere near a busy street. This little attachment will help oncoming cars see you from a great distance and help ensure your safety while you fix that flat or wait for assistance. Obviously you would want to have the stun gun flashlight with you in your car or this attachment isn’t going to do you a whole lot of good.

130 decibel emergency alarm -

Let’s say you are stranded at night in a questionable neighborhood and see two men approaching. One has a length of chain in his hand and the other has something that also appears to be a weapon. Before they can get any closer you go ahead and pop the 130 decibel alarm off and you know what is going to happen? I would guess those two thugs would probably turn tail and run for fear of being caught. See, when it’s the middle of the night (or anytime really) and a 130 decibels of wailing emergency siren go off people tend to look out windows. Thugs know this and that is why they want no part of it. 130 decibels is about the same as a rock concert if one wants a comparison.

200,000 volt, 16.5 inch stun baton -

Now let us say that those same two thugs are either deaf or just really stupid and don’t retreat when you set the alarm off. Well now those two gentlemen have a real problem because what you have at your disposal is a 2000,000 volt stun device. Just the crackle of electricity and bright blue arc of light should be enough to intimidate even the fiercest of attackers but should they want to test what 200,000 volts will do then by all means let them experience it. Let me tell you what will happen to an attacker that gets jolted with a couple hundred thousand volts, they will stop attacking usually.

So there you have it. The stun gun flashlight. A true marvel of modern gadgetry.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more on the stun gun flashlight please visit your friendly online stun gun dealer

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Cell Phone Stun Gun is the Real Smartphone

I am an admitted tech geek. I love gadgets and gizmos of all kinds and am lucky enough to live in a time where a real technology explosion is taking place. If you think about where we are with technology and how far we’ve come in such a very short time you really get a sense of how exponential the timing of technology is. And it makes it hard to fathom where we will be in just a few short years. The smartphone in and of itself is an absolute marvel. If you could take a smartphone back just 20 years you would absolutely blow people’s minds. A smartphone can offer directions when you are lost, tell you what movie is playing at what time, where the cheapest gas is, the weather forecast and just about anything you could possibly want to know at the touch of a few buttons.

Even a smartphone has its limitations though and one area where it won’t be of assistance is in preventing a potentially life-threatening attack. As passionate as I am about technology, there is only one thing I am more passionate about and that is non-lethal self-defense. Knowing what time the next movie starts is great but I’d rather be alive to see it which brings me to one of my favorite self-defense gadgets of all time, the cell phone stun gun, the real smartphone in my opinion.

The Pretender cell phone stun gun, even at the closest of inspection, appears to be an actual working cell phone but in reality it is an ultra-effective, 4.5 million volt stun gun, a stun device capable of stopping even the biggest and baddest of attackers dead in their tracks. The wonderful thing about this stun device, as with just about any stun device, is that they are non-lethal. This allows you to carry a weapon of self-defense that can be every bit as effective as a handgun and one that will leave your attacker completely subdued but not dead. Let’s give the scumbag a chance to go off to prison and not a morgue, shall we? Maybe they will learn the error of their ways and become a productive member of society yet. Another nice thing about these stun guns phones is that you don’t have to make it so glaringly obvious that you are carrying a weapon. I don’t know about you but that would tend to make me feel uncomfortable if everyone could simply look and say “that guy is carrying a weapon”. Personally, I believe that letting everyone know you are carrying a weapon of self-defense could potentially cause more problems than it would avoid.

So if you love gadgets as much as we do and also do not enjoy being mugged and beaten nearly to death you may want to seriously consider the Pretender cell phone stun gun.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see your own cell phone stun gun please visit your friendly online stun gun dealer.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Self Defense for Seniors: The Keychain Alarm

The topic of self-defense for senior citizens can get a bit complicated when the discussion turns to self-defense weaponry. In my opinion, senior citizens make ideal candidates for weapons of non-lethal self-defense. Stun guns, tasers, pepper spray and mace are all wonderfully effective, non-lethal items that can help save a life and at the same time not take on in return. However, I can completely understand one’s hesitation in equipping a senior, or anyone for that matter, with such an item. They are after all potentially dangerous weapons and can cause serious harm is misused. I personally carry pepper spray with me at all times and plan on doing so for the rest of my natural born life but I can understand that everyone may not feel as comfortable carrying a similar product. For these people I have a very simple, cost-effective and reliable alternative to stun devices and defensive sprays, and that alternative is the keychain alarm.

