Thursday, February 17, 2011

Personal Alarms Are My Favorite Protection For College Students

A person’s college experience should be a joyful one. I oftentimes reminisce about my own college experience. Unfortunately I can only remember about 7 minutes of the 6 years I spent obtaining my associates degree in communications but those 7 minutes were very special, I think. My point is that college should be spent enjoying oneself and not worrying about the possibility of being mugged while walking back to ones dorm from a late night study session. In a perfect world a college student wouldn’t have to worry about arming themselves with a tool of non-lethal self-defense but we don’t live in a perfect world and one needs look no further than the nightly news to know that our college campuses are not always the safe haven they should be.

So what is the solution? How can I as a parent ensure my child’s safety while he or she is away at school? One solution would be to have him or her carry around a firearm. That is a great solution if you enjoy breaking the law, are an out-of-your-mind lunatic and enjoy endangering your children and those around them. A much saner, safer and legal solution would be to arm your child with a completely harmless yet effective personal alarm.

Personal alarms are small handheld alarms used to deter potential attackers by emitting an extremely loud alarm that both attracts the attention of anyone within screaming distance and scaring the bejeezus out of the attacker. Many personal alarms are 130 decibels or more. That’s loud enough to be heard from a quarter mile away or more. For comparison purposes, a subway train roars by at approximately 95 decibels, a loud rock concert pumps out about 115 decibels and a jet engine is about 140 decibels. So when Mr. Attacker wants to play he’s going to have an audience as soon as something as loud as a jet engine goes off two feet from his face and we both know that scumbag doesn’t want an audience.

One thing you notice on college campuses these days that did not exist in my day is the emergency phones used to call for help. That is a wonderful measure taken by schools to ensure their students safety but may not always be accessible in the case of an actual attack. Personal alarms on the other hand are as accessible as your pocket, purse or key chain.

So if you are a college student or a parent of a college student please take the time to equip that student with a personal alarm that costs less than any textbook sitting in their dorm and could potentially save their life one day.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more items of protection for college students or to buy personal alarms please visit us online.

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