Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Self Defense For Seniors Is As Easy As Buying A Personal Alarm

My passion has always been, and will always remain to be, helping people defend and protect themselves and their families via non-lethal self-defense products. Of all the people that need protection, which is each and every one of us if you really think about it, senior citizens are the people I most often consider. Seniors are often targeted because criminals assume that the average senior citizen will be less apt at defending themselves than the average 25 year old for example. Whether or not this is a fair assumption is not so much the point as is the fact that seniors need to carry some form of self defense as they are in fact a more highly targeted group of people when it comes to petty crime.

One of the best way for a senior citizen to defend themselves against potential attack is to carry a personal alarm at all times. Personal alarms are ideal for senior citizens because unlike stun guns, tasers and defensive sprays, they are entirely safe. Personal alarms are an instrument of self defense that uses no projectiles, electrical charge or harmful spray yet can be every bit as effective as any weapon of self-defense. They simply use a very loud noise (130 decibels or more in most cases) to scare away potential attackers and alert anyone in the area that help may be needed. Most criminals are not looking to be caught and that is why such a loud noise will serve to scare an attacker as he or she will know that the attention of anyone in the area is being directed towards them. Another reason I feel these little alarms are so perfect for seniors is because they take no special training whatsoever as would be the case with a firearm, taser or just about anything that uses a projectile. I would suggest however that anyone carrying a personal alarm practice removing it from wherever you are carrying it (purse, pocket, etc…) and activating the alarm as quickly as possible so that in the event of a real attack the motion becomes automatic. Personal alarms are very small which makes them extremely easy to carry along in a purse or pocket. Many even come in the form of a keychain, making them virtually impossible to forget when a senior citizen leaves the house.

So if you are a senior citizen yourself or are looking for that perfect, inexpensive gift idea for any senior citizens you may know, please keep personal alarms in mind as they really are the perfect item of self-defense for seniors.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To buy personal alarms online or view other forms of self defense for seniors please visit us online.

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