Wednesday, August 17, 2011

An Electronic Dog Repeller Can Be A Man’s Best Friend

Dog attacks are a very real problem and certainly a problem that I think for the most part is vastly underestimated. In 2010 there were roughly 4,700,000 Americans that found themselves a victim of a dog bite. An average of 1,000 Americans per day were treated in emergency rooms for dog attacks. Fortunately only 34 of these proved to be fatal but that is still 34 people that are no longer with us as a result of a tragic situation that may have been avoided. Dog bite losses exceeded 1 billion dollars last year alone, with 300 million dollars of that being paid by homeowners insurance. These are relatively staggering numbers for something that many people don’t take much time to consider or take much time or effort to prevent.

I do believe that Rottweilers and Pitt bulls get a bad rap but much of that is due to the fact that these two breeds of dog (especially the Pit bull) account for almost half of all dog bites each and every year. I do firmly believe that the owners of these dogs are almost always to blame or at the very least partly to blame. Many Pit bulls and Rottweilers are trained to be fighting dogs as that is what they are more naturally built to be good at fighting than other breeds of dog. With that said I have known a fair number of Rottweilers and Pit bulls that are absolute sweethearts that wouldn’t hurt a fly and that is because their owners were kind and loving in return. Unfortunately for every kind Pit bull owner there is an owner whose intent is to have their dog be a viscous, cold-blooded, killing machine and as a result people wind up being badly injured or even killed.

So how can we prevent becoming the victim of such an attack? I think one of the most effective, practical, easiest and least expensive ways is to buy (and obviously carry) an electronic dog repeller. The electronic dog repellers I’ve seen all work the same way and that is by emitting a high decibel, high frequency sound that confuses and deters any dog approaching that may be of questionable intent. The frequency is so high pitched that it is not even audible to the human ear but I assure you that it is more than audible to any dogs. Most repellers also include a bright strobe light that also helps to confuse and deter any canines they are directed at. These devices are also completely safe for the dogs as they will not permanently injure the dogs hearing or in any other way permanently and adversely affect the dog in any way.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To buy an electronic dog repeller or other animal repellents please visit us online.

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