Monday, February 28, 2011

College Campus Safety Tip: Keychain Personal Alarms

Your child going off to college can be a very proud moment in a parent’s life but at the same time a very same time a stressful one. There is something reassuring about knowing your child is going to walk through that door every night. When your child leaves for school that reassuring feeling does go out the window to some degree. You’re miles away and although you have the ability to call you obviously have concerns about your child’s safety, especially if it’s a daughter. Not that you don’t worry about a son’s safety but the fact of the matter is that the average female may be more prone to attack and less capable of physically handling one should one occur. With that said my son will not be attending college without a personal alarm packed in his suitcase. In fact that will be one of the stipulations to me paying for his education.

The majority of college campuses I would consider to be safe places but tell that to the parents of students who have been assaulted, mugged, raped or murdered on campus and you will no doubt hear a different opinion. The fact of the matter is that no place on this earth is entirely immune to tragic events. However there is something we can do to help ensure our children are not victims of these events and doing so is entirely affordable and so easy it is literally insane not to do. Purchase a personal alarm and stress to your college student the importance of carrying it. The fact that many personal alarms are attachable to key chains should make this very easy.

Personal alarms vary somewhat in color, shape and size but for the most part are meant to be easily-carried handheld devices that emit extremely high decibel alarms when activated by the user. They are not a stun device or defensive spray or anything that could possibly harm the user or another individual. If you think that means that these devices cannot be as effective as a stun device or defensive spray then I must tell you that you are dead wrong. Let’s say, for example, a potential rapist should be out late at night, carousing the campus looking for a young female victim and this scumbag happens to stumble upon a young lady with a 130 decibel key chain alarm. Let’s just say that when this 130 decibel personal key chain alarm is activated it will be heard by anyone within screaming distance. 120 decibels is the decibel level emitted by a jet airplane on a runway. 10 decibels louder than that is going to scare the hell out of that attacker and probably see him run in fear. If not it’s certainly going to attract the attention of everyone around and security will no doubt be on its way.

So please do yourself and your loved ones a favor and be sure they are equipped with such a service when heading off to school.

Sat Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more items of college campus safety like the keychain alarm please visit us online.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Little Known Facts about Bear Spray For Camping and Hiking

Here are some facts about Guard Alaska bear spray, bear attacks and bears in general that you may not know.

1. Bear attacks generally ruin a camping or hiking trip.
2. Grizzly bears are huge.
3. It is an extremely bad idea to let a quarter-ton northern Wisconsin black bear bite you in the head and torso region.
4. Half-ton mother Grizzly bears do not find it amusing when you try to pet one of their cubs.
5. Both of these bears are much, much stronger, faster and well equipped to inflict damage on the other.
6. You will lose in a foot race with just about any species of bear. Badly.
7. You will not hear bear attack survivors laughing when they recant the tale of the time that kooky little furry guy attacked them in the forest.
8. Bears will not understand your intentions to do it no harm and explaining it to them will be of no use as they don’t speak any human language.
9. Guard Alaska is the only one registered with the EPA as a repellent for ALL SPECIES of bear!
10. Bear spray helps prevent a situation very likely to end your life by making a bear feel as though his dace may literally be partially on fire.
11. Bears, like most of God’s creatures, do not enjoy intense burning sensation over the majority of their face, throat and lungs.
12. The majority of bear attacks aren’t made by bears looking to start a ruckus.
13. They happen because a human happens to find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time and has now encountered a bear that feels threatened
14. Bear spray keeps these beautiful creatures from attacking you but also from having to be killed themselves (as would be the case with a firearm) or even suffering any lingering ill effects from the spray.

I understand these fact are so obvious and outlandish that it’s almost foolish to list them but what is even more foolish is to ignore the fact that if you’re camping, climbing, jogging, or hiking in bear populated areas you run at least some risk of finding yourself face to face with a bear. To not be prepared, especially when it is so easy to do so, is to be doing yourself and your loved one’s a great disservice. So if you plan on being in an area where wild bears are present please obtain an effective bear spray to help the likelihood of surviving a face to face encounter with a bear in the wild.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more bear spray for hiking or other animal repellents please visit us online.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Personal Alarms Are My Favorite Protection For College Students

A person’s college experience should be a joyful one. I oftentimes reminisce about my own college experience. Unfortunately I can only remember about 7 minutes of the 6 years I spent obtaining my associates degree in communications but those 7 minutes were very special, I think. My point is that college should be spent enjoying oneself and not worrying about the possibility of being mugged while walking back to ones dorm from a late night study session. In a perfect world a college student wouldn’t have to worry about arming themselves with a tool of non-lethal self-defense but we don’t live in a perfect world and one needs look no further than the nightly news to know that our college campuses are not always the safe haven they should be.

