Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Movie Cujo Would Have Been 20 Minutes Long If Donna Would Have Had An Electronic Dog Repeller

Remember the movie Cujo? That big, adorable, 200 pound Saint Bernard gets bit by a bat and the poor thing gets rabies and starts foaming at the mouth, barking wildly and biting people in their throats. Then Donna, played by Dee Wallace and her son Tad drive that old beat up Ford Pinto to be repaired in some backwoods town and wouldn't you know it the car breaks down and Cujo shows up ready to bite himself some neck. Donna's only defense at the time was to roll the windows up and hope for the best. Eventually Donna gets out of the car to save her son who is having a rough go of things being trapped in the Pinto in the baking sun. Cujo comes at her in full attack mode but Donna manages to put him down with the old baseball bat to the skull trick. In true horror movie fashion the dog makes one last valiant attempt to get some throat biting in but is shot dead by Donna. The movie's running time is 91 minutes and much of that is the struggle between Donna, Tad and Cujo because Donna had nothing at her disposal to ward off Cujo at first. Had Donna had an electronic dog repeller the movie would have been about 20 minutes long.

Electronic dog repellers work in 2 ways. One is by emitting a harmless but extremely effective high frequency sound (20,000Hz-25,000Hz), audible to dogs but not to humans. This sound is audible to dogs within a range of about 40 feet. The second is an extremely bright LED flashing strobe light that temporarily blinds and confuses the dog. There is even a training setting that allows for the device to be used to assist in the training of dogs so you can use one of these to teach your dog to sit, rollover, speak and not rip anyone’s throat out. Unfortunately, Cujo was in the end stages of rabies-induced delirium so it may have been a bit late for him in the training department.

These electronic dog repellers are great for anyone that often finds themselves walking alone or for joggers as they are light, small and very easy to carry. So if you live in a neighborhood that has a few dogs of questionable intentions living in it please consider picking up one of these devices to help ensure your own safety.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see your own electronic dog repeller or other animal repellents please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems.

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