Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Do People Really Need Apartment Alarms?

Do people really need apartment alarms? That is a great question and one that I will answer with a question, do you really need a seat belt? How many times has a seat belt saved your life? Most of you reading this will no doubt have to answer zero and those of you that could honestly answer ’1 or more’ no doubt understand the value of a seat belt and will no doubt ever forget to fasten one. My point is you could very well spend the rest of your life as an apartment enter and never truly need one but is it worth risking that when securing and installing an apartment alarm is so simple and costs about the same as a night at the movies.

I remember having this discussion with my brother when I was over at his apartment one day and his reason for not needing an apartment alarm system was that he had renters insurance and so anything that was taken could be replaced. I don’t know if he was completely serious or not but there are a couple of glaring holes with that logic. One, renters insurance will in fact replace most items that have been lost to a burglary but if you think the insurance company isn’t recouping those losses by raising your premiums than you are, for lack of a better word, a sucker. Two, renters insurance may replace those material items you have lost but one thing even the greatest of policies will not replace is that sense of insecurity you will feel once you’ve been the victim of a burglary. Do you honestly think you’ll lay down the night after you’ve had a break-in without a care in the world? I don’t think I would even sleep at all for a while and it wouldn’t be because I was worried about replacing that sweet new toaster. I’d be asking myself things like “who was it?”, “Do they know me?”, “Will they be back?”, “what was that noise?”. My point is that material things can be replaced but what cannot be replaced seems to me to be so much more important and that is your general sense of well-being in your own residence. And the best way to not lose this sense of security is to not have a burglar enter your apartment in the first place.

Securing an apartment is oftentimes far easier than a home because there just aren’t as many points of entry as with a single-family home. Oftentimes, especially if you are living on the 2nd floor or above, the only entrances one needs to secure are the front and back doors and that can be done with a couple of door alarms which are truly nothing more than alarms that are hung on the doors, that’s it. No time consuming, expensive installation needed, just hang a door alarm up and go. So please, with sugar on top, get yourself an apartment alarm if you are living in an apartment and enjoy keeping your sanity. You wear a seat belt don’t you?

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more apartment alarms please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems.

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