Thursday, December 1, 2011

Know Where To Buy Pepper Spray And Don’t Become A Victim This Holiday Season

It’s that time of year again when the malls are packed with busy little shoppers. The holiday buzz is in the air and last second shoppers are scurrying about, looking for that perfect gift for the special people on their list. Unfortunately, amidst all this cheerful holiday shopping lies a dark truth about this time of year and that is that this time of year leads to an increased number of assaults and robberies, especially in and around malls and specifically mall parking lots. Your common criminal does not care that it is the season of giving; all he sees is an increased number of potential targets walking alone through a dimly lit mall parking lot with a purse full of cash. And if by chance the poor, defenseless shoppers they mug in the parking lot don’t have cash they can always rob these shoppers of their newly purchased gifts.

My point here is to make you aware of the fact that when you are out at the mall shopping this holiday season you may want to take extra precautions to ensure that you do not become another tragic holiday statistic. For one I would definitely shop alone as having a friend with you will always markedly decrease your chances of being targeted by potential criminals and if you must shop alone make sure you park in a well-lit area that has security surveillance of some kind. Last but certainly not least it would behoove you to carry some form of non-lethal self-defense so that if you are confronted by someone that isn’t feeling the holiday spirit you can defend yourself in a safe but effective manner.

You have a few choices when considering non-lethal self-defense tools this holiday season but the one I think that has really proven ideal for just about anyone is a defensive spray. Pepper spray, or mace as some call it even though Mace is a brand of pepper spray, is a highly effective pepper based spray that works by causing severe inflammation, swelling and intense pain to the attackers mucus membranes (eyes, nose, mouth, throat). The effects are temporary and almost never cause any lingering negative side effects which also makes pepper spray not only safe but humane as well. Defensive sprays are also extremely easy to use and require no special training whatsoever which is another reason they are so ideal for just about anyone.

So this holiday season, when you are out there getting your shopping done at the local mall please remember to keep yourself safe and consider carrying a defensive spray of some kind.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see where to buy pepper spray or where to buy mace please visit us online.

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