Tuesday, November 29, 2011

This Thanksgiving Let’s All Be Thankful For The Electronic Dog Repeller

Thanksgiving is a time to sit back with friends and family, stuff ourselves with delicious home cooked meals, and reflect on all of the many things we are thankful for, I for one am thankful that I am not bleeding to death from an open and gaping neck wound given to me by a rabid dog during a random and senseless act of canine violence. Thankfully for me, and others who share the same passion for not being torn to shred by pitbulls, we have electronic dog repellers to keep us safe. You would have to be a real turkey (you like how I through that pun in there?) to walk the streets of any neighborhood without carrying some form of self defense against dogs that may mean you harm and depending on the neighborhood in which you reside, the need for such a device may be an absolute must have item.

Humans are not the only ones who can be thankful for such a device as the electronic dog repeller either. Dogs too should rejoice in the fact that we humans have designed an effective means of self defense against canines that does not involve harming the dog in any way shape or form. You see the electronic dog repeller does not work by spraying a pepper spray into the dogs face but simply by emitting an extremely loud, high decibel alarm and super bright flashing strobe light that both work in conjunction to frighten and confuse the dog. Frightening and confusing a dog are much better than maiming or killing the dog in my opinion, especially if we are unsure of an approaching dogs intent. Let us say for example that a kindly pitbull has somehow gotten out of the yard it was in and is now wandering the streets and has accidentally crossed your path. That may be a scary situation for some but it isn’t necessarily a life threatening one if the pitbull in question is a good dog and means you no harm. If your only defense was pepper spray or a firearm you may not know you’ve seriously injured or killed a kindly beast until it is too late. With an electronic dog repeller you can safely avoid close contact because the high decibel alarm can be effective up to 40 feet, which is also much further than pepper spray can be effective. These devices are so humane in fact that they come with a training setting that can be used to effectively and humanely train your own dog. I think it is safe to say that we can all be thankful for this little piece of technology.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more on the electronic dog repeller or other animal repellents please visit us online.

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