Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Senior Citizen Without A Personal Alarm Is Like Peanut Butter With No Jelly

Senior citizens, on average, are less capable of handling themselves in a physical altercation than they were when they were 10 or 20 or 30 years younger. That is just a fact. There is no fighting Father Time. I am in my 30′s and I assure you that I am just a bit slower than I was in my 20′s. And in 10 years I will be a bit slower than I am now and with that I will most likely be a bit less capable of besting an attacker should a physical altercation occur.

Potential scumbag attackers know this. Criminals are opportunistic if nothing else. They want to do the least amount of work possible to attain their goal of obtaining things that don’t belong to them. So if you take some strung out crackhead who needs money for his next fix and he’ll do anything to get it and sees a little sweet old lady and a 35 year old male he is going to go after the little old lady. It just is what it is. So I would hope that the sweet little old lady is carrying something to help protect her.

I strongly suggest 1 of three items. A stun device, defensive spray or a personal alarm. I know that some people are leery of carrying a stun device and/or pepper spray as they are concerned that these weapons could be used against them. I will tell you that the likelihood of these weapons being turned on the user is very scarce but if people truly do not feel comfortable carrying these items than please, please, please consider carrying on your person a personal alarm of some sort. Especially if you are a senior citizen.

Personal alarms are 100% safe, can not be used against you and are extremely easy to carry. Many of these personal alarms attach to your key chain to help ensure you do not forget to bring it along when you leave the house. They work by simply alerting others that you are in trouble. If an attacker approaches you simply press a button on the small handheld device and an extremely loud (130 decibels or more in some cases) alarm emits from the device.

Criminals dont like being caught. As part of this they do not enjoy having others alerted to what they are doing and anyone within earshot is certainly going to be alerted, and their attention drawn, when one of these little beauties starts wailing its distress call. More often than not I would expect the attacker to turn tail and run as soon as the alarm starts screaming for fear of being apprehended. So please be prepared. Violence can happen anywhere, anytime and to anyone.

Stay Safe.

To view other items of self defense for seniors please visit us at Puzek Security Systems

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