Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Cell Phone Stun Gun: Self Defense in Disguise

I don’t like guns. I don’t like being around them and in my opinion the world would be a better place if every one of them magically disappeared right now. This is not to say that I am against self-defense. I whole heartedly believe that every law abiding citizen has the right, and in some cases the obligation, to carry an instrument of non-lethal self-defense with them at all times. Firearm advocates may ask me how I can be for one instrument of self-defense but not another. The answer to this is simple; I am for instruments of self-defense that are effective but at the same time non-lethal. Handguns are anything but non-lethal, on the contrary their intended purpose is to leave a hole in another being that requires a professional to close. Stun guns on the other hand can be every bit as effective as an actual handgun and much more often than not the person that is stunned walks away with zero lingering effects.

Stun devices work by interrupting an attacker’s normal neurological impulses by using a high voltage, low amperage current of electricity. Basically it leaves an attacker completely unable to control his or her own voluntary actions. It also makes the muscles of the attacker contract and relax so rapidly that the attacker is almost completely physically spent in just a matter of a couple of seconds. All this sounds rather harsh but let’s remember two things, first and foremost the person it is being used on is presumably an attacker trying to harm another and secondly a quick zap from a stun device is still much better for the attacker than a bullet from a gun.

So which stun gun is best for you? I would suggest one with enough voltage to truly be effective and that, in my opinion, is anything over 200,000 or so volts. I am also not a huge fan of walking around with a weapon exposed, whether it be non-lethal or not, concealabilty and discretion are key with any stun gun. So which stun device fits this description the best, how about a Pretender cell phone stun gun? This device looks exactly like real cell phone, even at very close inspection, but is really an ultra-powerful 4.5 million volt stun gun. 4.5 million volts is enough to put even the biggest and baddest of attackers on the ground and playing nice. And because the current is low amperage it won’t leave the attacker without a pulse. In other words, the cell phone stun gun will allow that attacker to live to hopefully redeem himself and become a productive member of society.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more on the cell phone stun gun please visit your friendly online stun gun dealer.

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