Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Should You Buy a Taser?

I am in the business of non-lethal self-defense and it has always been and will always remain a passion of mine. The world can be a scary place and there are bad people out there that won’t think twice about hurting you or your loved ones. Because of this I believe that every law-abiding citizen has the right, if not the obligation to themselves and their loved ones, to carry with them at all times a tool of non-lethal self-defense.

In regards to non-lethal self-defense there are many options available to people today and many of these options are completely legal while others have been deemed illegal by the backwards thinking legislators in some counties, cities and states. One of the most effective, and as a result, dangerous weapons of self-defense that has been deemed illegal in some areas is a Taser. Taser devices are not considered firearms by the United States government and as such they can be legally carried, concealed or otherwise, without a permit in 43 states. They are prohibited for use by unauthorized personnel (citizens basically) in the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin, as well as certain cities and counties. It should be noted that one can purchase a shotgun in most of these states but a non-lethal, much more humane alternative like a Taser is straight out of the question apparently. Taser, much like Kool-Aid and Jell-O, is a brand name, these devices are manufactured by a company called Taser International based in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Tasers, in my opinion, are by far the most effective of all the options one has when purchasing a weapon of non-lethal self-defense. Like stun guns, Tasers use a strong electrical current to disrupt the neuromuscular functions of an attacker but unlike stun devices Tasers use a projectile mechanism. This projectile provides its user with a greater range than traditional stun devices which rely on direct contact with an attacker to be effective.

Although I have a real problem understanding why Tasers should be illegal in areas where a handgun is legal I will say that I understand why there should be some restrictions in place. Tasers are effective and they wouldn’t be as effective if some inherent level of danger was not present with these devices. The decision to purchase and carry a Taser should never be taken lightly and very thorough thought should be given before deciding to buy a Taser.

Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer

If you do decide to buy a taser please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

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