Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Stun Gun Flashlight Can Make A Unique And Useful Christmas Gift

Think back to all of the past Christmas’s you can remember and try to think of one useful gift you have received that you use on a regular basis. I can only think of one offhand and that is the Brookfield Zoo family pass that my dear Mother gifts my family every year with. I would say that family pass saves me about 500 dollars or more a year in discounts and free admission. I would definitely consider that a useful gift and certainly one that I use more than any Christmas sweater I have ever received. No Christmas sweater, regardless of how stylish and handsome they may have been, was going to light my way if the power in my house went out or I was hiking in the woods behind my house at night. You sure as heck aren’t going to see Grandma knit a Christmas sweater that is going to come with an attachable red cone, like the stun gun flashlight does, that helps keep you visible during roadside emergencies at night. If you know how scary and potentially dangerous it can be to have to change a tire on the side of the highway at night then you will know just how splendidly useful something as simple as this attachable roadside emergency cone can be. Now, I have seen some loud Christmas sweaters in my day but I’ve never seen one that is literally and audibly as loud as the 130 decibel alarm that comes with the stun gun flashlight. That’s plenty loud enough to scare a potential attacker silly and draw the attention of anyone in the area. Last but not least if this attacker ignore the alarm and decides to continue his attack I can assure you that no Christmas sweater is going to save you but the 200,000 volt stun mechanism on this stun gun flashlight certainly can. 200,000 volts is more than enough to incapacitate even the most fierce and grinch-iest of attackers.

Seeing as it is Christmas time and a season of giving in general I think it is important to point out that the stun gun flashlight, like all non-lethal self-defense products, is not only non-lethal but should in almost every single case leave your attacker dazed and confused but without any permanent damage or side effects other than possibly instilling a desire to not break the law again, which could prove very beneficial to said attacker if he wants anything good for Christmas next year. So please consider such a device for anyone on your list that you would like the comfort of knowing can be protected from an attacker at all times.

Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer

To see more information on the stun gun flashlight please visit your friendly online stun gun dealer.

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