Friday, November 11, 2011

Camping Is Best Enjoyed While Not Being Attacked By Bears

Camping has always been my favorite way to spend my free time. There are just so many wonderful things about camping that I love, the fresh air, preparing fresh caught salmon, the bonfires at night, sleeping under a starlit sky and my absolute favorite, not being dragged out of my tent and mauled to death by bears. To enjoy fresh air I need only bring myself (although quitting smoking has helped in this endeavor as well). To enjoy the salmon I bring the appropriate cooking utensils, fishing pole and tackle box. To enjoy the bonfires I need to remember to bring along waterproof matches and firewood. And to enjoy all of these things without having my camping trip cut short via bear mauling I always make sure to bring along Guard Alaska bear spray.

Bear attacks are not all that common but they do happen and it doesn’t make any sense to ‘play the odds’ and just hope you aren’t confronted by a bear while camping. If you are going to be travelling into areas where there is even the remotest chance of seeing one then please do you and your loved ones a favor by bringing along a proven bear spray. I know Guard Alaska works and I am sure there are some other brands that do as well but the important part is that you have it with you at all times. Bringing along bear spray and having it in the trunk of your car is not going to do you any good if you are out hiking and accidentally find yourself between a half-ton grizzly and her cubs. The mother bear is not going to wait while you trot back to the car to get your bear spray and if she attacks you have an extremely high chance of never camping (or breathing) again.

In all seriousness though it always astounds and saddens me when I read about a bear attack when I know how easy it can be to avoid one. A bear attack of any magnitude, even the ones that don’t prove fatal, can be immensely tragic for not only the victim and the victim’s family but also many times for the bear as it is often hunted down and killed after an attack on a human. Bears for the most part are not out looking for humans to attack, they attack because they feel that they are in danger or that their cubs are in danger. I always feel a deep regret for the bear when it has to die because of what really boils down to the human’s inability to plan or prepare properly before camping in bear populated areas.

So pretty please with sugar on top do not even consider camping in bear populated areas without bringing along, and carrying at all times, a bear spray like Guard Alaska.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To buy bear spray or see other animal repellents please visit us online.

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