The keychain alarm is, as one would probably guess, an alarm in the form of a small handheld device that can double as a keychain. These alarms are great because they can be every bit as effective as a stun gun or mace without even the smallest risk of injury or death should the alarm be used improperly. How can a small keychain alarm possibly be as effective in deterring an attacker as a stun gun or pepper spray you ask? Well, let’s talk about what the intentions of your average criminal are. One, they want to profit illegally and two, they want to do so without being caught. So let us take a real world example and say you are walking down a dimly lit street and here comes Mr. Mugger to help relieve you of your wallet and jewelry. If you had a keychain alarm you would simply activate the alarm and a 130 decibel alarm would start screeching like all heck. I assure you that 130 decibels is sufficiently loud enough to both scare Mr. Mugger and alert everyone in the vicinity that you are in distress. I would be willing to bet that in more cases than not the attacker would simply turn tail and run for fear of being apprehended.

Many of these alarms come equipped with a flashlight built in which can really make for a useful little device that can come in handy regardless of whether or not it is being used as an actual alarm. And my hope is that you would never need the alarm.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more items of self defense for seniors or to view your own keychain alarm please visit us online.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Renters Insurance is Great but Renters Should Strongly Consider Installing Apartment Alarms

I have been asked many times by my customers whether or not I think it is really necessary for them to install an apartment alarm in their apartment. My reply to this question is always very simple “Do you want to keep the stuff you have in your apartment?”. If the answer to this question is yes and you don’t wish someone would just come and relive you of every material possession within the apartment than installing an alarm systems is an absolute no-brainer. Renters very often assume that they are somehow in less danger of being burglarized then there home owning counterparts when the truth of the matter is the exact opposite. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, apartments see a burglary rate 79% higher than single family homes. Rental properties saw 210 property crimes per 1,000 households nationwide, while owned properties experienced only 146 property crimes per 1,000 households in 2001, the bureau reported.

Another reason people that are renting do not secure apartment alarms may be because they wrongfully assume that doing so would be an expensive and potentially time consuming endeavor. This is absolutely not true when you consider the fact that there is usually less space to secure in an apartment and often something as simple as an apartment door guard alarm can cost less than the universal remote to your television. And securing an apartment is oftentimes much simpler and cost effective than securing a home for multiple reasons. For one, if you live on a floor other than the first floor a door guard alarm is all that you may realistically need as someone is very unlikely to enter the residence through a window, unless of course spider man is robbing your place. Secondly, even if you are on the first floor or in a garden apartment there just aren’t as many windows and doors to secure as is the case with the average single family home.

Renters insurance is an exceptionally wise decision but it should by no means be the one and only source of insuring your property. First and foremost, insurance can replace an item but what if the original item held significant emotional attachment? The best renters insurance policy on the planet can’t replace that. Secondly, if you are robbed and have to use your renters insurance policy to replace stolen items than I absolutely assure you that you will see an increase in your premium regardless of what the insurance salesman tries to tell you or how the company tries to hide this increase. And thirdly, and most important, renters insurance cannot replace the sense of insecurity and violation one will naturally feel once they’ve been the victim of a break-in.

So for all of these reasons and for ones I haven’t even mentioned please strongly consider securing your apartment with some form of apartment alarm.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more apartment alarms please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What is the Best Brand of Stun Gun? Stun Master Stun Guns

When you are shopping for a new or used car do you often find yourself asking questions like “What is the worst brand of car I can buy?” or “What car company really makes lemons?” and then basing your decision based upon those questions? Probably not. Most likely you base your purchasing decision based on questions that are very much the opposite of those. You want things like reliability and quality when spending your hard earned money. If you have already decided to purchase a stun gun then you are very likely asking yourself the very same questions you would when making any major purchase. I consider a stun gun a major purchase because a device that could potentially save your life, as is the case with a stun device or any non-lethal self-defense product, is very much a “major” purchase and one that should be carefully decided upon. So, the question is ‘what is the best brand of stun gun’ and the answer to that, in my opinion, is very simple, Stun Master. Stun Master has been a leader in the non-lethal self-defense industry for almost 30 years now and in many ways are like the Godfather of stun devices.

The vast majority of items we purchase every day don’t require much deliberation. Lunch for example is of little consequence, if you try a new restaurant out for the first time and don’t much like the food you just won’t go back and it’s not that big of a deal. A stun device on the other hand needs careful consideration before purchase. If you bargain hunt for a lesser brand and wind up with a device that doesn’t work you could very likely lose your life. That seems to me like ti would be a huge deal. The great thing about Stun Master products is that they are not only the best in the industry but one of the most affordable as well.

When choosing a stun gun I strongly recommended using one that supplies a minimum of 150,000 volts, anything less could compromise its effectiveness. Also, please keep in mind that it is not volts that kill a person, it is amps that make an electrical current deadly. That is what makes stun devices so effective, they produce high voltage yet low amperage currents of electricity. So anything with at least 150,000 volts should do the job in most situations and if you really want to be safe you can purchase stun guns that have over a million volts. I would feel very safe knowing I have that kind of non-lethal power at my fingertips should the need to use them arise.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more Stun Master stun guns please visit us online at Stun Master stun guns