So what is the solution? How can I as a parent ensure my child’s safety while he or she is away at school? One solution would be to have him or her carry around a firearm. That is a great solution if you enjoy breaking the law, are an out-of-your-mind lunatic and enjoy endangering your children and those around them. A much saner, safer and legal solution would be to arm your child with a completely harmless yet effective personal alarm.

Personal alarms are small handheld alarms used to deter potential attackers by emitting an extremely loud alarm that both attracts the attention of anyone within screaming distance and scaring the bejeezus out of the attacker. Many personal alarms are 130 decibels or more. That’s loud enough to be heard from a quarter mile away or more. For comparison purposes, a subway train roars by at approximately 95 decibels, a loud rock concert pumps out about 115 decibels and a jet engine is about 140 decibels. So when Mr. Attacker wants to play he’s going to have an audience as soon as something as loud as a jet engine goes off two feet from his face and we both know that scumbag doesn’t want an audience.

One thing you notice on college campuses these days that did not exist in my day is the emergency phones used to call for help. That is a wonderful measure taken by schools to ensure their students safety but may not always be accessible in the case of an actual attack. Personal alarms on the other hand are as accessible as your pocket, purse or key chain.

So if you are a college student or a parent of a college student please take the time to equip that student with a personal alarm that costs less than any textbook sitting in their dorm and could potentially save their life one day.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more items of protection for college students or to buy personal alarms please visit us online.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pepper Spray Is The Best Measure Of Self Defense For Senior Citizens And This Is Why...

Whether or not senior citizens should be armed with some measure of self-defense should not even be in question. What should be questioned is exactly what that weapon should be. I am anti-gun and as such I will not condone senior citizens (or anyone for that matter) roaming the streets with firearms. I think even some members of the NRA would probably agree that doing so could very well lead to some serious problems for obvious reasons. Firearms are certainly an effective weapon of self-defense but they have a nasty habit of killing lots and lots of people each year and many of those that died were merely innocent bystanders. Another option available would be a stun device and although I think stun devices could be useful and prudent for most seniors they do come with one inherent risk and that is the necessity for the attacker to be touched by the device in order for it to work. This means that the attacker is right up in the seniors face and that could be a sticky situation to say the least. so although it is wonderful that stun devices can be effective and still non-lethal they can only be effective in close proximity to the attacker. So what weapon of self-defense can be effective, non-lethal and work from a distance? Tasers fit that bill but tasers are a projectile weapon and many will just not feel as comfortable carrying one as they will my favorite weapon of self-defense for senior citizens, pepper spray.

Pepper spray continues to be an ideal weapon of self-defense for senior citizens and there are several reasons for that. First, pepper spray is extremely easy to carry, conceal and use at a moment’s notice. It is also extremely effective and last but certainly not least it is non-lethal. Not only is it non-lethal but the perpetrator who was sprayed should, in almost all cases, have no lingering pain or injuries after the contents of the spray wear off. Most pepper sprays can be effective from a distance of at least 6 to 8 feet (some have a much longer range) and this allows the user to operate the device and counter an attack from a relatively comfortable distance, certainly more comfortable than 0 feet as would be the case with a stun device.

So for all the right reasons please consider carrying an effective yet humane and non-lethal form of self-defense like pepper spray.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more pepper spray for senior citizens please visit a pepper spray dealer online.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Handheld Metal Detectors Are the Life of the Party

Handheld metal detectors are the life of the party. They are the first ones to arrive and the last ones to leave and they never take a rest during that whole time. They don't care how loud the music is or how crowded the dance floor gets. Not only that but they make sure that all of the guests in attendance party in a responsible manner. They don't care if some of the party guests have one too many cocktails (hopefully these people aren't driving home) they just want to ensure none of these party people go and do something stupid like bring a gun or knife to the shindig. Nothing will put a damper on the festivities like multiple shooting fatalities.

Garrett is the leading brand in the metal detecting industry and their handheld metal detectors have been the life of the party for over 20 years now. They are a must have for parties, clubs, concerts and anywhere a large group of people plan on getting together for any reason. These metal detectors can pick up even the tracest amount of metal, be it something harmless like an earring or something much less harmless like drugs wrapped in tin foil. Only a fool would try to carry a gun or knife into an event where people are being scanned with a Garrett metal detector. Their handheld detectors can pick up a pocket knife from more than half a foot away. Perhaps best of all these devices are all self-calibrating, meaning that no adjustments or tweaks to the sensitivity levels need ever be made. Just turn these party animals on and scan away.

