Thursday, December 29, 2011

Personal Alarms Make The Perfect Self Defense For Seniors

The number of senior citizens and the Earth’s population in general, is growing with each new day and as an unfortunate result so is the number of “easy targets” for scumbag criminals the world over. You see the criminal mind, although void of good intentions, is often smart enough to understand that the path of least resistance is the way to go when looking to profit from criminal activities. So when you’re common, petty, purse-snatching, criminal is on the prowl and looking for an easy target he is much more apt to choose a senior citizen than say a 30 year old and the reasons for this should be obvious. The criminal will assume, unfairly or not, that the senior citizen will be much less apt at defending themselves than will the 30 year old, this is exactly why every single senior citizen should carry some instrument of self-defense.

Today senior citizens have a multitude of options when it comes to picking an instrument of self-defense. Obviously, any choice should be legal but just as importantly any choice we make should also be safe. Furthermore, I think any self-defense choice we make should be a non-lethal one as everyone deserves to be treated humanely, even scumbag criminals. Non-lethal in no way implies ‘ineffective’ as many weapons of non-lethal self defense can be every bit as effective as a handgun. Amongst these non-lethal self-defense products you have stun devices, defensive sprays and my personal favorite for senior citizens, personal alarms. Stun devices and defensive sprays can be extremely effective but there is an inherent danger in that effectiveness that I think makes them dangerous, if not counterproductive, for some. I would strongly suggest either a stun device or pepper spray for an able bodied, relatively strong senior but for those seniors who are not as strong and fast these weapons could be potentially taken by the assailant and used against the senior. For this reason I think a personal alarm is really the best call as a personal alarm does not work by causing pain or incapacitation to work, as would be the case with either a stun device or defensive spray.

Personal alarms work by emitting an extremely loud distress signal that can be audible up to half a mile away. What this does is draw the attention of anyone in the area and more importantly scares the heck out of the assailant as he or she knows full well that everyone in the area has heard this distress signal and attention has been drawn. Many of these alarms come in the form of keychains which make them not only convenient but also very difficult to forget when leaving the house. So please consider such a device if you are a senior citizen or know one that you would like to protect.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more self defense for seniors like the keychain alarm please visit us online.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Electronic Dog Repeller Can Be A Wonderful And Humane Training Tool

In the past, I have made quite a few blog entries concerning the importance of always being prepared and protected from dog attack. I find the need to do so no less important today although I have learned quite a bit about one defense tool I talk about quite a bit and that is the electronic dog repeller. I still find this tool to be a very useful tool of self-defense against potentially dangerous canines but I rarely mention its ability to humanely and effectively train dogs as well. The electronic dog repeller does not work by causing a dog pain but by emitting a high frequency noise, audible only to canines, and flashing strobe which would normally cause an approaching dog temporary confusion and mild discomfort in the hopes of making that dog turn and exit the area. This same high frequency noise and to a lesser degree the flashing strobe can be used to help train a dog and in a sense deter it from any unwanted actions it may be taking.

I want to stress again that I myself have a yellow lab, Kody, that has been with my family and I for a decade now and I love that furry lug like he is one of my own. The electronic dog repeller is not a shock collar and, again, does not cause the animal pain. I believe in raising an obedient and respectful dog but training the dog in a firm but loving way that does not include using pain as a deterrent. I did not even know electronic dog repellers existed when my wife and I brought Kody home as a puppy back in 2002. Had we known of this tool’s existence I think we could have saved quite a bit of time and aggravation on both our parts and had ourselves a well-trained, very obedient dog in much less time.

The electronic dog repeller comes with 2 settings and one is considered a “training setting” but neither the regular setting, that is meant to deter dogs, or the “training setting” which is emits a slightly less audible sound harm the dog in any way, shape or form. In the case of an unknown and potentially dangerous canine approaching it merely causes enough irritation that the dog exits the area. In a situation where a dog is being trained it merely causes enough irritation that the dog stops chewing on the couch (or whatever action it may be taking that you wish it would not) and understands that that is unacceptable behavior.

So please consider the electronic dog repeller not only as a measure of self defense but also as a potential training tool that is both humane and extremely effective.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more on the electronic dog repeller or other animal repellents please visit us online.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I Hope Santa Brings Every Security Guard A Stun Baton For Christmas

Security guards are, in my opinion, one of the most misunderstood, underappreciated, and misrepresented professions in the entire world. They are so often portrayed and thought of as being under qualified and lazy when quite often the exact opposite is closer to the truth. Security guards are very often the first, last and only line of defense that a person or business has against intruders and that fact alone necessitates the need for security guards to have some measure of protecting themselves against these intruders.

