Friday, October 8, 2010

The Double Trouble Stun Gun. Double Is Always Better, Right?

How often is something that is double worse than it’s single counterpart? Double dating? Usually a good time. Especially if you just met the girl and you want to relieve some of the if-this-gets-ugly-I-need-to-talk-about-sports jitters.

Double Dutch? What’s wrong with getting out in the fresh air and skipping a little rope (or two)? I can’t personally bring myself to double dutch since the fateful Vouer Family Picnic of ’07 when I decided it was in my best interest to jump rope to humor my 9 year old niece and 5 year old daughter. I’m not saying that I’m uncoordinated per se but only that there is a reason I’m not catching footballs for a living. I guess I’m just a little short of jump-two-ropes-at-once coordinated is what I’m saying. But all in all that double dutch, or D squared as I like to call it is a wonderfully American past-time.

Double overtime? How great of a game are you watching if you’re viewing a double overtime? There’s a hard and fast rule that says NOBODY leaves to do anything during a double overtime. If you’re watching double OT and someone runs up and tells you that your car is out in the parking lot being towed? Well I guess you better practice waving for a taxi. Because you aren’t going anywhere.

Would you be mad if you told me to go get you a whopper and I accidentally went and got you a Double Whopper? I think not. The other way around? Have mercy.

I suppose things like double hernias should be left out of this logic. If you can call it ‘logic’.

One thing that should not be left out is the Double Trouble stun gun. Here is where double truly is. One thing, and by far the most imoportant, is that the contact space is double that of a normal stun gun. Having twice the contact space helps deliver a more powerful punch to your attacker. More contact space delivering more power is true in just about every aspect of physics. When’s the kast heavyweight you knew that had small hands? Would you rather get into a fender bender with a scooter or a cement truck?

Again, and I will reiterate this in just about every post, is that it is a means of self-defense that with few exceptions has proven not only to be non-lethal but leave your attacker relatively unscathed and unharmed. I have never used my stun gun and the good lord willing I never will. I don’t want to. I don’t enjoy hurting others even if it be in self defense. I just enjoy knowing that if I need to protect myself and any loved ones with me that I have that ability without having to take anothers life. Let’s care for one another but at the same time protect ourselves against those that have no intention of caring for us.

Stay Safe.

To see the double trouble stun gun please visit us at Puzek Security Systems

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