I have faith in humanity as a whole but the fact remains that there are some deviant psychos out there that have no qualms about bring a weapon to a crowded event and using that weapon to harm others. If all of this can be prevented simply by making a small investment and purchasing a handheld metal detector and using it then why not take that step? I actually think it should be a law that anytime a planned event will hold more than 25 people a metal detector should be mandatory. These days there are just too many shooting incidents and random acts of violence for something as simple as implementing metal detectors to be ignored. Many inner-city schools use walk t metal detectors but there is rarely such precautionary measure taken at school in upper class neighborhoods. I think by now we all know that no school is immune to acts of violence.

So please consider obtaining one of these devices yourself should you be planning an event.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more on these handheld metal detectorsplease visit us online at Puzek Security Systems.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I Like To Call the Stun Master Stun Baton the ‘Justice Stick’

I love stun devices. I love them for the fact that they help protect innocent, tax-paying, law-abiding, god-fearing Americans and for the fact that they can do so without having to endanger the life of another human being, even if that human being happens to be the type to try and assault another. I think stun devices in general get a bad rap and I’m always a little confused as to why when you consider how many legal firearms there are in this country. Firearms are meant to protect as well but they do so not by safely incapacitating an individual but by putting a hole in them that requires medical attention. Stun devices can be every bit as effective as a firearm in protecting you and your loved ones and it doesn’t have to come at the cost of a human life as is often the case with firearms.

Stun devices all work in basically the same way. There are two contacts between which current of non-lethal, high-voltage, low-amperage electricity runs when the trigger is pressed. Touch your attacker with this current of electricity and that should be the end of the attack in almost all cases. Stun guns come in many shapes and sizes but the general purpose is for a stun gun to be able to fit in your pocket and ultimately your hand if need be. This is where a stun baton differs a bit from your traditional stun device. The Stun Master stun baton is only 13 inches when collapsed but is 21.5 inches when fully extended. It is probably not going to fit in most pockets even when collapsed but here is where the advantage top a stun baton comes in. In order for a stun device to work it must make contact with your attacker. This can be a scary time as that means your assailant is right next to you which means you run the risk of the assailant taking the weapon from you if you don’t get him first. The attacker turning the stun device on the victim is rarely the case but your chances of it happening to you are infinitely smaller when you have 21.5 more inches (almost 2 feet!) of reach to work with.

The Stun Master stun baton also comes equipped with two more measures of protection not found on most stun devices and those are a flashlight and an extremely loud alarm. When I say really loud I mean 120 decibels loud. That’s plenty loud enough to make an attacker turn tail and run before everyone in the neighborhood and nearby vicinity is looking out their windows. Not to mention the fact that if the attacker is dumb enough or deaf enough to ignore the alarm he’ll be taking a seat on the sidewalk as soon as he gets zapped by 800,000 volts of stopping power.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more on the Stun Master Stun Baton or other Stun Master stun guns please visit us online.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Product Review: Stun Master Stun Guns

Not very often in life can you find a company that offers a product that is truly top-of-the-line while at the same time offering that product at an extremely affordable price. And I do not know of any other product that I consider more important than one that helps to protect your life and the lives of your loved ones. The product I am referring to is a non-lethal self-defense weapon and the company I am referring to is Stun Master. They are the makes of some of the most reliable stun devices available today and have been doing so for almost 30 years.

Stun guns are a great way to ensure your own safety while still remaining kind and humane and not having to worry about taking the life of a potential assailant as would be the case with a firearm. They work by delivering a high voltage, low amperage electric current when the contacts of the stun gun touch another human being. The low amperage is what keeps the current from doing grave physical harm to your attacker. What this shock does is disrupt he neurological pathways of the attacker and makes it impossible for the attacker to control his or her own body. Once the current is stopped the attacker should be extremely disoriented but none the worse for wear in a few minutes.

Now to the people that like to chime in and say “well stun guns have killed people” I say yes, you are right, in the past stun guns have, on extremely rare occasions, taken a life. So have guns and knives and I can legally go and buy either one and carry either in one in many cases. People deserve the right to protect themselves and I’d much rather they do so with a self-defense weapon like a stun gun than with a firearm. The odds of a stun gun taking a life are ridiculously infinitesimal. The odds of a gun or knife being used in self-defense and taking a life are much, much higher.

