Friday, February 4, 2011

Self Defense For Seniors Product Review: The Cell Phone Stun Gun

Senior citizens are less apt to be able to defend themselves from a violent attack than say their 30 year old counterparts. That is just an unfortunate and very real fact of life. As the baby-boomer generation ages we find more and more seniors living independently and that means an increased amount of senior citizens walking the streets. More seniors walking the streets simply means more potential targets for scumbag attackers looking to pay for their drug habits or just out for a quick and easy buck. Human scumbag predators are not that much different than any other species of predator in that they will usually prey upon the ones they consider ‘weakest’ as those will be the ones that present the least amount of resistance and ultimately require the least amount of work and least amount of work. So how can a senior citizen (or anyone for that matter) help level the playing field with these potential assailants and keep themselves and their loved ones protected? A stun gun might just be the answer and more specifically a cell phone stun gun might be the best call.

Stun guns work by disrupting the assailant’s central nervous system by administering a high voltage, low amperage electrical current. Fortunately for the scumbag attackers this will merely make him stop attacking and will not, in the vast majority of cases, leave him with any permanent damage. The Pretender cell phone stun gun at 4.5 million volts will without question make even the most viscous and brutal assailant lay down and play nice.

One thing I like to mention to my customers is that a stun gun doesn’t even have to be used to be effective and by that I mean that just the crackling sound and bright blue arc of electricity that the device emanates is often enough to deter someone from attempting to take your purse, wallet or whatever it is they intend to take from you. Most bad guys will see that blue arc, hear that crackling and say to themselves that it just isn’t worth the trouble.

The cell phone stun gun is also very incognito and is great for people who don’t want to let the whole world know that they are carrying a self-defense device. It looks exactly like a real cell phone and to prevent accidental discharge, two levels of safety have been built in. The safety switch must be in the on position (this will cause an LED warning light to come on) and the trigger button pressed before the unit will operate.

So if you’re a senior citizen and looking to protect yourself give safety a call with the Pretender cell phone stun gun.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To view your own cell phone stun gun or other items of self defense for seniors please visit us online.

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