Monday, July 11, 2011

The Cell Phone Stun Gun is the Real Smartphone

I am an admitted tech geek. I love gadgets and gizmos of all kinds and am lucky enough to live in a time where a real technology explosion is taking place. If you think about where we are with technology and how far we’ve come in such a very short time you really get a sense of how exponential the timing of technology is. And it makes it hard to fathom where we will be in just a few short years. The smartphone in and of itself is an absolute marvel. If you could take a smartphone back just 20 years you would absolutely blow people’s minds. A smartphone can offer directions when you are lost, tell you what movie is playing at what time, where the cheapest gas is, the weather forecast and just about anything you could possibly want to know at the touch of a few buttons.

Even a smartphone has its limitations though and one area where it won’t be of assistance is in preventing a potentially life-threatening attack. As passionate as I am about technology, there is only one thing I am more passionate about and that is non-lethal self-defense. Knowing what time the next movie starts is great but I’d rather be alive to see it which brings me to one of my favorite self-defense gadgets of all time, the cell phone stun gun, the real smartphone in my opinion.

The Pretender cell phone stun gun, even at the closest of inspection, appears to be an actual working cell phone but in reality it is an ultra-effective, 4.5 million volt stun gun, a stun device capable of stopping even the biggest and baddest of attackers dead in their tracks. The wonderful thing about this stun device, as with just about any stun device, is that they are non-lethal. This allows you to carry a weapon of self-defense that can be every bit as effective as a handgun and one that will leave your attacker completely subdued but not dead. Let’s give the scumbag a chance to go off to prison and not a morgue, shall we? Maybe they will learn the error of their ways and become a productive member of society yet. Another nice thing about these stun guns phones is that you don’t have to make it so glaringly obvious that you are carrying a weapon. I don’t know about you but that would tend to make me feel uncomfortable if everyone could simply look and say “that guy is carrying a weapon”. Personally, I believe that letting everyone know you are carrying a weapon of self-defense could potentially cause more problems than it would avoid.

So if you love gadgets as much as we do and also do not enjoy being mugged and beaten nearly to death you may want to seriously consider the Pretender cell phone stun gun.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see your own cell phone stun gun please visit your friendly online stun gun dealer.

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