Wednesday, March 16, 2011

When Discussing Non-Lethal Self Defense One Must Discuss Stun Master Stun Guns

When trying to determine whether or not a tool of non-lethal self-defense is right for you it may behoove you to analyze your situation and ask yourself some important questions. Here are some of the questions you should ask yourself, please take a second to answer these now…

1. Are you invincible (think superman or other invincible superhero) ?

2. Are you immune to gunfire and/or stab wounds?

3. Do you hate having a general feeling of security?

4. Do you care very little about human life?

5. If you were to carry a non-lethal self-defense device would you prefer it to be completely ineffective?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions then there is a very real chance that a Stun Master stun gun may not be for you. If you are normal and answered each question with an emphatic no then a Stun Master stun gun may be just the item for you.

Stun guns often tend to get a bad rap in my opinion. They are looked at as dangerous weapons and I will not argue that a stun gun in the wrong hands can be just that, dangerous. However a weapon of self-defense cannot be effective without some inherent risk being involved. They are certainly a much safer and humane alternative to many other forms of self-defense like a knife or a firearm. Knives and guns can certainly be effective but they also tend to leave their victims without a pulse. Stun devices on the other hand can be every bit as effective yet in almost every single case proves to be not only non-lethal but leave their target with no long term side effects. That is what makes these stun devices ideal for people who care about people other than themselves.

Stun Master has been a leader in the industry since the birth of stun devices. For almost 30 years they have been manufacturing non-lethal self-defense weapons of the highest caliber. It makes no sense to choose to carry a stun device and then obtain some bargain-basement one that ends up not working the only time you really need it to do so. So if choosing to carry such a device is a decision you’ve made for yourself it would be beneficial to you and your loved ones to make sure that the stun gun is a Stun Master stun gun.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more Stun Master stun guns or other forms of non lethal self defense please visit us online.

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