Thursday, July 7, 2011

Renters Insurance is Great but Renters Should Strongly Consider Installing Apartment Alarms

I have been asked many times by my customers whether or not I think it is really necessary for them to install an apartment alarm in their apartment. My reply to this question is always very simple “Do you want to keep the stuff you have in your apartment?”. If the answer to this question is yes and you don’t wish someone would just come and relive you of every material possession within the apartment than installing an alarm systems is an absolute no-brainer. Renters very often assume that they are somehow in less danger of being burglarized then there home owning counterparts when the truth of the matter is the exact opposite. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, apartments see a burglary rate 79% higher than single family homes. Rental properties saw 210 property crimes per 1,000 households nationwide, while owned properties experienced only 146 property crimes per 1,000 households in 2001, the bureau reported.

Another reason people that are renting do not secure apartment alarms may be because they wrongfully assume that doing so would be an expensive and potentially time consuming endeavor. This is absolutely not true when you consider the fact that there is usually less space to secure in an apartment and often something as simple as an apartment door guard alarm can cost less than the universal remote to your television. And securing an apartment is oftentimes much simpler and cost effective than securing a home for multiple reasons. For one, if you live on a floor other than the first floor a door guard alarm is all that you may realistically need as someone is very unlikely to enter the residence through a window, unless of course spider man is robbing your place. Secondly, even if you are on the first floor or in a garden apartment there just aren’t as many windows and doors to secure as is the case with the average single family home.

Renters insurance is an exceptionally wise decision but it should by no means be the one and only source of insuring your property. First and foremost, insurance can replace an item but what if the original item held significant emotional attachment? The best renters insurance policy on the planet can’t replace that. Secondly, if you are robbed and have to use your renters insurance policy to replace stolen items than I absolutely assure you that you will see an increase in your premium regardless of what the insurance salesman tries to tell you or how the company tries to hide this increase. And thirdly, and most important, renters insurance cannot replace the sense of insecurity and violation one will naturally feel once they’ve been the victim of a break-in.

So for all of these reasons and for ones I haven’t even mentioned please strongly consider securing your apartment with some form of apartment alarm.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more apartment alarms please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

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