Firearms are certainly not an option for the vast majority of security guards and for obvious reasons. The qualifications to be a security personnel are often not as strict as those to become a law enforcement agent and we do not need untrained or under qualified personnel roaming about with deadly weapons. Any option for a security guard should certainly be effective, to help protect the security guard, but also non-lethal, to help protect the general public. So where does that leave us? Well, it leaves us with several options for weapons of non-lethal self-defense. Pepper spray and stun guns being the two most prominent and reasonable alternatives to firearms.

Pepper spray is very effective and has the advantage of giving a security guard a safe distance from which to use this weapon as most defensive sprays have an effective range of about 6 to 8 feet. One disadvantage to pepper spray are that an assailant, although somewhat unlikely, could potentially fight through the pain of the pepper spray and continue attacking. Another disadvantage would be that the pepper spray could potentially be wrestled from the guard by the assailant and used against the guard. Stun guns are great because an attacker loses the ability to ‘fight through the pain’ because stun guns do not work on the premise of causing an attacker pain but completely incapacitating them by disrupting their normal neurological processes through the use of a high voltage electrical current. The disadvantage with traditional stun guns is that they lack any range and must be physically touching an attacker in order to work and that means extremely close combat situations which could prove disadvantageous for the guard. It should be noted that stun guns remain non-lethal as the current of electricity that they emit is high voltage but low amperage and it is in fact amps that prove fatal, not volts. This is where the stun baton can prove to be so useful. It combines the advantages of completely incapacitating an assailant with the reach of a pepper spray. The retractable stun baton by Stun Master, for example, measures almost 2 feet when fully extended and that allows the security guard another 2 foot cushion from which to work if he or she should find themselves in a physical confrontation with an intruder.

So if your business has security guards why don’t you do them a huge favor this Christmas and have Santa Claus bring them a stun baton this year. This will help ensure the safety of your security guard, the general public, your business and even the assailant.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more on stun batons or to learn where to buy stun guns online please visit us Puzek Security Systems

Monday, December 19, 2011

All NFL Stadiums Are Looking To Have Handheld Metal Detectors In Place For The 2012 Season

There was recently an article in the Chicago Sun Times regarding the new use of handheld metal detectors at the home of my beloved Chicago Bears, Soldier Field. The brief article mentioned the fact that the uses of these newly implemented handheld metal detectors at two separate gates were perceived by some guests as a nuisance. The article itself was entitled “Bears Fans Cope With Handheld Metal Detectors” and just that title alone makes me cringe and become a bit infuriated at the general public and the ridiculous perception that many of these guests displayed at being ‘made to wait’ for a quick scan by one of these metal detector carrying personnel. I hope these fans, and NFL fans across the country, get used to them quickly because the NFL wants to implement the use of these handheld scanners at all stadiums nationwide as early as next year and for that I salute the NFL. I admit that waiting in a line that has nobody being scanned by a metal detector is going to move quicker than one where everybody is being scanned but I for one would rather wait a bit longer to get inside than to get inside and become the victim of someone carrying a weapon. Thankfully for football fans the league understands this and understands that handheld metal detectors make the stadium much safer for everyone attending. If we should have learned anything by now it is that in this day and age anything can happen to anyone at any time and this certainly includes incidents of gun violence. What I hope all fans will realize and come to accept is that handheld metal detectors are immensely effective at detecting even the tracest amounts of metal objects and that they are certainly more effective, and take the same amount of time, as the traditional pat down that many have become accustomed to at sporting events, concerts and the like. If you do attend an NFL game in 2012 you are likely to see only one brand of metal detector and that is the same one that professional law enforcement agencies have been using for over a decade now, Garrett. They are the best and most reliable detectors today and when it boils down to protecting peoples safety it’s foolish to use any product but one that has been proven to be the best in the industry for many years now.

