Friday, March 4, 2011

Stun Gun Flashlight Facts

Here are some facts about the stun gun flashlight that you may not already know…

1. Unless you are a bat or have been bit by a vampire bat while vacationing in Transylvania you will not be able to see in the dark. It is always useful to have a super bright and reliable flashlight at these times, perhaps a stun gun flashlight.

2. When you live on Shady Avenue and are outside taking your trash to the alley and some psycho attacks you it helps to shock that psycho with a quarter million volts of non-lethal current. (Volts, contrary to belief, are not technically what kill a person. I’ll save that for another aimless rant). What that does is blocks the recipient’s natural neurological pathways or in other words puts you in control, not him. A stun gun flashlight might do the trick.

3. Stun guns need to be touching an assailant to actually work but not to be effective. Let me explain, if an assailant is coming at you and he sees you fire the stun gun just once and hears that god awful crackle of high voltage and sees the bright blue arc of electricity pierce the night sky, he is going to think awfully long and hard about continuing. Most likely he is turning tail and running like the coward he really is. But even if that doesn’t do the trick you still have the stun gun flashlights 130 decibels of banshee-like wailing to utilize. A jet airplane on a runway is pumping out 120 decibels. 130 decibels in the middle of the night is getting cops called and the attacker knows this. Even if he’s out of his mind on drugs the desire to not get caught is usually there. If not, 200,000 volts doesn’t care how good the ‘stuff’ he is on was. That’s plenty loud enough to have people look out windows and attention drawn.

4. Breaking down on the side of a road in the middle of the night can be a stressful situation. If one were to have a stun gun flashlight with attachable red emergency cone it would certainly help alleviate some of that stress. And if by chance some unsavory character stops to “help” the alarm and stun gun wouldn’t hurt either.

I hope these facts have helped you to realize how valuable such a multi-functional tool could be and that you might consider obtaining one for yourself.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more on the stun gun flashlight please visit your friendly neighborhood stun gun dealer.

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