Thursday, December 29, 2011

Personal Alarms Make The Perfect Self Defense For Seniors

The number of senior citizens and the Earth’s population in general, is growing with each new day and as an unfortunate result so is the number of “easy targets” for scumbag criminals the world over. You see the criminal mind, although void of good intentions, is often smart enough to understand that the path of least resistance is the way to go when looking to profit from criminal activities. So when you’re common, petty, purse-snatching, criminal is on the prowl and looking for an easy target he is much more apt to choose a senior citizen than say a 30 year old and the reasons for this should be obvious. The criminal will assume, unfairly or not, that the senior citizen will be much less apt at defending themselves than will the 30 year old, this is exactly why every single senior citizen should carry some instrument of self-defense.

Today senior citizens have a multitude of options when it comes to picking an instrument of self-defense. Obviously, any choice should be legal but just as importantly any choice we make should also be safe. Furthermore, I think any self-defense choice we make should be a non-lethal one as everyone deserves to be treated humanely, even scumbag criminals. Non-lethal in no way implies ‘ineffective’ as many weapons of non-lethal self defense can be every bit as effective as a handgun. Amongst these non-lethal self-defense products you have stun devices, defensive sprays and my personal favorite for senior citizens, personal alarms. Stun devices and defensive sprays can be extremely effective but there is an inherent danger in that effectiveness that I think makes them dangerous, if not counterproductive, for some. I would strongly suggest either a stun device or pepper spray for an able bodied, relatively strong senior but for those seniors who are not as strong and fast these weapons could be potentially taken by the assailant and used against the senior. For this reason I think a personal alarm is really the best call as a personal alarm does not work by causing pain or incapacitation to work, as would be the case with either a stun device or defensive spray.

Personal alarms work by emitting an extremely loud distress signal that can be audible up to half a mile away. What this does is draw the attention of anyone in the area and more importantly scares the heck out of the assailant as he or she knows full well that everyone in the area has heard this distress signal and attention has been drawn. Many of these alarms come in the form of keychains which make them not only convenient but also very difficult to forget when leaving the house. So please consider such a device if you are a senior citizen or know one that you would like to protect.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more self defense for seniors like the keychain alarm please visit us online.

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