So again I must compliment the National Football League on their decision to implement the use of what could very well be a life saving device. It’s going to cost them a bit of money to do so but what they will receive in return is the knowledge that every single one of their stadiums is a safer place for family and friends to gather and watch America’s favorite sporting event, football.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more information on handheld metal detectors please visit us online.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Stun Gun Flashlight Can Make A Unique And Useful Christmas Gift

Think back to all of the past Christmas’s you can remember and try to think of one useful gift you have received that you use on a regular basis. I can only think of one offhand and that is the Brookfield Zoo family pass that my dear Mother gifts my family every year with. I would say that family pass saves me about 500 dollars or more a year in discounts and free admission. I would definitely consider that a useful gift and certainly one that I use more than any Christmas sweater I have ever received. No Christmas sweater, regardless of how stylish and handsome they may have been, was going to light my way if the power in my house went out or I was hiking in the woods behind my house at night. You sure as heck aren’t going to see Grandma knit a Christmas sweater that is going to come with an attachable red cone, like the stun gun flashlight does, that helps keep you visible during roadside emergencies at night. If you know how scary and potentially dangerous it can be to have to change a tire on the side of the highway at night then you will know just how splendidly useful something as simple as this attachable roadside emergency cone can be. Now, I have seen some loud Christmas sweaters in my day but I’ve never seen one that is literally and audibly as loud as the 130 decibel alarm that comes with the stun gun flashlight. That’s plenty loud enough to scare a potential attacker silly and draw the attention of anyone in the area. Last but not least if this attacker ignore the alarm and decides to continue his attack I can assure you that no Christmas sweater is going to save you but the 200,000 volt stun mechanism on this stun gun flashlight certainly can. 200,000 volts is more than enough to incapacitate even the most fierce and grinch-iest of attackers.

Seeing as it is Christmas time and a season of giving in general I think it is important to point out that the stun gun flashlight, like all non-lethal self-defense products, is not only non-lethal but should in almost every single case leave your attacker dazed and confused but without any permanent damage or side effects other than possibly instilling a desire to not break the law again, which could prove very beneficial to said attacker if he wants anything good for Christmas next year. So please consider such a device for anyone on your list that you would like the comfort of knowing can be protected from an attacker at all times.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more information on the stun gun flashlight please visit your friendly online stun gun dealer.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Camping Without Bear Spray? Just Pour Honey All Over Yourself And Charge A Mamma Bear's Cubs

Are you planning on camping in an area that has even the slightest chance of you seeing a bear? Are you planning on doing this camping without having bear spray of any kind on you at all times? If the answer is yes I have another idea for you, why don’t you just douse yourself in honey or hang a raw steak around your neck (or both) and just go charging at the first bear cub you see. It is obvious from the fact that you are not bringing bear spray on your trip that you are the type that throws caution, as well as common sense and basic safety measures, to the wind.

It should be obvious that I am being extremely facetious and by no means should you ever go near a bear and certainly never so much as entertain the idea of approaching a bear’s cub unless your goal is to be mauled to death. As ridiculous as the opening paragraph of this blog was I find it only slightly more ridiculous than even so much as considering the thought of camping without bear spray present. It just doesn’t make any sense not to bring along bear repellent of some kind if there is any chance of seeing a bear where you are camping and when you consider how cheap bear repellent spray is and how easy it is to secure it makes the notion of camping without it that much more ridiculous.

The best thing about bear spray is the simple fact that it is extremely effective, some studies have even shown it to be as effective, if not more effective, than most firearms in thwarting a bear attack. The second best thing about bear spray is that, unlike a firearm, the creature does not have to die in order to save yourself. Let’s remember that we are in the bears home and in almost any attack we are not dealing with a blood-thirsty, man-eating creature but a confused and potentially frightened bear that is doing what it thinks it must to protect itself or it’s offspring (very much like most humans would).

Bear spray works exactly like pepper spray does on humans, in fact the active ingredients are exactly the same. And just as pepper spray is extremely effective on a human attacker so is bear spray on a bear attacker. Bear repellent spray causes intense, but temporary, pain and swelling in the bear’s mucus membranes which can also cause temporary blindness as it can with humans. This gives you ample time to exit the premises immediately and should also have the bear doing the exact same thing in most cases.

