Wednesday, December 7, 2011

You May As Well Leave Your Door Wide Open If You’re Not Going To Install Apartment Alarms

If you are currently renting an apartment and that is your primary residence I hope that you have already had the presence of mind to install 1 or more, very inexpensive, very basic apartment alarms to secure this apartment. If you have not done so you should probably just leave your door wide open next time you head off to work in the morning. While you are at it why don’t you leave a helpful little note for any potential burglars informing them as to where they can find the most valuable items so that they don’t have to waste any time and can hopefully get away scott free. You could assist these home invaders even more by leaving a dolly for any heavy items that would otherwise take an extra burglar or two to carry. Plus you wouldn’t want any burglar to hurt themselves carrying all of your belongings down to the van so that they can go sell it on the black market, would you? Now before you go and read this and think I am just being a smart aleck, please understand that it is obvious I am joking but to do the things I just mentioned don’t seem too terribly insane compared to not installing something as simple and affordable as an apartment alarm to protect all of your worldly possessions and the peace of mind and feeling of security that doing so can instill.

The truth of the matter is that the vast majority of apartments have no security measures in place to help protect against break in. What makes this fact harder to stomach is that, contrary to belief, an apartment is more likely to be broken into than is a single family home, yet a higher percentage of single family homes have security devices installed and those are much more expensive and much more complicated to install than are your average apartment alarms.

One argument that I hear all too often is the “well I’m not concerned, I have renters insurance”. Really? You aren’t concerned with criminals breaking into the place you sleep (potentially while you are still there sleeping!) and rummaging through your stuff to decide which items to take for themselves? Is your renters insurance policy going to deflect bullets if one of those criminals should happen to have a gun and doesn’t feel like leaving any witnesses when you startle him by walking in on him robbing you? the answer is no it is most certainly not going to stop bullets and for that matter neither will an apartment alarm but what an apartment alarm will do, that a renters insurance policy cannot, is thwart this criminals entry before it even starts.

If a burglar has any brains whatsoever and hears an extremely loud wailing siren go off when he goes to open your door or break a window that burglar is most likely going to turn tail and run like the coward he really is. No burglar wants to be caught or they wouldn’t be very successful burglars now would they? So please do yourself an immense favor and secure an apartment alarm for yourself and install it before it is too late.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more apartment alarms please visit us online at Puzek Security Systems

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