Stun Master makes a wide array of stun devices from small handheld devices that will fit in a shirt pocket to retractable stun batons measuring almost 2 feet in length. One thing all of these stun devices have in common are their unparalleled reliability, affordability and ability to protect the good people of our world.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more Stun Master stun guns please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Friday, February 4, 2011

Self Defense For Seniors Product Review: The Cell Phone Stun Gun

Senior citizens are less apt to be able to defend themselves from a violent attack than say their 30 year old counterparts. That is just an unfortunate and very real fact of life. As the baby-boomer generation ages we find more and more seniors living independently and that means an increased amount of senior citizens walking the streets. More seniors walking the streets simply means more potential targets for scumbag attackers looking to pay for their drug habits or just out for a quick and easy buck. Human scumbag predators are not that much different than any other species of predator in that they will usually prey upon the ones they consider ‘weakest’ as those will be the ones that present the least amount of resistance and ultimately require the least amount of work and least amount of work. So how can a senior citizen (or anyone for that matter) help level the playing field with these potential assailants and keep themselves and their loved ones protected? A stun gun might just be the answer and more specifically a cell phone stun gun might be the best call.

Stun guns work by disrupting the assailant’s central nervous system by administering a high voltage, low amperage electrical current. Fortunately for the scumbag attackers this will merely make him stop attacking and will not, in the vast majority of cases, leave him with any permanent damage. The Pretender cell phone stun gun at 4.5 million volts will without question make even the most viscous and brutal assailant lay down and play nice.

One thing I like to mention to my customers is that a stun gun doesn’t even have to be used to be effective and by that I mean that just the crackling sound and bright blue arc of electricity that the device emanates is often enough to deter someone from attempting to take your purse, wallet or whatever it is they intend to take from you. Most bad guys will see that blue arc, hear that crackling and say to themselves that it just isn’t worth the trouble.

The cell phone stun gun is also very incognito and is great for people who don’t want to let the whole world know that they are carrying a self-defense device. It looks exactly like a real cell phone and to prevent accidental discharge, two levels of safety have been built in. The safety switch must be in the on position (this will cause an LED warning light to come on) and the trigger button pressed before the unit will operate.

So if you’re a senior citizen and looking to protect yourself give safety a call with the Pretender cell phone stun gun.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To view your own cell phone stun gun or other items of self defense for seniors please visit us online.

Guard Alaska Bear Spray For People Who are Camping or Hiking and Not Bear Grylls

Bear Grylls is a man's man. He jumps out of helicopters into the barren wilderness, surrounded by wild animals, food-less and alone and he does it, more or less, for the fun of it. I vividly remember one episode where he stranded himself in the middle of a desert somewhere in Africa and resorted to eating a freshly deceased zebra carcass. Although I was initially disgusted by it I can remember thinking 'now here is a guy who knows how to survive in any condition'. He would no doubt to be a good person to have with you should you find yourself camping in any place populated by bears. He could no doubt fashion a weapon of self-defense out of a stick, some pine cones and dirt. The rest of us however should consider carrying a canister of Guard Alaska bear spray if we plan on camping or hiking in bear country.
Bear attacks are very rare and your chances of being attacked by a bear in your lifetime, even if you are an avid camper in bear populated areas, is relatively slim. This fact should be no reason to not arm yourself with such a spray should you intend on venturing into the wilderness yourself. Just because the probability of something is rare does not mean we shouldn't take necessary steps to protect ourselves in the event that it does happen. I drive my car several times a day and hundreds of times a year and have never been in a serious car accident but you better believe I wear my seat belt just in case. The odds of a serious automobile accident is slim but it doesn't stop me from taking necessary precautions.
Bear spray works the same way that pepper spray works on human attackers. It is an ultra-concentrated defensive spray intended to cause the bear such intense discomfort that it gives up and high tails it from the area. Guard Alaska bear spray has an effective range (depending on wind conditions) of approximately 15-20 feet.
Another nice thing about this product is that it does not permanently harm the bear in any way. One of the reasons bear attack are so rare is that most bears are not roaming the forest looking for humans to eat. Usually when a bear attack does occur it is because the bear feels threatened or feels that it's cubs are in danger. They are a gentle species for the most part and I think we've done enough as a species to eliminate them already. No need to eliminate more.
Stay Safe,
Puzek Security Systems
To see more on Guard Alaska bear spray or other animal repellents please visit us online at Puzek Security.