Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pepper Spray Is The Best Measure Of Self Defense For Senior Citizens And This Is Why...

Whether or not senior citizens should be armed with some measure of self-defense should not even be in question. What should be questioned is exactly what that weapon should be. I am anti-gun and as such I will not condone senior citizens (or anyone for that matter) roaming the streets with firearms. I think even some members of the NRA would probably agree that doing so could very well lead to some serious problems for obvious reasons. Firearms are certainly an effective weapon of self-defense but they have a nasty habit of killing lots and lots of people each year and many of those that died were merely innocent bystanders. Another option available would be a stun device and although I think stun devices could be useful and prudent for most seniors they do come with one inherent risk and that is the necessity for the attacker to be touched by the device in order for it to work. This means that the attacker is right up in the seniors face and that could be a sticky situation to say the least. so although it is wonderful that stun devices can be effective and still non-lethal they can only be effective in close proximity to the attacker. So what weapon of self-defense can be effective, non-lethal and work from a distance? Tasers fit that bill but tasers are a projectile weapon and many will just not feel as comfortable carrying one as they will my favorite weapon of self-defense for senior citizens, pepper spray.

Pepper spray continues to be an ideal weapon of self-defense for senior citizens and there are several reasons for that. First, pepper spray is extremely easy to carry, conceal and use at a moment’s notice. It is also extremely effective and last but certainly not least it is non-lethal. Not only is it non-lethal but the perpetrator who was sprayed should, in almost all cases, have no lingering pain or injuries after the contents of the spray wear off. Most pepper sprays can be effective from a distance of at least 6 to 8 feet (some have a much longer range) and this allows the user to operate the device and counter an attack from a relatively comfortable distance, certainly more comfortable than 0 feet as would be the case with a stun device.

So for all the right reasons please consider carrying an effective yet humane and non-lethal form of self-defense like pepper spray.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more pepper spray for senior citizens please visit a pepper spray dealer online.

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