Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Stun Batons Are Custom Made For Security Personnel

This article is purely my opinion regarding what attributes the ‘perfect weapon’ for security guards should possess and you are more than welcome to agree or disagree. Let’s first determine what the role of security guard means. To me a security guard is not the stereotypical, bumbling, inept slacker that Hollywood always seems to depict. why this stigma has followed security professionals I do not exactly know. Perhaps because many security guards are not college educated or because people assume that they don’t see any “action” while on their post. In reality the role of security professional is, and always has been, an overworked, underpaid, and severely underappreciated one. They are the first, last and very often, only line of defense that a business has against unlawful entry and theft. It is true that the majority of security guards will spend the vast majority of their time, if not all their time, in a state of ‘sitting and waiting’ for something to happen and chances are good that that something will never happen but on the off chance it does these security professionals will be called upon to potentially risk their life to protect the companies physical assets. As such we should make sure that these security professionals are armed with the latest and greatest non-lethal self-defense weapons available.

So now that we have more or less defined what the role of security professional means we should look at what we need to arm these professionals with in order to ensure the safety of the security guard, the company they work for and even the potential assailant they may need to one day deal with. First and foremost any weapon of choice should be non-lethal as we don’t need the average security guard walking around with a loaded handgun. Secondly, the non-lethal security device in question should be effective to help protect the security guard and allow him to do his job to the best of his ability. I can’t think of a more effective non-lethal instrument than the stun baton. Numerous police studies have shown stun devices to be every bit as effective in neutralizing an attacker as a 9 mm handgun and without having to kill, or even injure an assailant, to do so. And stun batons have a massive advantage over traditional stun devices as they have much more reach and hence a security professional does not have to be as close to an attacker and risk having the device taken from him by the attacker. For all of these reasons and more I truly believe that every security guard should be equipped with a stun baton.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more on stun batons please visit your friendly online stun gun dealer.

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