Thursday, March 17, 2011

Personal Alarms for Seniors: The Keychain Alarm

My mother is going to be 64 this year and so technically she is a senior citizen but by no means is she a little old lady. She is a very fit woman and is more than capable of taking care of herself. She does however live alone and takes walks by herself and that is something that would concern me with any loved one who lives alone, be it man, woman, old or young. She lives in an upper middle-class neighborhood and usually takes her walks while it is still light out but the fact of the matter is that the world has a few folks living in it that are not “playing with a full deck” so to speak.

Being a distributor of non-lethal self-defense products I have obviously tried to convince my dear mother to carry some form of self-defense with her. Initially I tried to convince her to carry a stun gun but to be honest even I had my reservations. I think they are absolutely great for most people but I knew the idea of carrying a stun gun was a bit frightening to her and she shot that idea down relatively quickly. Next, I tried to convince her to carry pepper spray. I think every law-abiding citizen over the age of 18 should carry pepper spray, and darn near every senior citizen of sound mind and body should do the same, but again she was hesitant. In fairness to her, both pepper spray and stun devices do come with a level of inherent danger. However, these devices wouldn’t be effective if it weren’t for the fact that they can be dangerous if used improperly.

Knowing that my pleas for her to carry a stun gun or a defensive spray were not going to be heeded I finally approached the subject of her carrying a personal alarm. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for a senior citizen living alone (or anyone for that matter) not carrying with them a personal alarm. They are 100% safe yet can still be extremely effective in preventing an attack. They are usually very small devices and in many cases come in the form of a keychain. How much easier does it get? Personal alarms work by emitting an extremely loud wailing alarm (the keychain alarm my mother has is 130db!) that helps to scare the attacker and alert everyone in the vicinity that something is happening that should not be. Unlike a stun gun or pepper spray the personal alarm cannot be used against its owner and also, unlike those items, cannot be dangerous if accidentally discharged.

So please do yourself and your loved ones a favor and strongly consider carrying, at the very least, a personal alarm for your own protection.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To view your own keychain alarm or other personal alarms for seniors, please visit us online.

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