So please, for your sake and for the sake of your loved ones, always take bear spray with when going camping in any area where a bear has even the slightest chance of being seen and for the love of all that is holy have it on you at all times. Bear repellent will do you no good if you don’t have it when a bear is ready to attack.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To buy bear spray or see other animal repellents please visit us online.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

You May As Well Leave Your Door Wide Open If You’re Not Going To Install Apartment Alarms

If you are currently renting an apartment and that is your primary residence I hope that you have already had the presence of mind to install 1 or more, very inexpensive, very basic apartment alarms to secure this apartment. If you have not done so you should probably just leave your door wide open next time you head off to work in the morning. While you are at it why don’t you leave a helpful little note for any potential burglars informing them as to where they can find the most valuable items so that they don’t have to waste any time and can hopefully get away scott free. You could assist these home invaders even more by leaving a dolly for any heavy items that would otherwise take an extra burglar or two to carry. Plus you wouldn’t want any burglar to hurt themselves carrying all of your belongings down to the van so that they can go sell it on the black market, would you? Now before you go and read this and think I am just being a smart aleck, please understand that it is obvious I am joking but to do the things I just mentioned don’t seem too terribly insane compared to not installing something as simple and affordable as an apartment alarm to protect all of your worldly possessions and the peace of mind and feeling of security that doing so can instill.

The truth of the matter is that the vast majority of apartments have no security measures in place to help protect against break in. What makes this fact harder to stomach is that, contrary to belief, an apartment is more likely to be broken into than is a single family home, yet a higher percentage of single family homes have security devices installed and those are much more expensive and much more complicated to install than are your average apartment alarms.

One argument that I hear all too often is the “well I’m not concerned, I have renters insurance”. Really? You aren’t concerned with criminals breaking into the place you sleep (potentially while you are still there sleeping!) and rummaging through your stuff to decide which items to take for themselves? Is your renters insurance policy going to deflect bullets if one of those criminals should happen to have a gun and doesn’t feel like leaving any witnesses when you startle him by walking in on him robbing you? the answer is no it is most certainly not going to stop bullets and for that matter neither will an apartment alarm but what an apartment alarm will do, that a renters insurance policy cannot, is thwart this criminals entry before it even starts.

If a burglar has any brains whatsoever and hears an extremely loud wailing siren go off when he goes to open your door or break a window that burglar is most likely going to turn tail and run like the coward he really is. No burglar wants to be caught or they wouldn’t be very successful burglars now would they? So please do yourself an immense favor and secure an apartment alarm for yourself and install it before it is too late.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more apartment alarms please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Best Self Defense Measure For Senior Citizens Is A Personal Alarm

Being in the business of non-lethal self-defense I have made it my mission in life to protect as many innocent people as I possibly can through the education and implementation of non-lethal self-defense items such as stun devices, defensive sprays, personal alarms and the like. I firmly believe that every law abiding adult should have the right, if not the responsibility to themselves and their family, to carry some form of non-lethal self defense at all times. Oftentimes you will see devices like pepper spray, stun guns and personal alarms geared toward women and seniors and for good reason. The idea is that individuals who may be at a physical disadvantage in the event of an attack should be armed with a device that can help them walk away from such an attack unscathed. Anyone male or female of just about any age could benefit from such devices but I personally focus most of my efforts on educating senior citizens in regards to non-lethal self-defense. Again, anyone could potentially benefit from carrying some form of self-defense but I think senior citizens more than anyone can see this benefit as they are often targeted by scumbag criminals that assume seniors will be an easier target and less capable of physically defending themselves.

There are a multitude of devices that senior citizens can use to help protect themselves in the unfortunate event of an attack but none are safer and easier to use than personal alarms. That is not to say that I don’t think stun devices and/or defensive sprays would not be suitable for many seniors it is just that with stun devices and defensive sprays one runs the risk of potentially injuring themselves in the process of trying to defend themselves. Also stun devices and defensive sprays could potentially be wrestled from a senior and used against them by the attacker, especially if the attacker is considerably stronger and faster than the senior in question.

Personal alarms are wonderful because not only are they absolutely and completely safe but can also be extremely effective, just as effective as a stun device or defensive spray in many cases. Personal alarms work by emitting an extremely loud distress signal and when I use the words ‘extremely loud’ I am talking about 130 decibels or roughly the volume equivalent of standing in the 10th row of the average rock show here. That is more than enough volume to scare the holy heck out of any attacker and send him running in the opposite direction for fear of being seen and apprehended. So if you are a senior citizen, or anyone for that matter, who would enjoy the extra security that carrying a personal alarm can bring, please consider carrying one yourself.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more items of self defense for senior citizens or to buy personal alarms yourself please visit us online

