Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Electronic Dog Repeller Can Be A Wonderful And Humane Training Tool

In the past, I have made quite a few blog entries concerning the importance of always being prepared and protected from dog attack. I find the need to do so no less important today although I have learned quite a bit about one defense tool I talk about quite a bit and that is the electronic dog repeller. I still find this tool to be a very useful tool of self-defense against potentially dangerous canines but I rarely mention its ability to humanely and effectively train dogs as well. The electronic dog repeller does not work by causing a dog pain but by emitting a high frequency noise, audible only to canines, and flashing strobe which would normally cause an approaching dog temporary confusion and mild discomfort in the hopes of making that dog turn and exit the area. This same high frequency noise and to a lesser degree the flashing strobe can be used to help train a dog and in a sense deter it from any unwanted actions it may be taking.

I want to stress again that I myself have a yellow lab, Kody, that has been with my family and I for a decade now and I love that furry lug like he is one of my own. The electronic dog repeller is not a shock collar and, again, does not cause the animal pain. I believe in raising an obedient and respectful dog but training the dog in a firm but loving way that does not include using pain as a deterrent. I did not even know electronic dog repellers existed when my wife and I brought Kody home as a puppy back in 2002. Had we known of this tool’s existence I think we could have saved quite a bit of time and aggravation on both our parts and had ourselves a well-trained, very obedient dog in much less time.

The electronic dog repeller comes with 2 settings and one is considered a “training setting” but neither the regular setting, that is meant to deter dogs, or the “training setting” which is emits a slightly less audible sound harm the dog in any way, shape or form. In the case of an unknown and potentially dangerous canine approaching it merely causes enough irritation that the dog exits the area. In a situation where a dog is being trained it merely causes enough irritation that the dog stops chewing on the couch (or whatever action it may be taking that you wish it would not) and understands that that is unacceptable behavior.

So please consider the electronic dog repeller not only as a measure of self defense but also as a potential training tool that is both humane and extremely effective.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more on the electronic dog repeller or other animal repellents please visit us online.

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