Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What is the Best Brand of Stun Gun? Stun Master Stun Guns

When you are shopping for a new or used car do you often find yourself asking questions like “What is the worst brand of car I can buy?” or “What car company really makes lemons?” and then basing your decision based upon those questions? Probably not. Most likely you base your purchasing decision based on questions that are very much the opposite of those. You want things like reliability and quality when spending your hard earned money. If you have already decided to purchase a stun gun then you are very likely asking yourself the very same questions you would when making any major purchase. I consider a stun gun a major purchase because a device that could potentially save your life, as is the case with a stun device or any non-lethal self-defense product, is very much a “major” purchase and one that should be carefully decided upon. So, the question is ‘what is the best brand of stun gun’ and the answer to that, in my opinion, is very simple, Stun Master. Stun Master has been a leader in the non-lethal self-defense industry for almost 30 years now and in many ways are like the Godfather of stun devices.

The vast majority of items we purchase every day don’t require much deliberation. Lunch for example is of little consequence, if you try a new restaurant out for the first time and don’t much like the food you just won’t go back and it’s not that big of a deal. A stun device on the other hand needs careful consideration before purchase. If you bargain hunt for a lesser brand and wind up with a device that doesn’t work you could very likely lose your life. That seems to me like ti would be a huge deal. The great thing about Stun Master products is that they are not only the best in the industry but one of the most affordable as well.

When choosing a stun gun I strongly recommended using one that supplies a minimum of 150,000 volts, anything less could compromise its effectiveness. Also, please keep in mind that it is not volts that kill a person, it is amps that make an electrical current deadly. That is what makes stun devices so effective, they produce high voltage yet low amperage currents of electricity. So anything with at least 150,000 volts should do the job in most situations and if you really want to be safe you can purchase stun guns that have over a million volts. I would feel very safe knowing I have that kind of non-lethal power at my fingertips should the need to use them arise.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more Stun Master stun guns please visit us online at Stun Master stun guns

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