Friday, December 2, 2011

People On Santa’s ‘Nice’ List Deserve A Cell Phone Stun Gun This Year

It’s that time of year again when Jolly Old Saint Nick will be checking his ‘naughty’ and ‘nice’ lists to see who he brings a stocking full of coal and who he brings such wonderful gifts. Hopefully you’ve been good this year and won’t be receiving a stocking full of coal but instead a much wanted gift. Perhaps a game console that you can spend countless hours on, exploring virtual game worlds and avoiding the outdoors like some crazy recluse hermit. Or maybe the gift you would really like Santa to bring down the chimney this year is a new bright orange turtleneck sweater that Santa’s elves (your grandmother) knitted you, thinking you wanted a bright orange, hand-knit turtleneck sweater. If you were really good though you might just awake Christmas morning, look under your tree and fins a gift that you can really use, one that may even potentially save your life one day and that gift is a cell phone stun gun.

Cell phone stun guns are highly effective tools of non-lethal defense disguised as cell phones and I assure you that even on the closest of inspections it is impossible to tell that these things are anything but the cell phones they are pretending to be. What they really are though is a 4.5 million volt stun gun entirely capable of subduing even the biggest and baddest of grinches this holiday season.

Picture this if you will, you are at the mall returning the sweater grandma bought you, it is wintertime so it gets dark early and the parking lot you are in is dimly lit and there is no security surveillance of the lot. You begin to hear footsteps behind you and the pace of these footsteps is beginning to speed up and whoever the feet belong to is obviously heading in your direction and getting closer by the second. You spin around to see a large man wearing a ski mask to hide his identity and although it is cold enough out to warrant a ski mask you know this guy isn’t worried about the cold as much as he is worried about what is in your purse. If Santa had not brought you anything but coal you could be in a a very bad, if not life-threatening, situation at this point. But since you were so good you have in your purse a cell phone stun gun and the grinch in the ski mask now has millions of volts running through his body and will be instantly hitting the ground in a blubbering useless heap and you can make your escape and go get authorities. And because it is the holiday season you needn’t worry about causing your fellow man, even the ones who try to mug you, any long term ill effects as the cell phone stun gun’s current is also a low amperage current and hence will not prove lethal or even cause long term damage.

So this holiday season please consider giving the loved ones on your list something they can really use with a cell phone stun gun.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see more information on the cell phone stun gun or to learn where to buy stun guns please visit us online.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Know Where To Buy Pepper Spray And Don’t Become A Victim This Holiday Season

It’s that time of year again when the malls are packed with busy little shoppers. The holiday buzz is in the air and last second shoppers are scurrying about, looking for that perfect gift for the special people on their list. Unfortunately, amidst all this cheerful holiday shopping lies a dark truth about this time of year and that is that this time of year leads to an increased number of assaults and robberies, especially in and around malls and specifically mall parking lots. Your common criminal does not care that it is the season of giving; all he sees is an increased number of potential targets walking alone through a dimly lit mall parking lot with a purse full of cash. And if by chance the poor, defenseless shoppers they mug in the parking lot don’t have cash they can always rob these shoppers of their newly purchased gifts.

My point here is to make you aware of the fact that when you are out at the mall shopping this holiday season you may want to take extra precautions to ensure that you do not become another tragic holiday statistic. For one I would definitely shop alone as having a friend with you will always markedly decrease your chances of being targeted by potential criminals and if you must shop alone make sure you park in a well-lit area that has security surveillance of some kind. Last but certainly not least it would behoove you to carry some form of non-lethal self-defense so that if you are confronted by someone that isn’t feeling the holiday spirit you can defend yourself in a safe but effective manner.

You have a few choices when considering non-lethal self-defense tools this holiday season but the one I think that has really proven ideal for just about anyone is a defensive spray. Pepper spray, or mace as some call it even though Mace is a brand of pepper spray, is a highly effective pepper based spray that works by causing severe inflammation, swelling and intense pain to the attackers mucus membranes (eyes, nose, mouth, throat). The effects are temporary and almost never cause any lingering negative side effects which also makes pepper spray not only safe but humane as well. Defensive sprays are also extremely easy to use and require no special training whatsoever which is another reason they are so ideal for just about anyone.

So this holiday season, when you are out there getting your shopping done at the local mall please remember to keep yourself safe and consider carrying a defensive spray of some kind.

Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems

To see where to buy pepper spray or where to buy mace please visit us online.